Thursday, December 30, 2010

Episode 14

Shy walk into his room and locks the door, he goes into his box and pulls out a scrap piece of paper with Thunders number on it.
“Why isn’t he answering?” Shy says to himself.
He thinks about his sister being so brave and his mother actually caring about Itt to go look for him.  He grabs a pair of sneakers and put them on.  When he walks outside of his bedroom door he trips and falls on his face. He looks up and it is his brother Ryan. Ryan is 14 years old and is the
practical joker of the house. 
Shy picks himself up and looks at his brother.  Ryan is laughing
hysterically.  “You know what I really don’t have time to deal with you right now,” Shy said.
“Can I go with you?” Ryan asks.
“No, it might be dangerous,” Shy answered.
“Well, who’s gonna protect you?” Ryan said being a smart ass.
“Agh!” Shy looked at Ryan and continued out the house.
Once outside, Shy sees his mother and sister.  “Hey, wait for me!” Shy yelled.
He runs to catch up with them unto a figure runs right in front of him, facing him head on.  It was the guy that pushed Shy that was on the video that is now is circulating on youtube.
“Wassup, punk?” the guy said while he pushed Shy in the chest.
Shy stumbles backwards, but he doesn’t fall. 
“Don’t you know how to fight?  Or are you one of those flower boys?
Shy tries to walk around the guy but he kept stepping to each side that Shy was trying to pass.
“I don’t want any trouble”, Shy said extremely scared.
PUNCH! The boy punches Shy in the face and Shy stumbles to the cement. Shy jumps up off the ground and put his hand on each of the boys shoulder and knees him in his crouch. The boy bends over in agony “AGHHHHHHH! You pussy!” the boys yells.
“Leave him alone!  Pick on somebody your own size?”
Her arms grab the boy and shook him.  “What’s wrong with you?  You gon let that boy take you like that?”  She turns from the boy and slaps Shy.  “Don’t you ever touch him again.”
Carla from a distant turns and witnesses this average sized strange lady handling her son.  She runs in Shy direction, which was 5 houses down, and grabs the lady by the neck, wraps her arms around her until she surrendered and fell to the ground. Carla puts her left knee on the ladies chest and the weight of Carla pins her to the ground.  “If you touch him again I swear foe God I will kill you!” This is the very first time that Carla has ever had a physical altercation and she felt like a tiger. Brandy is in aw of what she sees what her mother is capable of.
“Call your dad, Thomas!  Call Thunder!” the lady told her son.
“THUNDER?!” CARLA AND SHY said shockingly.
Tracy hangs the phone up immediately after Jon’s threat.  His heart is racing.  He gets up from his desk and runs to the bathroom.  Inside the bathroom he paces and tries to figure what will he do?  He goes into his pocket to get his cell phone and realize he left it at his desk.  He leaves the bathroom to head back to his desk and sees Beth on his cell phone.
“Who was that?”  Tracy asks.
“It was Jon Capt, the president of the company”, Beth answered.
“Well, what did he say, Beth?”
“It was just ringing so much that’s the only reason I picked it up.”
“What did Jon say, Beth?”
“I really didn’t mean to pick it up”, Beth said.
Tracy knew that Jon must have said some horrible things.  He gets his phone and leaves the building.  He dials an abortion clinic and they are booked for any appointments. He calls information for some other clinics and none of the clinics will service him.  He gets in his car and drives to a clinic outside of town, and once they heard his name Tracy Johnson they told him that they can’t service him. ‘Jon paid these clinics to blacklist me’ he thought to himself.  He starts to pound his fist on the steering wheel in rage. AGHHHHH!!!!!!  I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM!!!!!! Tracy breaks down and his face is flooded with tears. 
He drives to a rough part of town and parks his car near a playground.  He walks over to the basketball court and asks to play. 
The guys tell him ‘next game’.
“No, I’m playing in this game”, Tracy demanded.
“Look man, woman, whatever the hell you are, we said next game”, one of the guy said and walked up on Tracy.
Tracy pushed the guy in his chest ‘Nigga, don’t walk up on me like that’.  Another guy walks up behind Tracy, “Dude, what’s your problem?” Tracy turns around and punches the guy in the face.  All of the guys rushed over and jumped Tracy.  He is down on the ground and not defending himself.  Tracy thinks to himself as he lays there getting beat ‘yeah beat this bastard out of me’.
Let me go!! Who are you?! What do you want from me?!” screamed Itt
Thinking to himself ‘who are these people? Do these people think that I’m Shy? Is this something that his family is rapped up in? Could this be The Bosses doing?’ Let me go!” Itt yells and kicks.
Itt shouts “Where am I?” as he is thrown into a room his head still covered with a black velvet bag. “Let me go! Let me go!”
“Shut up kid” says a deep and unfamiliar voice as the bag is pulled from his head. He can now breathe freely but thinks the bag is still on his head because of the pitch black room.
After yelling and trying to loosen the ropes binding him suddenly the door flies open and Itt sees the outline of a Coca-Cola shaped woman approaching him.
“So this is little Itt?” says the woman’s voice
“Let me go!” yells Itt
The lights flicker on and as Itt’s eyes adjust to his surroundings, he sees that he is in the office of a warehouse. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“Little Itt all grown up, you have grown up to be quiet the trouble maker, haven’t you? Just like your father.” says Francesca
“My who? Father?” says Itt
Yes little Itt, your father, Charles Roman has been a pain in my families side for years and from what I hear the apple didn’t fall to far from the tree,” says Francesca
“My father?  The Boss is my father?”
“You didn’t know?  Wow this is interesting.  He has protected you since you were a baby.  He’s been taking care of you and your mother.  You didn’t know?” Francesca said.
“No.  Why wouldn’t he tell me?  And why did you kidnap me?” Itt asked.
“You don’t question me little boy.” Francesca said and walked closer to Itt. She grabs his cheeks.  “You are a handsome boy too.  I’ll say Charles did
good”.  She took a hard look at Itt. “You’re gay”, she said.
“Wha…what?” Itt said embarrassingly.
“Your daddy doesn’t like homosexuals.  He actually had a cousin killed because he was gay and didn’t want him in his family. So little Itt, the plot thickens,” Francesca Tagliano said and walked out of the room.
To Be Continued……..