Monday, December 20, 2010

Episode 11 ~ SEASON II

Episode 11                  Season 2
“So how are you feeling?”
“How do you think I feel?  I lost my job, my husband, got raped, and beaten.  Now I am in this God forsaken place.  By the way who decorated?  This is what they call eclectic and I call it mix match junk,” says Janet.
“Well, you know, Robert and I traveled and we like the different cultures and we love collecting pieces from where we visit”, Carla informs Janet. 
Janet braces her bruised body up and looks at Carla up and down and shakes her head.  “If momma can see you like this she would die again, when is the last time you had a salad?” 
Carla places her right hand on her hip and starts a spin to show off her body.  “I have you know Janet I have lost 5 pounds, of course you wouldn’t know because you never come around to see any difference”. 
“Whatever.  Why isn’t your husband never home?  You think he is having an affair or something?” 
“Robert is building our business and that takes a lot of work.  In two weeks he and Thunder will be on the Othella Show talking about the new ventures especially with the college enrollments down, we will just focus on the bakery”, Carla said proudly. 
“Oh so yall think yall all that?  Who in the hell is Thunder?”
“He’s a fitness and nutritious expert and he is training Shy and when he gets back from New York I will start my transformation”. 
“Is he married?” Janet asks.
“I don’t think he would be interested.”  Carla says and walks out the room. 
Carla walks back and stands in the doorway of the room. “Janet, I know you down on your luck and that’s why we took you in.  But as long as you stay here you will give us respect, me, Robert, and the kids.  You can stay here as long as you need but I won’t tolerate put downs and havoc in my home, is that clear?” Carla says. 
Janets flops her body down on the mattress, “FINE!” 
“Take it out Itt, it won’t fit.  You can’t just force it in there”.
“Why won’t it?  Hold it still.  Don’t move”.
“I think it’s too long anyway, look you don’t know what your doing”.
Carla walks into the garage and sees Shy and Itt.  She is shocked at what she witnesses. “Boy’s it supper time”, she tells them.
The two tall young men run to the house from the garage pushing and hitting each other until they reach the back steps.  Carla tells the boys that they are doing a very good job with the installation of the sink in the garage. The door bell rings and they all look at each other in suspense.
“Don’t just stand there, answer the door”.
“Yes, Auntie Janet,” Shy replied.
Shy walks through the hallway decorated with paisley wall paper and a collection of European paintings.  He opens the door.  There stands a 5ft 6in African American man who looks like he is trouble.
“Tyrone?” Itt says standing about 4 feet behind Shy.  Shy turns around and looks at Itt.  “You know him?” Shy asks.
“Yeah, that’s a friend from back home”, Itt answered.
Itt rushes pass Shy and tell him he would be only a minute.  Itt closes the front door and grabs Tyrone by the arm and walks with Tyrone down the sidewalk.
“What are you doing here?”
“The Boss was arrested by the Feds; I don’t think he will be getting out. But you got to get back and pay your debt or he will have someone get you and this family.  He thinks I’m locked up”, Tyrone informed Itt.
“I’m not going back, man.  Stacy got evicted and I will pay him back but he didn’t tell me what he wants me to do.”
A van speeds up aside Itt and Tyrone.  A large built Italian man jumps out the back and grabs Itt and muscles him inside the van.
“Hey what are you doing?  Ty you set me up!” Itt said just before they duct taped his mouth.
Lauren walks into her newly decorated office for the first time as the CEO of Unigrow Corporation.  She walks to the large windows and stare at the beautiful skyline.  She smiles and feels a great accomplishment has been declared. She starts to think of her loneliness and wishes that she can share this victory with an intimate partner instead of just friends and family.  She turns around and grabs the back of her office chair and swivel the seat around to her and she sits and with force from the floor she spins and spins.  Her head begins to swim and she hears a beep.  She uses her feet as brakes to stop the spinning of the chair.  She picks up the phone “Hello?” it beeps again.  She pushes a button that she sees flashing “Hello?” she answers.
“Yes Ms. Locket, I have Tracy on line one”, the receptionist spoke.
“Thank you, you can send it through”, Lauren replied feeling important.
“Hello, Ms. Locket, how are you enjoying your first day?” Tracy asks.
“Hey, Tracy, I am so happy.  And I must say thank you too.  Because had you not turned down the
position I wouldn’t have it, so thank you so much”.
“No, don’t thank me.  It’s only right.  You deserve it; you work so hard for it.  It would have been just handed to me.”
“Well, maybe your right.  Have you heard from Janet?”
“No, I have not.  I heard she had some trouble in a bar. She just disappeared.  I am worried about her.”
“Why?  She was just so evil and unhappy and made everyone around her feel unhappy.  Oh is it because of the affair.  Did you really love her?  And what’s up with you and Jon?"
“Lauren you sho is nosey, but you are one of my closest friends.  That’s a conversation that I would have to fill you in on in person.”
“Fair enough, I’m so happy with the position and I’m gonna have my secretary send Jon a hand written thank you letter from yours truly”.
“That’s thoughtful, Lauren.  I wish you more success and I’m sure you are gonna do a great job.”
“Let’s meet tomorrow after work around 9pm and we can catch up, cool?” Lauren asked.
“Yeah, we can do that”, Tracy said just as she sees Jon in what use to be Janet’s office, they hang up.
To be continued