Saturday, May 21, 2011

Episode 23

                                 FRANCESCA TAGLIANO

Francesca Tagliano feels refreshed, relaxed after her vacation, and relieved that she had Charles Romaine the Third put down. She is proud that she was able to accomplish what her previous mafia generation couldn't or simply have the balls to do. Francesca is sitting in the back of the limo and yells at the driver to turn the music up. She loves Lady GaGa, she feels that she is daring and brave and have balls to do what ever she feels, and she admires that. Of course being a fan, she is bothered that Lady GaGa calls her fans "little monsters" and the first opportunity she get to meet her she will express that to Lady GaGa in one way or another.

Francesca Tagliano pulls up in front of What's the Skinny Bakery. She walks inside and instantly eyes falls upon her. Her glowing beige skin and tight fitted dress makes an impression of 'what are you doing in a place like this'. Not to say that the bakery isn't remarkable and classy, but you wouldn't think a lady of this grand gesture would set foot inside, maybe send someone inside, but not herself. Robert greets her at the counter; she gently steps around the counter and sees the surprised look on Roberts' face.

"Hello Bobby," Francesca says in a very seductive tone.

"Hello Francesca, I though you were a silent partner," Robert said with an attitude.

Francesca stood close in Roberts face with a blank but serious look on her face. "Tisk, tisk, Bobby. Jackie? That is your name sweetie, RIGHT? Fetch me some of your finest water (she looks around at the decor) that you can find in mmmy establishment,"

"Excuse me Robert," Jackie says trying to get around Robert to fill Francesca request.

"You can't come hear and talk to the staff that way," Robert said frankly.

"Oh, sorry Bobby, it won't happen again. (In a southern tone) Where ARE my manners? (Laughs)."


Jackie was walking pass the office with a bottled water for Francesca in her hand when she was summons by Percy.

"Hey Percy, what's up?" Jackie asked.

"Hey don't let her get to you. I know you are under a lot of stress and you are such a sweetheart. However, if you need to take time off let us know," Percy said still concerned about the incident in the street.

"Thank you Percy (she gives him a hug). I'm sure I will be fine, just stress like the doctor said. I'm learning to take it easy and I need to be here. My stress isn't the job. I just have to get things in order with my sister Stacy. You and Robert have been so kind to me, thank you. By the way Francesca isn't a bad person, just mis-guided (she smiles and continues on her quest to deliver the water to Francesca)."

Percy thinks to himself 'she is a hell of a lady' and continues to do his paper work until he hears, "WHERE IS MY WATER, DID SHE GET IT FROM THE HUDSON RIVER?!" Percy walks out the office to the front.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I got side tracked," Jackie responded.

"HEY! HEY! Look you can't speak to anybody like that in here..." Robert says until Jackie cuts him off.

"It's ok Robert, calm down please," Jackie said.

"You can learn a lot from her Bobby and I suggest you do," Francesca says and walks out the bakery, cleans her hands with a sanitary wipe, and walks to her limo.

Jackie watches Francesca walk out the bakery with a sly smirk. Robert sees the look and then looks at Percy. "Jackie?"

"Yes Robert?"

"Are you really ok?"

"Of course, I'm a big girl," Jackie replied and continue to serve the shocked customers that just witness the bizarreness of the head lady mafia Francesca Taliano. A male voice in Jackie's head speaks (that bitch will get hers).

"My plane leaves in an hour, Thunder are you sure you can handle the store?" Robert asks.

"Robert, I have my own business. I think I can handle the store. (Percy grabs Robert's shoulder and hustle him out the door) Go take care of your wife and kids. They need you right now," Percy insisted.

"Layla, thanks for being here. You are a life saver," Robert said.

"Go Robert! We got it," Layla said, went, and stood next to Percy.

Once outside the bakery Robert sees Francesca's limo. "You need a ride to the airport, Bobby?" Robert looks down at his watch and realized that he may have a better chance getting to the airport quicker with Francesca help. He walks toward the limo and the door opens, he gets inside. Francesca tosses the bottled water out the window and the limo takes off to the airport.


"Sahralonda?!" An officer called out.


"Your bail is posted. You free to go. We have a lady from protective services here to talk to you about your kids."

"Shit. I don't feel like dealing with this shit right now. Who posted my bail?"

"Fran, or something like that. She left already. C'mon na, enough with the questions," The officer said irritable.

Sahralonda walks through the lobby of the precinct. "Excuse me, Sahralondre. Sahralondon," CPS lady said.

"Bitch! Why do you wanna talk to me and you can't even get my fucking name right? I don't wanna talk to you, obviously. So take yo ass back to yo little suburban house with yo white picket fence, and leave me the fuck alone."

"I'm the only chance you got to maybe getting your kids back".

"What? I ain't abusing them. So, what the fuck you saying? They not at my sister's?"

"The children feels otherwise, ma'am".

"Children should be seen, not heard. (Sahralonda walks up in her face) By the way, Lilly White, I'm not an old ass ma'am. If you don't have the credentials or education to pronounce my name correctly maybe they need to take your kids, otay?"

Sahralonda rolls her eyes and walks out the police station and sees a limo. The window rolls down half way. A graceful, manicured hand gesture her to approach and she do so. The door opens and Sahralonda climbs in and the limo takes off. Ms. Carmichael, the CPS worker, stands on the top of the stairs outside the police station and watches Sahralonda get in the limo, she takes a pen and writes down the license plate number and leaves.


"Hi, my name is Stacy, and I'm a drug addict."

"Hi, Stacy," the NA group says in unison.

"Today I am 14 days clean and it has been a struggle. My sister, Jackie, has given me this opportunity and I appreciate her for it. I miss my son; I understand he is in living with her boss Robert home in Minnesota. I'm sure Itt doen't want to talk to me and that is the hardest thing for me at this point other than staying clean. I want a job, but it is hard looking for a job with no experience. The only experience I have is cooking up drugs to use."

"Have you tried calling your son?" an NA member asked.

"No, now that I am clean, I can feel all the shame that was hidden all these years. I wouldn't even know where to begin," Stacy said with tears in her eyes. Stacy looks up and sees Jackie running into the room. Jackie grips Stacy arm and squeezes hard, "we need to go get Itt!" Jackie demanded. Stacy plants her feet on the floor and snatches her arm back, "What's the urgency? Why are grabbing me like that?" Stacy asked shocked at the way her sister is behaving. Jackie eyes were fully dilated, scary and seemed familiar like someone from the pass. Jackie eyes suddenly became normal as she snaps back into her self.

"Oh, hey Stacy, what's going on?" Jackie says and looks at the NA group staring at her like she needs to be in the meeting as well.

"What's going on is that you come grabbing my arm like you was crazy. What's gotten into you?" Stacy said worried.

"I don't know. Can you take me home? I think I need to lie down," Jackie said confused.

"Is everything okay?" a NA member asked.

"Yeah, yes. Everything will be okay, thank you," Stacy said with a forced smile and hurried out of the building.


"I can't wait to get in our house. Jon has been impossible," Becky says.

"How much time will it be till they are finished?" Lauren asked.

"They are scheduled to install the tile in the kitchen and put the appliances in on Wednesday and we will be ready once it's done."

"Well you don't have long. Hand in there, girlfriend."

"Speaking of "girlfriend" what's up with you and Tracy? I see how you look at him and him at you."

"I like Trace, Becky. But it's so complicated right now. You know he was with Jon and the whole lost pregnancy thing...," Lauren puts her hand over her mouth and realized that she just talked too much.

"WHAT? Are you serious?"

Lauren gets up from behind her desk and pace the floor with her arms flying in the air, "girl you are not to repeat that to anyone". Lauren makes sure her office door was locked. "I was sworn to secrecy, oh my gosh, I shouldn't have said anything. Tracy is gonna kill me."

"I won't say anything, I promise. But I heard that Janet was pregnant. Do you think that it's Jons'?" Becky asked.

"Bitch you lying? Janet is not pregnant?" Lauren said shocked.

"No girl I'm telling you the truth. What I wanna know is, from who?" Becky says.

"Jon doesn't know?"


"How did you find out?" Lauren asked.

"I have a friend who works in the facility where she is," Becky said.

"Well if it is Jon's baby, Tracy loosing his baby...I don't even know. This some soap opera shit for real. But Becky please don't say anything to anyone about Tracy," Lauren said.

"I won't, don't worry. My lunch break is over. I will talk to you later." Becky said and walked out Laurens office. She rushes to her desk, picks up her phone and makes a call, "girl I got something to tell you..."

To Be Continued....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Episode 22


"Where are you going?" Carla asked.

"I'm not staying here with him. I want to see my father!" Percy Jr. demanded.

"Well you know he is in New York...," Carla said.

"I have money. I will get on a plane".

"Look here, you will stay put."

"If he stays then I'm leaving," Itt says.

"All of yall can leave. All of yall are getting on my nerves. This isn't a boarding house, anyway".

Carla grabs a bag of Cheetos, walks upstairs to her room upset and Shy follows behind her.

"Mom, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Itt being here and now Percy Jr. If it wasn't for me none of this would be happening," Shy says.

"Shy just leave me alone for awhile, okay?"

Shy walks back downstairs. Brandy grabs his arm as he reach the last step, "is she okay?"

"She just wanna be alone for awhile," Shy says.

Itt grabs Percy Jr. by his collar and drags him outside on the porch. Percy Jr. is trying to stop him but Itt's rage and strength is too powerful for Percy Jr.

"Let him go! If you hurt him I would never talk to you again!"

Shy runs out to the porch and see Brandy pulling and hitting on Itt. Shy rushes over and grabs Brandy, "Brandy, stop you're gonna get hurt."

"Why are you taking up for him, Brandy?" Itt asked.

Carla, can't get a moments peace, rushes downstairs, with Cheeto cheesed fingers, and unto the porch.

"Brandy, get back in the house," Carla says pointing toward the front door.

Brandy upsettingly goes inside the house and looks at the commotion through the living room panels. She starts to feel a sharp pain roaming her stomach and crumbles to the floor.

After Carla safely broke the boys up from fighting, she told them all to go inside the house. Carla enters the living room and finds Brandy lying on the floor crying. Carla runs to Brandy and asks is she ok.

"Brandy, are you alright? Somebody call 9-1-1!" Itt said.

Shy looks at a very concerned Itt and feels very jealous the way Itt is touching his sister. Shy decides to take charge and pushes Itt out the way. Carla is on the phone with an emergency dispatch.

"I can take care of her," Itt said.

"What do you mean you can take care of her?" Shy asked.

"I'm so sorry, Shy. It happened only one time. I promise," Brandy pleaded.

"WHAT? Sorry for what?" Shy asked.

"AGH! Mom, please help!" Brandy yelled.

"Honey, they are on their way," Carla said as she pushed Itt and Shy away from hovering over Brandy, "Give her some room and air. Go get some water, Shy. Oh my stars...what's going on with you Brandy, Carla said.

Shy grabs Itt's arm to force him to follow him into the kitchen. Itt was reluctant to follow Shy, but he knew he owed Shy an explanation.

Shy stand near the refrigerator, folds his arms and taps his foot, "What's going on Itt?"

"I'm sorry man. It was an accident," Itt said.

"I want to know what was an accident and what are you apologizing for?" Shy demanded.

"Shy, where is the water?" Carla yelled.

"Coming mom! We aren't done Itt," Shy said and pushed Itt in his chest.

Shy walks with his face full with tears and breathing heavy, his heart felt as if it drops out of his body. He enters the living room and instead of giving Brandy the water he pours it on her and runs out the house.

"What the fuck is going on here? Itt go to your room, and everybody go to your room!" Carla screamed.

"What about Shy?" Percy Jr. asked.

"OUT!" Carla screamed again.

Paramedics came to the door and checked Brandy's vitals. They said she seemed fine, but will take her in for further examination. Carla alone followed the paramedics to the hospital and while driving Carla called Robert.

"Hey honey, I can't talk to long right now. Something is strange going on with Jackie. She was lying out in the street, Layla, Percy's friend is helping out..." Robert said but suddenly interrupted by Carla.

"Robert, shut up! Our daughter is on her way to the hospital. She fell in the living room and is in pain. I am (stuttering) I am really losing it here (crying)."

"Oh honey, do you think she is gonna be okay? Is she with you right now? Oh my God, what did they say is wrong with her?" Robert said concerned.

"I don't know yet. Robert, I don't know how long I can hang on to all this. I'm losing my mind. My sister, Shy, now Brandy, and I got Percy Jr. and Itt. It's just overwhelming. I have been trying to be strong (cries)."

"Honey, hold on one minute."

"NO!!!!!" Carla screams at the top of her voice. Her eyes get heavy and her heart is racing, pounding through her seatbelt, sweat beads off her forehead like a cold pitcher of iced tea. She blanks out and darkness and pain flashes through her brain. Her vehicle smashes to the back of the ambulance; the air bag explodes and punches her in the face, throws the cell phone to the back seat, and crushes her noise.

"HONEY!" Robert screams into his phone. The phone reads 'END CALL'.



She walks inside of the bakery wearing a tight fitted dress; a string of pearls sits comfortably on her neck. She is smiling. Her face is undeniably happy. Happier than she has ever felt even happier than when she married Robert.

"Honey? Carla. Look at you. You are stunning. Wha...what are you doing here?" Robert asked looking confused.

"Hello dear, I thought I fly in a pay you a visit for a spell (kisses him on his cheek). Oh, hey Percy, it's so good to see you all. This must be Jackie, hello dear."

Shock and confusion plastered on their faces as she emote confidence and happiness. "And I'm sorry but who might you be young lady?"

She extends her hands, "I'm Layla, a friend of Thunder, I mean Percy."

Carla looks a Layla hand and presses her lips tightly together and points at Layla, "umm umm, nope, something not right with you."

"Excuse me..." Layla responded.

Percy moves closer to Layla and places his hand on her shoulder 'don't worry about it; I'll take care of this'.

"Carla she is an old friend from college, one of my dearest friends," Percy said very franked.

Robert seemed more concerned about why she was there and not at home with the kids.

"Where do you think they are? They are at home with the help."

"WITH THE HELP?!" Robert and Percy said in at the same time.



"Yes Jon?"

"I need a copy of those briefs."

"I'm still waiting on the messenger."

"I needed them like yesterday. Why is it when I ask you to do something there is always some bullshit ass excuse?"

"I'm sorry, Jon."

Lauren is standing just outside Jon's door listening, not on purpose, just as she was walking up she heard him yelling. Not sure if she wants to disturb him now, so she decided she would wait until later to ask him for some time off. As Lauren turned around to walk back to her office, "What is it Lauren?" Jon asked. She wondered 'how did he know she was standing there'.

"It can wait Jon."

Lauren started walking fast, turned a corner, and bumped right into Tracy.

"Hey Tracy, what are you doing here? You come to see Jon?" Lauren asked.

"Oh hey Lauren, you look good in your business suit," Tracy said looking Lauren over.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm being noisy. I have to get back to my office anyways. I will let you go talk with Jon. However, before you go let me tell you he is not in a good mood. Crabby (whispered)."

"Well before I talk with him can I speak with you for a minute?"

"Sure come to my office."

Lauren and Tracy proceed to Lauren's office.

"Have a seat."

"Ahhh, how can I say this?"

"Well, just say it. What's up?"

"Let me just say that you think Jon is crabby now he is about to blow a fuse after I tell him this."

(Tracy tells Lauren the news.)

"Not today, Trace. Please just let me feel him out and we'll play it by ear, ok. This can break him. You know how he feels about this," Lauren says very concerned.

To Be Continued......