Thursday, April 19, 2012

Episode 33

                          CAFFEINE, FRANCESCA

The warehouse was drafty, damp, and felt weirdly deserted.  The silence of no human, but many noises of air circulation, water drippings, and an occasional squeak from tiny rodents, namely mice, echoed the building.  The pair walked in a bit frazzled and couldn’t understand their condition.  However, neither would let the other in on what thoughts pondered in their head.  Francesca stopped walking, stood and listened.  Caffeine was a few steps ahead not realizing that Francesca wasn't besides her, so she too stopped.  Caffeine turned around to look at Francesca, "what is it?"

Francesca stood in silence "shhhhh, somethings not right."

Caffeine didn't contest her cousins feelings because she too had the same thought.  "Well this is your warehouse, correct?"

"I had a strange dream the other night about a dead man coming back and in my dream I felt a feeling I kinda feel right now.  Somebody is here," Francesca said in a low tone and surprisingly nervous voice.

"You think a dead guy is here, Fran?" Caffeine said sarcastically.

Caffeine turns around and continues walking, "well if it is, us standing in one spot ain't gon make the bastard leave.  We need to get this girl out of here.  Whatever beef and grudges you got, you have to let them go.  There is bigger fish to fry and our family would not be happy to know this is what you are spending the money on, better yet, your time.  You have always been a bit off, you know?"

"Caffeine, who spilled the beans?  Who snitched?  The last person who messed up ended up splattered on the streets of New York.  Tell me or I…"

"OR YOU WOULD WHAT!" Caffeine yelled causing gas and water pipes to burst.

Francesca jumped out of fear.  Her eye lit up and she sternly looked passed Caffeine.

"You bitch, see what you made me do?  Don't ever threaten me.  Now we have to hurry and find that girl and get out of here."

"I think I just saw something," Francesca said.

"I don't have time for distractions for your hallucinations.  C'mon, take me to the girl, NOW!"

Francesca and Caffeine runs to the room where Sharalonda's held captured.  "She's gone!"

"GONE!" Caffeine yelled causing walls to tremble, "You're in trouble.  Let's get out of here."



In Bronx, New York 1975, was born Caffeine Irish Milano.  Her father is the cousin of Joe Tagliano (Francesca Tagliano's father) his name is Vinny Milano and her mother an albino woman, Rebecca Milano who passed during the birth of Caffeine.  Rebecca Milano grew up with a cursed passed down from generation to generation.  It stills remains a mystery that exposure to the sun will do more harm than good and the energy that surges in their present is unsurpassed.

Caffeine grew up home schooled by her father; a spoiled little girl.  He taught her the basics and advanced education along with that she learned the lifestyle of the mafia world.  It was hard for Joe Tagliano to shelter her from that world by her being home 24 hours a day.  However, it worked in his favor, he able to use her gifts in deals that went astray and she was so happy to help her father out by any means.



In a rapid pace, Robert luckily is catching all the traffic lights at green.  Carla grips the armrest, as her fingers turn white from the lack of circulation.  Brandy sits quietly in the back of the car, confused of what just happened.

"Robert!"  Carla yells.

Robert seems to be in a trance and fear is masking his face.

"Robert!  You just passed our street," Carla says.

"Dad, are you okay?" Brandy asks.

"I'm sorry…sorry.  I just was trying to get as far away as possible.  I feel like I had caffeine implanted in my head.  I couldn't stay there and let anything happen to my family," Robert said.

The car pulls up into the driveway of Robert and Carla's home.  The children, including Percy Jr. stands and starts to walk off the porch, happy to see Carla and with hopes that everything can get back to normal.

"Mommie, mommie!" the children cried with happiness.

Carla sits in the car and didn’t even attempt to open her door.  Robert and Brandy got out the car.  Robert proceeded to remove his wife belongings from the trunk and he looks up at his children faces.  The children seemed disappointed that their mother wasn't ecstatic to see them.  Robert signals Brandy to come help with the bags and he walks to the passenger side of the car, grabs the handle and opens the door.

"I know honey that you may be feeling overwhelmed but look at your kids.  They are so happy that you are ok and they couldn’t wait for you to get back.  You want to get out the car?" Robert said.

Carla lifts and places her right foot on the ground outside of the car.  "Where is the red carpet?"

"What was that, honey?" Robert asked.

"What was what?" Carla answered confused.  Carla looks at her children faces and it enforced her to smile so big that everyone mood was instantly lifted.

"All my babies, I missed you guys so much!" Carla said as the children ran and gave her hugs and kisses.

Robert looks at the happiness that surrounds him but feels that it will not last forever, but he won't ruin the moment, instead he decided that the family needs to celebrate.  But first he needs to make a call to New York.


"I'm happy you got your parent's to sit.  When you contact the beyond, it is very risky and children should not be around unless it is directly affecting them.  (She lights several black candles)  I want you to open your minds and try not to be doubtful," Ms. Sandwood said looking at Tom and Jackie.

Tom and Jackie looked at each other and grabbed each others hand.  Both set of hands were clammy. Ms. Sandwood requested Stacy to stay in another room unless she is requested.  The house is warm and comfortable, not a home that you would think some entity was haunting.

"There is a lot of love between the two of you," Ms. Sandwood said and closed her eyes.

"Honey, I'm scared," Jackie said.

"Shhhhhh.  There is nothing to be afraid of.  Just have good thoughts and relax. (Long silence)  I don't see or feel anything.  Are you sure these things, Tom?"

"I wouldn't have gone to the trouble if it hadn't," Tom said.

"You have three kids, yes?"

"No," Tom said.

"Yes, I see," Ms. Sandwood said seemly unsure.

"I see a little boy.  How many times have you been pregnant?"

"I have been pregnant two times," Jackie said confidently.

"How many children do you have?"

"We have two kids," Tom said aggravated.

"There is another child presence that was in your home from the other side.  Did you loose a child?"

Jackie looked at Tom with tears in her eyes and squeezed his hands tighter.  "Yes, I did.  I aborted a child a long time ago."

Tom snatched his hands from Jackie, "What are you saying?  I knew nothing of this."

With tears streaming down her face Jackie mentioned that when she was young she was raped and her mother made her abort the baby.

Stacy, with her ear to the door, eavesdropping, is in shock.  She had never heard of this either and they grew up in the same home.  How did she not know about her sister being raped and pregnant?

"This child is protecting you.  Have you possibly seen him?"

"The night of the black out I have seen a child…but so much was going on," Tom said.

"He is protecting you.  He says he is protecting you from his bad father.  He is chatting, it, it, it, it, it.  Does that mean anything to you?"

Stacy opens the bedroom door and walks into the room.  "It, is my son.  Could that be what this child is saying?"

"Have a seat, dear," Ms. Sandwood tells Stacy before rubbing ash on her face.

"He says It is his brother," Ms. Sandwood tells the group.

"That's impossible!" Stacy yelled.

"No, Stacy it isn't.  It's the truth.  Itt is his half brother slash cousin.  I was raped by Charles when I was 9 years old going on 10 and I kept it a secret.  Mommie found out I was pregnant when she found blood in my panties and took me to the doctor.  At first, they thought it was just me starting my period, but I had already started a several months before.  They gave me a pregnancy test and I told mommie that Charles had been raping me and that’s why I had the gun, the same gun that shot him in his, well you know," Jackie told her sister and the group.

"In his dick." Stacy said, remembering the day that her mom and Jackie went to the hospital and Jackie didn’t come home until three days later but never knew why.


"You got that stupid grin on your face; don’t you know you could have killed that nurse?"  A security staff member says from the institution.

Janet is confused as the security is placing handcuffs on her.  "They told me I don't have a baby no more.  What happened to my baby?

"You have been having bad dreams since you been here.  That medication got you really messed up," a nurse says.

"Come on lets go," a guard says as they shuffle Janet up off the floor.

"Where are you taking me?!  Get your black hands off me!  I demand to be treated with respect!  Do you know who I am?! Let me go!!" Janet cried putting up a fight the whole journey to the solitary cell.

Janet sits quietly in her cell thinking about what the nurses said.  'Was I dreaming this whole time?' 'Or they think because I'm in a crazy house I am incapable of taking care of a child?' 'Did I ever escape to Laurens house and try to kill her and Tracy?

The thoughts and ideas that swimmed through Janet head is making her more anxious and more bewildering that it puts a great fear into her.  Janet is so used to being in control and now that has been taken away from her makes her anticipate what's to come.

"I have to get this together.  I can't go on like this.  I miss Jon and wish that I didn't take him for granted.  How did I let this get so out of hand?"

Janet sits quietly in her cell contemplating a plan to get her life back in order.  She start a list in her head and it is determined that she will climb back to the top.


PERCY (Thunder)

Percy sits in his office with tears streaming down his face.  Shy and Itt stands and watch in the doorway, not knowing what to say.  The bakery closed for the remaining of the day due to the tragic events.  The crowd out side the bakery is slowly dissipating.  You hear police radios and sirens muffled that constantly reminds Percy of Layla's death. 

"Percy, is there anything you want us to do?" Shy asked.

Percy responded by throwing his hands up and shaking his head 'no'.

"C'mon Shy, lets leave him alone for a while," Itt said just before the telephone starts to ring.

"Hello?" Shy answered.

"Hi son, how are you?" Robert said.

"Hi dad, I'm okay, but Layla is dead (Shy said whispering).  She was shot and we don't know what happened and who did it."

"Listen, I want you to go, you and Itt, go upstairs to the apartment and sit there until you hear from me again.  Where is Percy?"

"Dad, he is really broken up about it."

"Shy, put him on the phone and do what I tell you.  Call me back in 10 minutes."

Shy taps Percy on the shoulder, "it's my dad. Me and Itt is gonna head upstairs."

Percy grabs the phone, "Hey Robert," he says and take a deep breath.

"Hey Percy are you okay?"

"I'm find Robert, I just never saw anything like that before in my life and it's my fault.  I'm the reason she was here in the first place," Percy said while blowing his nose and wiping his face.

"Don't blame yourself, Percy.  She had alternative motives.  I don't know what happened there but I'm sure we will get to the bottom of it.  I have to tie up some things here and I will be back in New York.  We have to do some damage control," Robert said before noticing Carla in the doorway.  "I'll call you later," Robert said and hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Carla said standing in the doorway.

"It was Percy.  I was just checking on the store," Robert said as he walked pass Carla.

Carla looked at the phone and turned and watches Robert continue down the hall.  She walks to the phone, picks it up, and pressed redial.

"Hello," Percy answered but sounded like a weeping woman.

Carla quickly hangs up the phone and thinks to herself, 'Robert is having an affair with some woman in New York while I lay up in a hospital bed, well two can play at that game'.

To Be Continued