Monday, November 29, 2010

Episode 10

Friday, June 17, 2011 6am
It’s a beautiful day.  The forecast reports its 73 degrees weather.  A warm breeze of air blows through the off-white sheers that drapes along the French doors that leads out to Janets’ balcony located in her spacious bedroom.  She slams her hand down on the alarm to turn it off.  She was already awake before the noisy machine decided to pollute the quietness. She is excited to hear that she will be made the CEO of Unigrow today.  She no longer has to work in that dreadful office with all those peasants, especially Lauren.  If she had her way Lauren would have had her country ass fired along time ago.  But Janet only has so much power and today she knows all of that will change. 
Janet walks into her on-suite bathroom and step on the cold marble tiles.  She takes a look in the mirror and remembers that she cried herself to sleep, given notice to the eye shadow markings around her eyes similar to a raccoon.  She turns on her water and bends over to splash the warmness on her face, she is now standing straight up with her eyes closed protecting them from the soap lather.  She bends over to rinse and stands again and is startle by the reflected image in the mirror of Jon Capt standing behind her.
Friday, June 17, 2011 6am 
Tracy lives in a small loft downtown Chicago.  He don’t have much furniture but not because he can’t afford it.  He always plans to buy a home and then buy furniture to fill it.  He feels it’s a waste of money to spend thousands of dollars on furniture in an apartment.  He looks at the phone as it is ringing for the 100th time.  Tracy has been dodging Jon’s calls.  He is still in the clothes that he wore to the doctor’s office and notices a stench as he lifts his arms to sniff.  He starts to take off his clothes and as he is pulling his shirt off his stomach starts to feel like it wants to explode.  He runs to the bathroom and hurl.  He bends over the sink and cups his hand over running water and sips, not to drink but to rinse the particles out his mouth.  He opens his medicine cabinet and takes the new medication his doctor prescribed him.  He is not surprised at the reaction to his condition, it’s quite normal.  He continues to undress and gets into the shower.  While Tracy is in the shower he can hear his phone ringing.  This time he decided to answer.
“I’m sorry”.
“I’m sorry too”. Tracy says.
“I miss you, honey.  I am over here hallucinating.  I thought I saw Jon in my bathroom.  I can’t sleep.  I’m just….” Janet says.
Tracy hears a knock at the door and Janet can hear the knock over the receiving in.
“Is somebody at your door?” Janet asked.
“Yeah, hold on a minute.”
Janet presses the phone on her ear harder to hear who could be at Tracy’s door.
Tracy looks through the peek hole and unlocks and unchains the door.  The phone is placed on a shelf that is near the door.  Jon walks inside and looks around the loft as if he was expecting someone else to be there.
“What are you doing here?” Tracy asked.
"Well I was worried about you.  I called and no one answered the phone.  So I thought I just stop by to make sure everything is ok”, Jon said with concern.
“I’m good Jon.  I just had a lot on my mind and didn’t feel like talking.  I’m sorry.” Tracy said and thought to herself ‘Oh shit, Janet’s on the phone’.
He puts his finger up to silence Jon.  He whispers to Jon and points to the phone.
“It’s Janet”.
Janet is listening and thinks she hears Jon’s name and voice and thinks that she must be hallucinating.
“Sorry Janet that was the manager of the building. They had a leak downstairs and thought it was coming from my place.”  Tracy said very convincing.
“Yeah, ok.  Look we need to talk about what’s going on with us.  If there is an ‘us’.  I know that I have been a bitch,” Janet says.
“Look Janet, I have to go.  I have to get ready for work”.
“Yeah, you do.  I have ‘the meeting’ this morning with the heads of the company. So I will see you later.  We will do dinner tonight.  Ok. Done deal”, Janet said very frankly.
Tracy hangs up the phone and Jon tries to go in for a kiss only to be rejected by Tracy.
“What’s wrong, Trace?” Jon asked worried.
“I think I’m coming down with something.  I’ll be fine. Look let me finish getting ready and I’ll see you at the meeting”.
“I thought that we can ride together and I insist”, Jon said.
Jon and Tracy are in the back of the limo on their way to Unigrow.  Tracy starts to feel that explosion for the second time this morning.  He rushes to power down the windows, sticks his head out and starts to hurl.  Jon is looking at Tracy with concern and immediately grabs a few napkins and waits until he’s done.  Jon instructs the driver to stop at the first exit.
Friday, June 17, 2011 6am
(Part 9 end of dream- Shy’s Dream)
………………I’m here.  I’m here”, Shy says frightened.
Itt opens his eyes and Shy stands over him with his hands on Itt’s shoulders.
“I’m here.  I’m here.”
Itt lifts his body up and pulls Shy into him and kiss him passionately.
“Shy?” Carla says.
Shy and Itt jumps out of their embrace, embarrassed.
Shy is not a stranger to weird dreams but he never thought that he would dream somebody else’s dream and it is his dream.  Shy dreams are very vivid and strange and no one would ever believe some of the dreams he has.  He is so out of this world with his imagination and that is the reason his dreams are so amazing.
Shy wakes up from another strange dream and is surprised that his parents allowed him to stay with Itt.  Today is the day that Itt leaves the hospital.  Robert nor Carla has been able to get in touch with Stacy.
“How’s the boy?” Nurse Kenyatta says.
“I’m feeling really good today”, Shy says.
“Boy, you not the one laying on the bed.  I’m talking to ya brotha”, Nurse Kenyatta says with laughter.
“I’m good.  Can I leave, please?” Itt replied.
“Yes boy, soon as your parents get here.  You are free as a bird”.
“My dad bought you some clothes and shoes. Maybe you should take a shower before they get here,” Shy suggested.
Itt gets in the shower and he hears Shy talking with his parents.  They sound very concern about his future, especially because they weren’t able to reach his mother.
“Your mom is gonna take yall home, but she has to stop at the university to pick up a
few things”, Robert says.
Itt walks into the room with just a towel on and Shy finds it hard to look at him.  Itt grabs the neatly laid out clothes off the bed and walks back into the bathroom.  Meanwhile Shy breathing is heavy and his cheeks are red.  He never imagined that he would see such a beautiful specimen. To him it was a high better than any blade could ever do.
Itt walks out of the bathroom fully dressed. Shy is amazed how good Itt looks. Itt looks at Shy and thinks to himself ‘he’s pretty thin’ but is happy that Shy looks exactly like his pictures online.  Robert gives Carla a kiss and hugs Shy and shakes Itt’s hand while saying his good byes. He has to hurry to catch a flight to New York to set up the new bakery.  Robert walks to the front of the hospital and receives a call from Thunder.
“Hey Thunder, I’m so glad you accepted my offer. I’m on my way to the airport now. And I haven’t told Carla yet but I received a call from The Othella Show.  One of her producers tried the new low-fat cranberry lemon pound cake.  And I told her that you and I are starting our low-fat low-cal baked goods.  Well she is very interested and wants to feature us on an upcoming show.  Thunder, I need you to come to New York in about 3 days to work me out.  I am serious about changing my diet.  I need to be around for my kids, you know?”
“Yeah, Robert, I do know.  And that’s great news.  Just tell me what you need and we will be good”.  Thunder said excitedly.
“I want to surprise Carla.  She will be so proud,” Robert says.
“Yeah, I’m sure she will be.  Maybe I can set her up with one of my female trainers,” says Thunder.
“Well let me talk to her first…..hey we’ll talk later.  My cab is here”, Robert hurried off the
Friday, June 17, 2011 6am
The Boss aka Charles Roman the Third 
“Any word on my boy?” Charles Roman the Third said.
“We track him down to this hospital in Minnesota, but they said he checked out today with his mom and pops,” Tyrone said.
“Track down that Shy boy.  I’m sure he’s with them.  NOW!!!” Charles Roman the Third yelled.
“Who saw you come here?” Charles Roman the Third asked Tyrone.
“I don’t know Boss.  Nobody”, Tyrone said terrified.
Charles Roman the Third, 63, standing at 5ft 6inches and around 300lbs, he grew up in New York with his father Charles Roman the Second.  He never knew who his mother was.  His father was murdered when a business deal went bad.  Charles Roman the Second asked his son Charles Roman the Third if he ever had a son to be sure that he carries the name.  Before his father’s departure, Charles Roman the Third has been running the business with success.  However, it is his mission to grant his fathers wish to carry the name.  He can’t have anymore children since he was shot in the groin by Stacys’ sister Jackie.  
Tyrone and Charles Roman the Third escape through a hidden tunnel that was built by his father.  The tunnel leads to an unsuspecting store in China Town.  Charles Roman the Third place a call on his cell phone and a Lincoln Navigator pulls up and Tyrone and Charles Roman the Third gets inside.
“Airport!” Charles Roman the Third yells to the driver.
“Boss, where we heading?” Tyrone asked.
“I know you’re not that smart so I will answer, we are going to get my son, dummy”, Charles Roman the Third says. 
As they pass the FBI trucks and Charles Roman the Third’s home he places another call and suddenly the house blows up. This is one of many homes the Boss owns.
Friday, June 17, 2011 6am
Stacy is bothered by the noise she hears.  A couple is arguing about their kids.  She thinks of Itt and wonders where he is. She doesn’t know about the plane crash. Nor does she have any idea where he can be.  She decided to go to the police station and report him missing and hope that they would help her with shelter and food.  She picks her frail body off the wet cardboard.  There is maggots and spoiled food where she slept.  It was dark and she was high when she found what she thought of a perfect bed until the 6am sun along with the couple woke her up.  She feels dirty, hungry, and she is in a reat deal of pain.  As she walks she can barely keep her 5 foot 3 inch 98lbs body balanced.  She walks with her arms folded tightly in her torn, dirty, blue jean jacket.  She manages to make it to a precinct.
“My boy is missing”, Stacy says looking desperate.
“Ma’am, how old is the boy?” an officer asked.
“He just turned 18”. Stacy says as if she had done a great job raising him.
“Ma’am, he is an adult.  How long has he been gone?”
“Shit, I don’t know.  3, 4 days.  Shit it’s been over the 24 hours.  I ain’t seen’em.  Look yall got something to eat?”
“Ma’am, it’s a soup kitchen on 281 Pleasant street.  They can help you out,” the officer said.
A female officer went to Stacy and gave her a bag of McDonald’s breakfast that she bought in for herself. 
“Thank you, gurl.  You got some money?” Stacy asked with her hands in a position of prayer.
The officers forcibly walked Stacy out of the precinct and told her to go to The Living Room; it’s a shelter for the homeless.
Friday, June 17, 2011 7am
Itt, Shy, and Carla
Itt, Shy, and Carla are leaving the hospital. Shy let Itt sit in the front with Carla and Shy sat directly behind Itt.  Shy is feeling very nervous because he don’t know how he is gonna relate to Itt in person.  He doesn’t know how to be who he is on the internet.  Shy just wanna touch Itt in some way.  Shy takes his fingers and gently puts them in between Itt’s belt and pants. Itt feels Shy touching him but decides to ignore it but is relieved that what he though about Shy is true.  Itt is not sure if he wants to come out to Shy and tell him how he really feels.
“Look, Shy, they are working on your school”, Carla says breaking the silence.
“Yeah, they didn’t waste anytime”, Shy responded.
“Are you boy’s hungry?” Carla asked.
“NO!” says Shy.  “YES!” say Itt.
“Man you need to eat something.  You barely ate at the hospital,” Itt said.
“I’m just not hungry”, Shy says.
They pull into a Burger King drive-thru and order breakfast.  Itt takes his left hand and puts it behind his seat and rubs Shy’s forearm.
“Here, I insist, have my hash browns”, Itt says.
“Ok, geez. Thank you”, Shy says. 
Carla is driving and eating fast and Itt looks over to her with a shocking look on his face.  Itt turns around and looks at Shy and Shy just shrugs his shoulders. Carla pulls up to a stop sign and suddenly starts to choke off her food.
“Mom, are you ok?” Shy ask frightened.
“I…I….can’t….,” Carla failed to speak clearly.
She manages to put the car in park.  Itt and Shy both jumps out and runs to the driver side. She gets out the car and Shy starts to pound Carla on her back.  Itt remembers from watching movies how to do the heimlich maneuver.  Itt moves Shy to the side and stands behind Carla but he could not put his arms around her 300lb plus body.  Another driver sees the events taking place run over to help. The guy got Carla to lie in the street and he stuck his finger in her throat and cleared the blockage.  She started to cough, and she was saved. 
“Thunder?” Shy said.
“Hey Shy.”
“You saved my moms life”, Shy said and gave Thunder the tightest hug.
“Do you know him?” Itt asked while looking over Thunder.
"Yes, this is my trainer”, Shy answered.
“Thank you so much, I don’t know what happened. Thank you.  You saved my life,”
Carla said with appreciation.
“Well, what am I supposed to do?  I’m Thunder by the way.  I’m the trainer that your husband hired to train your son,” Thunder said.
“Really?  What a coincident? Maybe we should get out the street?”  Carla said.
Thunder reaches his hand out to Itt and Itt gave him a half hearted hand shake.
“Nice to meet you Itt”, Thunder said.
“How do you know my name?” Itt asked.
“Shy was with me when we heard about the plane”, Thunder responded.
Carla looks at Itt and saw that he was uncomfortable.
“Well Thunder, thank you again.  If it’s anything I can do for you just let me know”, Carla said.
She gives Thunder a hug.  Shy was very impressed by Thunder while Itt was a bit intimated by Thunder.
Inside Shys’ room Itt lays on his back in the twin sized bed.  Shy stands over Itt and ask him how he was feeling.
“So you are too, huh?” Itt asked.
“What are you talking about?” Shy responded.
Itt sits up on the bed.
“Well, I know. I am too.  Do your parents know?  Stacy don’t.” Itt says.
“Yeah, they know.  They found out last week”.
“Have you ever been……”
“No…never.  You?”
Friday, June 17, 2011 8am
Janet, Tracy, Jon, and Lauren
Unigrow headquarter is a state of the art facility. This is one of Jon’s proudest investments.  The company is making great profits and today will go under a great change.  Jon is quite excited about announcing Tracy as the new CEO. 
Jon and Tracy arrive at Unigrow.  Jon is bothered by Tracy because he has been so distant.  They walk into the elevator and push number 14.  Jon suggests that Tracy waits in his office until 8:30am the time of the meeting.  Tracy head is spinning with thoughts and is very unsure
about his future.
The secretary places a clear glass pitcher of water in the center of the conference table.  The room is comfortable with large windows facing the Chicago downtown skyline.  Four executives walk inside the room with random chatter. Janet walks inside the headquarters. She walks up to the receptionist desk and throws her Burberry shawl on the receptionist desk.  She gets inside the elevator and just as she is about to push number 14 a hand is rushed between the closing elevator doors and the doors reverse.
“Excuse you?  What are you doing here?” Janet asked.
“Oh, hey.  I’m here for the meeting.”
“What meeting are you here for?  You have no business in this building,” Janet said.
“For the CEO position, honey.  I am qualified,” Lauren said.
“The only thing you are qualified for is getting my coffee.  I don’t even know how you even became an assistant”, Janet said.
“Didn’t you get enough from Tracy?” Lauren said. 
Lauren and Janet both tried to exit the elevator at the same time causing them to squeeze through.  Lauren put on her best runway walk and Janet tried to do the same but her ankle twisted.  They walk inside the conference room that four executives occupied.  Everyone says ‘hello’ except Janet.  Tracy walks inside the room and Janet gets up and grabs Tracys’ arm and pulls him outside the room. 
“What are you doing here?” Janet asked.
Tracy snatches his arm back and walks back inside and takes a seat.  Lauren waves at Tracy and mouths ‘you applied too?’ Tracy shakes her head up and down. 
“What the hell is going on Tracy?”
“Janet, will you just shut up?!” Lauren yelled.
“Will you all please be quiet?  I don’t know where you people come from, but this is a place of business,” one of the executives said.
Janet’s face looks like a road map from the veins that were about to explode.  Her heart was racing with rage and her fingernails were gripping the mahogany stained conference table.  She was of pure evil thoughts and seemed to be out for blood.
“Good morning everyone, I’m Jon Capt, as most of you know”, Jon said with a huge grin.
Janet turned around and looked at Tracy and looks at the other attendees and turned her attention back to Jon.  Her face turned blank and her ears shut down.
“No, no, no, NO, no.  What are you trying to do to me!?  No.” Janet says shocked and afraid.
Janet stands up and walks toward window and starts to pace back and forth.  Her speaking became inaudible.  She walks over to Lauren and back slaps her and she walks over to Tracy
but he grabs her arm before the slap can land and he grips her arm and twists it behind her back, it forces her to sit back in the chair.
“Jon, you are dead!  Aren’t you?” Janet says and grabs Jon face as if she is pulling a mask off.
“Call security,” Jon tells the secretary.
He grabs Janet hands and Tracy and one of the executives grabs Janet until security arrives.
“He’s dead!  Do you know?! That man in there is supposed to be dead.  I know this because
After the entire ruckus that Janet caused Jon apologized and the meeting continued.
“I am proud to announce Tracy….” Jon was interrupted by Tracy.
“No, Jon.  I’m sorry.  Can I talk to you for a second?  Excuse me guys.  I’m sorry,” Tracy says to Jon and the rest of the group.
Tracy tells Jon that he won’t be accepting the position for CEO and prefer to stay in his position for now.  He told Jon that is not his dream to be a CEO for Unigrow.  He wants to continue studying in his field of criminal justice and go to law school.  Jon understands Tracy wants to continue to follow his dreams and supports him on his decision.
“Sorry guys but that was important…so anyway, for the announcement of CEO, Lauren Locket.  She has been a pillar for the organization and we love her work.  I thank you all for applying and trust that you will support me on my decision.  Thank you; enjoy the rest of your day.” Jon said and was happy about the decision.
Lauren Locket was astounded on both parts, the fact that the new owner of the company is Jon Capt, whom is supposed to be the dead husband of Janet, and that she has just became the CEO of this multi-billion dollar company. 
Friday, June 17, 2011 10:37pm
Janet Capt is in a hick bar having sex with a potbelly stranger in the unisex bathroom.  While the potbelly stranger is moaning and stroking Janet stares up at the one 40 watt bulb hanging and her eyes are filled with tears.  She grips the potbelly strangers’ ears and pulls them so hard that the flesh begins to tear.  He jerks back and slaps her.
“What tha hell wrong wit you bitch?!” he says as he starts to beat her.
He sits in an office chair near his desk and looks through The Yellow Pages.  He is in the section Abortion Clinics.  He puts his head down on his desk until his phone startles him.
“Hey Lauren, by the way congratulations on the promotion”, Tracy said with sincerity.
“Thank you, Tracy.  So, Jon Capt is alive?  Did you know all this time?”
“Yes, Lauren.  That’s who baby I’m carrying.  But I don’t know if I’m keeping it”,  Tracy said.
“WHOA!!!”, says Lauren more shocked.
“Lauren, I have to go.  I’ll call you tomorrow”, Tracy says. 
Itt is sound asleep and Shy can’t sleep at all. Shy sits on the end of his bed and stares at Itt.  Itt must have heard Shy’s movement on the bed because his eyes are open but is facing the wall that the twin size bed is pushed up against.  Itt rolls over and face Shy and gave him a slight grin.  Shy grinned back.
“I’m sorry,” Shy said.
“It’s ok, Shy,” Itt said and sat up on the end of his bed.  He reaches his long arms over and grabs Shy’s hands and tugs him closer.  Shy is lifted off his bed and is now directly in Itt’s face. Itt grabs Shy by the back of his head and kisses him.
Carla walks into her kitchen and finds her stash, Snicker bars, potato chips with dip, and Little Debbie snack cakes.  She tears packages and begin to stuff her face with what she believes is heaven.  She begins to walk to her bedroom until her knees buckled.  All the snacks are laid out on the floor, but she stays there and continues to eat in the pitch black hallway that leads to her bedroom. 
Charles Roman the Third 
Charles Roman the Third and Tyrone arrive at St. Paul International Airport in Minnesota. Charles Roman the Third has just learned that the plane Itt was on was sabotaged by an enemy. Itt was the target to get back at the Boss. When the doors of the plane open red flashing lights and sirens is approaching the plane.  Glock 23’s have found their target.  Charles Roman the Third and Tyrone were taken into custody by the FBI for numerous charges. Charles Roman the Third knows that the tip of his arrival came in from the enemy that sabotaged his personal jet that Itt was on.
Robert is cleaning dishes that he used today trying to come up with new recipes.  He is proud of his achievements and excited about the new chapter in his life.  Once he finished the dishes he found a 24 hour fitness club and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
Thunder sits in his apartment and thinks about Carla. Carla has been on Thunders mind for the most part of the day.  He is worried about her and hopes that Robert talks with her soon about her condition.
Jon is sitting in the hallway of Tracys’ loft.  His back is against the door.  He can’t believe what he just overheard through Tracy’s door.  He wants to knock but is unsure how he would handle hearing the news of the possible abortion of his child.
“WHOA! This shit is heavy”.