Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Episode 17

Itt sees the light of the sun peeking through a small crack from a boarded window.  He doesn’t hear any noise from the assuming close rooms.  He scoots the chair that he is tied too up against a close wall and tries to feel for a sharp object or anything useful to free him from the bondage of the ropes.  After an hour scooting from one wall to the
next he has gotten lucky.  He rubs the rope on an abrasive object until it is left with only a few threads, he breaks the remaining of the threads and frees himself. He creeps around the dark room feeling for a door or some type of exit and he has no luck.  He remembers the boarded window and he starts to pry the wood back.  With the board now released he is now faced with bars on the window bolted on the outside of the building.  With only the light from the window for him to see he notices that the door had no handle. He puts his ear to the door to hear if anyone was outside guarding the door or if anyone was in this building at all. He hears nothing.  He kicks the door, it doesn’t budge.  He looks out the window and sees a figure walking.  Being careful not to invite his new found enemies to his rescue he waits till the person is closer in view.  It was a lady with a suitcase and appears to be in a roughed up state, her hair wrapped in a scarf and her clothes is lacking a press. He notices the face even with its bruises it is still familiar to him.
He whispers as she is about to pass the building, “Janet?”
She doesn’t hear him at first so he repeats louder.
“Ike, is that you?  They have been looking for you,” Janet said.
“It’s Itt not Ike.  I was taken by these people and they locked me in this room”, Itt said.
“You can’t get out?” Janet asked.
“No, can you help me?” Itt said.
“Ike, look.  Your mother-in-law just kicked my ass and through me out the house.  I have my own problems.  I don’t know what type of ghetto mess you got yourself into, but I am not interested,” Janet said.
“Can you just call for help, please?” Itt begged.
Janet looks at the poor boy and rolls her eyes in irritation.
“Fine”, she pulls her cell phone out and calls Carla.
Carla sits in a dark bedroom crying and the only light in the room is from her vibrating phone which she is ignoring.  She can’t believe how she has been out of control from these damaged people.  It really has put her in a bad head space.  She glances over at her cell phone and sees that it is Janet, she decided she don’t want to argue with her and she has washed her hands with the evil spirit that lives within her sister.
“I know you see that it is me calling, but I just want to tell you that Ike is locked up in this building and he can’t get out.  He is on Hillshire and Jackson,” she hangs up the phone.  “Okay, I did my civic duty.  She didn’t answer so I left her a message,” Janet told Itt.
Carla decided to check her voice mail.  After she hears her sisters’ Janet voice mail regarding Itt she immediately runs into the bathroom and washes her face and calls out to Shy.
Shy hears his mothers call and he puts a bandage on his upper arm that he just sliced with a razor and nervously pulled up his pants as he heard his mothers’ heavy steps walking closer to his room.
Brandy and the other kids hear the commotion and curiously ran up the stairs to see what was going on.
“I got a message and I know where Itt is,” Carla told Shy as she notices a blood stain on his shirt.  She points to the stain.  “What is that, Shy?” Carla
question Shy with concern and anger.
The kids were just as concern as Shy and Carla.  They grew a fondness for Itt as if he was part of the family.
“I was shaving and I must have cut myself, it’s completely dry.  It’s an old t-shirt.  I promise it’s not what you think,” Shy trying to convince his mother.
“We will talk about it later, Shy,” Carla said.
Shy and Carla went to the location where Itt was. They saw him looking through the bars of the abandoned building.  Shy runs over to the barred window.
“Hey, are you alright?” Shy asked.
“Yeah, just hurry and get me out of here,” Itt said.
“We are gonna have to call the fire department,” Carla said and she pulled out her cell phone and dialed 9-1-1.
As soon as Carla ended the called they heard gun fire. Carla, Shy, and Itt all jumped and went for cover.
“There’s that bitch!” a gang of three women appeared walking fast toward Carla and Shy.
“Yeah bitch, you thought you were getting off that easy.  Now let me show you how we do it Rosanne Barr,” a woman said.
Carla stood and told Shy to run and call for help. “What would Thunder say about your behavior, you know he’s in New York with my husband,” Carla said.
“What the hell did you say?  How do you know Thunder?  Is he sleeping with your chunky ass?” the woman said.
“No dear, him and my husband is in business together,” Carla said.
“Your lying bitch, Thunder is in Chicago.  That’s what he told me,” she said as her and the group walks closer to Carla.
Carla back is against the wall of the building.  Shy is talking to the police on one side of the building and Itt is looking through the bars.
“Sahralonda, why are you having conversations with that bitch?  Gon and tap that ass”, one of the crew members yelled.
BANG! BANG! (Gun shots)
Francesca Tagliano walks from around the building with Shy neck in her grip while holding a pistol up in her other hand and four of her workers seemed to appear from thin air.
“Looks like we have a bit of a reunion,” Francesca Tagliano said.
Sahralonda and Carla, you bitches made my life in school a living hell and here we are all together and look who has the power now.
“I’m sorry; I don’t know who you are?” Carla said.
“She’s the lady that kidnapped me!” Itt said.
Carla looks at Shy with sadness and helplessness, “Are you okay?  You not hurt are you?”
“No, but….,” Shy said but with the jerk and pinch of Francesca grip he shut-ed up.
“Shut up boy or I will hurt your momma and your little boyfriend.  It’s amazing what plastic surgery can do.  I’m not the fat, pizza face girl anymore, I’m (with roll of the tongue) Francesca Taliano, bitches,” Francesca said.
“Francesca?” Carla and Sahralonda questioned in unison and looks at each other.
Francesca pushes Shy to the ground and walks right in front of Carla, standing face to face.  When she reached Carla, Sahralonda and her
crew starts to run.  But without even turning around Francesca stops them by firing another round into the sky.  “DON’T YOU MOVE!” Francesca yells.  “Get a close look Carla, you took Robert from me in 9th grade.  We were high school sweethearts and now look at what he ended up with.  I know all about your business in
New York.  Where do you think he got the money to start it up?  He didn’t even know it was me.  Yeah, he is
still so naive and stupid.  So I own you and Big Poppa,” Francesca said.
“YOU GET OVER HERE! And the rest of you can leave. Consider your selves lucky,” Francesca demanded Sahralonda to stand next to Carla.  “Sahralonda…...” Francesca said but was cut off when Sahralonda recognized her.  “Francesca, that’s you?” Sahralonda asked.
“Don’t make nice with me.  You were just a bitch in 10th grade, and I see you are still ghetto trash,” Francesca said.
“Yeah bitch I remember, and if you didn’t have that gun in your hand I would be wooping yo ass like I did in school, ” Sahralonda said.
Francesca hit Sahralonda with the back of the gun and she instantly hit the ground.  Sahralonda place her hand on the throbbing pain and felt the warmness of blood.
Four police cars arrive and the officers get out and pull out their guns.  Francesca’s men were gon and she was still facing Carla.  Francesca had her hands up and as an officer approaches he recognizes her.
“Francesca?  How you doing?” the officer asked.
The officer raises his hand to the other officers to signal that everything is okay.
“Oh, hey Paul Garrette.  Right?”
Francesca leans in a gives him a kiss on his cheek. She turns around and whispers to Carla and Sahralonda ‘this isn’t over’. 
“Hey arrest her.  She kidnapped the boy in there and she had us at gun point.  Don’t you see her head bleeding?  Can you call for EMS?  What the hell is going on?  You just gon let her go.  I want your badge number, Paul Garrette,” Carla demanded.
The officer grab Carla arm and pulled her to the side. Meanwhile, Francesca watches with a smirk on her face.
He whispers to her, “look little lady (while he looked at her body and realizes she isn’t little) look lady, you don’t know who you dealing with.  She is the mayors’ niece and I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding.  We will get the boy out.  Trust me when I say this ‘this never happened’ have a good day,” Officer Paul Garrette said and walk back towards Francesca with a smile on his face.
To Be Continued……