Saturday, November 20, 2010

Episode 8

Carla/Robert and Sh/Itt
Shy wakes up by his mother, Carla, gently shaking
him.  He looks up at her and leaps up and
gives her the tightest hug.  Itt opens
one eye and looks at the embrace of Carla and Shy and small bit of jealousy
emerged inside of him.  He wishes he had
that love for his mother and vice versa. This is the first time Itt has wakened
up and is confused about his whereabouts. He lets out a small mumble.  Carla
and Shy hold was broken as the silence in the room was.  They both look over at Itt.
“Who are you?” Itt asks.
Carla walks closer to Itt and places her hand on his shoulder.
“I’m Carla and this is my son Sh, we call him Shy.”
Carla spoke with a gentle motherly voice.
“What happened to me? Where am I?  Where is Paul?” Itt asks.
Carla and Shy looks at each other in confusion.  A nurse walks in and with a Jamaican accent says, “Hello, I’m Nurse Kenyatta.  Are you his mum?”
“Na….” Shy cuts Carla off,” yes that’s my brother and
this is my mom Carla.  The nurse looks at
Shy over the top of her glasses and presses her lips tightly together.
“Umm hmmm”, Nurse Kenyatta replied.
“How is he?” Carla asked.
“Your son looks like he will be all right.  Everything looks good’mon”, Nurse Kenyatta
“Thank you, nurse”.
“The doctor will be in with his release papers and I
will need insurance information, please.”
Robert walks in the now crowded hospital room.
“I will be taken care of it”, Robert said.  He walks out of the room with the nurse to
the desk.  Shy grabs Itts’ hand and says ‘nice to finally meet you Itt’.  Itt
looks at Shy with a slight grin on his face and says ‘same here, brother’ they
laugh together and then Itt starts to cough in pain.
“I think I’m just a little sore.  I’m alright,” Itt said.
Robert walks back into the room and announces that Itt
can be release tomorrow.
“Where are you staying, Itt”, Robert asks.
“I was getting a room”, Itt answers.
“How old are you, son”, Robert asks.
“Tomorrow’s my birthday. I will be 18.”
Itt told them that he came to Minnesota because there was nothing left for him in New York and that his mother was a drug addict.  He told them about The Boss and that he has to repay him for the money and flight and he has no intention of repaying or
going back to
New York.
“Well we still need to contact Stacy and let her know you are okay.  In the meantime you can stay at our house”, Robert said.
Shy face was plastered with a huge grin.  Carla looked at Robert and signaled him into
the hallway.
“What are you doing? We don’t even know him.  And this Boss guy sounds dangerous?  What if he comes looking for him?” Carla says.
“Well, honey we can’t let him just stay in a hotel room in his condition unattended.  It
will be fine.  It’s just until we contact his mother.” Robert says.
“Well maybe Shy should stay here until we get things straighten out.  That boy really doesn’t have a stable home to go to.  And you can tell he is in a lot of pain,” Carla says.
“You right, Honey. Cause I really have to get there tomorrow and get it jumpstarted”,
Robert says.
They both walk back into the hospital room.
“Itt, baby, don’t worry about staying at a hotel.  You are staying with us until we here from your mother”, Carla said and worried if this is a good decision.
“Please don’t call her that.  With all due respect, she hasn’t been much of
a mother”. Itt said.
Carla looks at Itt and then at Robert with sad eyes and thinking how lucky she is to have the family she has.
“Fair enough, Itt. Until we get in touch with Stacy, you can stay at our home”, Carla says.
“Shy, is something wrong son.  You have been pretty quiet?” Robert asked.
“No, I’m just a little tired and hungry.  I have double beds in my room Itt, you can
room with me if you like”, Shy said.
“I don’t wanna cause any trouble with anyone”.
“Look, it’s a done deal”, Robert said.
Jon sits in his condo listening to Marvin Gaye’s
Greatest Hits.  He gets his 5 feet 10inch 195lb frame up and looks out the window that is facing the park.  He admires the parents that he sees spending
quality time with their kids.  Children are the one thing that Jon doesn’t have and he is seriously thinking of having a child.  In his current relationship
situation he doesn’t know if that is possible. 
Jon born as a single child and often found himself
lonely and depressed.  He wasn’t one for socializing.  His parents gave him everything he wanted except time.  He was a true loner.  When he met Janet she was so sweet and she mothered him and that is what made him fall in love with her.  He helped her through school as long as she kept giving him that nurturing that he missed as a child.  But once she got her degrees and graduated
everything took a turn for the worst. She started to belittle him as if she was better than him and she questioned herself why she mothered him. She started to have regrets of being with Jon.  She looked at him as a weak man.  Jon took everything that Janet gave him and more.  She was verbally and physically abusive.  And he just took it and it
became natural to him, so he lived in his cocoon until the day he hit for 15
million dollars.  With smart investments and a great financial planner Jon is now worth 250 million dollars. 
Tracy is driving alone on the highway and tears are racing
down his caramel toned face.  He can’t believe the things that rolled off his tongue. He is concern about how Janet is gonna handle this and where he is gonna
find peace in knowing what is to come. 
Tracy is on his way to his practitioners for a check
up.  Inside the lobby he started to feel faint.
“Can I have some water please?” Tracy asked the receptionist.
“Sure.  I will be right back.” The receptionist answered.
On his was back to his chair his head started to feel
heavy and his knees were weak.  With fail strength,
Tracy falls to the floor just as the receptionist walks back in with Tracy’s water in her hand. Her hands open and the cup of water lands on the berber carpet.
“Dr. Dumadi, Dr. Dumadi!  Your patient passed out”, the receptionist
Dr. Dumandi runs into the waiting room and checks Tracy’s pulse, just as Tracy seems to come out of his spell.  Dr. Dumandi takes Tracy to the examine room and close the door.
After a couple hours Tracy and Dr. Dumandi walks out
into the waiting room and he is telling
Tracy about new medication and to see the reception for a follow up appointment.  Tracy seemed distraught at the news he just heard. 
Lauren is a 30 year old southern girl who moved to Chicago 5years ago from Tennessee and started at Unigrow as an assistant manager.  She has a Masters in Business Management and believes that her hard work and civil upbringing will bring her success.  She works up under Janet whom she just learned to have a lot of patience for and finds herself at times about to loose that southern charm. 
Lauren is very ambitious and also along with Janet,
has applied for the CEO position at headquarters Unigrow.  Unigrow is a versatile call center for big box stores.  She has a great passion for
management and knows that if she gets the position that it will cause tension
between her and her present manager.  But she isn’t worried about that.  Lauren has
become great friends with
Tracy and is worried about him.  She is concerned if Tracy will be coming back to work and how the relationship with Janet and Tracy will transpire.  Now that everyone is let in on the little secret about Tracy and Janet, which of course is a violation of policy, how will Lauren handle this?, especially if
she gets the position. 
(One the phone with Tracy-one sided conversation)
“Hey Trace?  How
are you doing?” Lauren asked.
“Oh my Tracy, what are you going to do?” Lauren asked very
“Did you tell anyone else?” Lauren asked.
“Alright Tracy, I will meet you there and we will talk about
this.  Okay?” Lauren said.
“Ok bye”, Lauren said and hung up the phone.
To Be Continued