Sunday, December 26, 2010

Episode 12

Thunder takes the subway to Robert’s Manhattan apartment.  As he stands on the stoop he looks up and sees how tall the building is and is amazed from where he came and that he is on his way up.  He thinks to himself ‘the sky is the limit’ all of his hard work has paid off. SPLASH!!!!  Someone poured a bucket of water on Thunder.  “What the
hell?!” He looks at his blue and white plaid shirt that is now drenched with water.  He looks back up and sees Robert hanging out the window.  “You gon stand there looking dumb, or were you gon ring the bell?  I figured you needed to wake up.  You were daydreaming.  I’ve been calling you for 5 minutes”.  The buzzer sounds and Thunder pushes the door open.  “I’ma kick your ass when I get up there!” Thunder yelled.
Thunder walks inside of the building and signs in at security.  While he lugs his bag towards the elevator his cell phone begins to ring. ‘Who could be calling me right now’ he scrabbles to reach in his pocket for his cell phone and just as he retrieves it out his pocket the elevator opens and the phone stops ringing.  He looks at the missed call, it reads ‘anonymous’ “What-eva”, he says and steps into the elevator.  He pushes number 12 and the elevator door closes.  Thunder thinks to himself ‘how blessed he is to have met Robert’.
BING! The door opens and Robert is standing right in front of the elevator with a huge grin.  They greet each other with hand shakes and Robert leads Thunder to the apartment.  Once inside Robert orders Thunder out of the wet shirt.  Thunder takes the shirt off and Robert is astounded at the look of Thunders abs. He also notices a fair amount of scars and what looks to be like a healed bullet wound on his chest.  Robert
takes Thunder shirt and throws it in the bathroom.
“Hey Thunder we need to get started right away”, Robert says.
“I agree”, Thunder responded.
Thunder cell phone rings just before they start.  He looks at the caller ID and it read ‘anonymous’ “Who in the hell is calling me ‘anonymous’?” He answers the phone.
“So you think you just gon leave and not tell nobody, you got a lot of nerves nigga”.
“Why are you calling me with this mess?  I told you last week, remember?  I will let you know when I’m on my way back.  I don’t know how long this is gonna take, DAMN!” Thunder yelled.
Out of all the talks Robert and Thunder had, Robert had no clue to what was going on and he never seen Thunder so upset.  Robert looks at Thunder with products in his hand; he lifts them as to signal him that he wants to get started.  Robert is so excited
about his first time and hopes that he made the right decision to do it with Thunder.
“I just wanna know what my rights are?”
“I don’t really know how we can help you.  He never told you she was pregnant.  You aren’t married to this person.  And if he is pregnant and wants to abort the child it’s his decision.”
Jon hangs up the phone with his lawyer and ponders the thought to call Tracy.
“Mr. Capt, they are ready for you in the conference room.” Becky the receptionist says.
Becky slowly closed the door attempting to slam it on Jon.  She or nobody has ever seen Jon so upset.  She hears her phone rings at her desk.
“It’s a great day here at Unigrow.  President Jon Capts office, how may I help you?” Becky says pleasantly.
“Hi, Becky its Janet, is penis head around?”
“I’m sorry?” Becky answered puzzled.
“Bitch, Becky, bulimic, blonde, bull-dike; is the fucking penis head around?”
“Ma’am I’m not sure I like your tone…..”
“I don’t give a FUCK about what you like, where the FUCK is my husband?”
Becky hangs the phone up and stares at the slim, multi-lined, and chromed finished, with caller-id and automatic re-dial telephone.  The phone rings again and her hearts starts to race. “I am not having a good day” she says to herself.  “What is that honey?” Becky hears a voice and is broken out of her stance.
“Oh, nothing, it’s just a strange day?” Beck says and is happy to see a friendly face.
“You can say it twice girl.  I’m Lauren”, Lauren introduces herself while extending her hand to Becky.
“Oh yes, Lauren Lockett.  I know exactly who you are.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  I am Becky Wileshire,” she says while shaking Lauren hand.
Jon storms out of his office and pass Lauren and Becky.  Lauren and Becky looks at each other.  “Told you”, Becky says.
“I’ll say.  Girl yo phone has been just ringing,” Lauren told Becky.
“I’ll get it”, Lauren said and walks behind Becky’s desk.
“Hello, Unigrow Corporation.  Lauren Lockett speaking; how may I help you?” Lauren said pleasantly.
“So tell me, Lauren the lush, have you been fucking Jon too?  Is that how you got the job?  You’ve been up under the boss’s desk?” Janet says.
“Oh hey Janet, It’s so good to hear from you.  I don’t know if you know but I taught him a lot of things since you got served.  Yeah we are doing just fine.  How about you?  Bitter much?” Lauren said.
“Where is Jon?” Janet said sounding as if the words were sliding through her teeth.
“He’s not available at the moment, hon,” Lauren said.
“If I have to come……” Janet said but Lauren cuts her off.
Listen Bay, I won’t have your threats or your intimidation to my staff.  So if you must speak with Mr. Capt leave a message, because he’s not available.” Lauren said and hung up the phone.  Lauren looked at Becky with a smile plastered on her face. “There” Lauren said. “Is your day getting better now?”
“I think we are gonna get alone just fine, Ms. Lockett”, Becky said and they both start to laugh.
“Opps, off to the meeting.  Nice chatting with you, bye”, Lauren said as she walk her 5 foot voluminous frame to the conference room.
Becky sits at her desk and the phone begins to ring and sees that it is Janet again.  She answers, “NO” and hangs up.
Lauren comes running out of the conference room and the normally quiet office is now noisy. “BECKY, CALL SECURITY AND THE POLICE, IT”S JON!”
“No, I haven’t told him”.
“Well have you decided what you gonna do?  I mean I know you want your career and not only that but I thought you just like women.  Tracy, as your friend I need to tell you, you are so complicated.  Do you wanna be a man or a woman?” Tamia said.
“I am a man, Tamia.  But I do think that I want to have a baby.  Jon and I only had sex once in that area, if you know what I mean.  I didn’t think that I would get pregnant because of the hormones I was on.  But now that I am, I don’t know what to do.  I am not in love with Jon and I always figured if I had a child it would be on my terms and not necessarily with someone.  Jon really wants a family and I’m afraid if he finds out he is gonna think that it’s more to him and me,” Tracy said. 
Tracy cell phone rings and he sees that it’s Lauren.  He tells the waitress to bring the check so that he can pay for their lunch.
“Hey Lauren, what’s up?”
“Man, you need to talk to Jon.  He has flipped,” Lauren said.
“What?  What do you mean he has flipped?” Tracy said.  Tracy looks at Tamia ‘it’s Jon, something’s wrong.’ Tracy tells Tamia.
“Ok, Lauren.  Can you get him on the phone?”
“I’ll try.”
“Jon, I have Tracy on the phone”, Lauren tells Jon.
Jon snatches the phone from
Lauren. “You better not abort my child,” Jon demanded and hangs up.


  1. Soooo....I hadn't had much time to log on to my laptop and read Private Parts, but today -- oh my! I started reading and could not stop. I love it. I cannot wait to continue with the rest of the episodes. I love the story line and how the characters are connected. You are doing an amazing job. Luv U!

  2. I am an advid follewer of PP! I am loving how each character is developing! I am excited to know more about THUNDER! Matirio, you are doing a great JOB! please make them LONGER!

  3. I agree with Thunder, please make them a little longer!!!! Just as I'm getting settled in and engaged it's over and I'm impatiently waiting for the next juicy bit!!

  4. Wow, this is getting juicier and juicier. I cant wait to see what you have in store. Yea Jon is MAD as hell.

    Keep up the good work!
