Monday, January 10, 2011

Episode 16


Tracy wakes up in a hospital bed.  He touches his belly, it still feels the same.  The room is
warm and he hears the beeps from the machines and chatter outside of the room.  He sits up and sees cards and flowers in the room and Lauren.  Lauren is passed out in a chair and her attire is a business suit. She must have come from work.  Tracy looks for a clock on the wall and finds it, it reads 8:04 but he is not sure if it is am or pm.

“Lauren.  Lauren.” Tracy tries to speak but his voice is low and extra raspy.

Tracy figures it must be 8:04 am because Lauren didn’t budge to wake up, so she must be really tired. She had to have slept here all night.

A nurse walks in and gets a wooden stick and tells Tracy to open her mouth and say ‘Aghhhhhhh’ Tracy does so.

Once the nurse is done Tracy asks the nurse, ‘how’s the baby?’

“I don’t have children,” the nurse answered.

“No, how is my baby?” Tracy asked.

“I don’t understand. There is no baby,” the nurse answered.

“I was pregnant before I got here, and you telling me there is no baby,” Tracy said getting

“We did a pregnancy test and found you are not pregnant.  When did you take a test and
it said you were pregnant?” the nurse asked.

“A couple weeks ago I found out I was 6 weeks,” Tracy said.

“Ok, we will do another one just to be on the safe side,” the nurse said and she left the room.

“What did she say? She said you are not pregnant?” Lauren said and Tracy now realizing that
she is woke.

“Yeah, that’s what she said.  But we will see,” Tracy said.

“Yeah, ok.  Now tell me Trace, what were you thinking?  Why would you go looking for trouble?  Now you know me being here puts me in an awkward position.  But you know my brother stays around there and he called the EMS and then he called me,” Lauren said with concern in her medium to high pitch voice.

“Jon got money and apparently he wants to make sure I stay pregnant.  I called so many clinics
today, Lauren and nobody would help me. I’m not ready to be a parent and I don’t wanna carry a baby full term,” Tracy said and didn’t continue because the nurse walked back into the room.

“Miss, can I ask you to step out for a little bit?” The nurse asked Lauren.

“Sure.  Tracy I’m gonna be just outside the door,” Lauren said.

“Have you decided what you want for dinner?  It’s a little late but we can manage,” the nurse asked Tracy.

“Late? What time is it?” Tracy asked.

“Its 8:15,” the nurse answered.

“AM or PM?” Tracy asked.


“I thought I been here over night.  So this happened to me today, right?” Tracy asked.

(The nurse is giving Tracy another pregnancy test)

“Yes, hold still.  Alright I got it.  I will be back with your results,” the nurse said.

Lauren walks back into the room.  “Ok, so now what?”

“She just gave me another test.  I’m waiting on the results,” Tracy said.

“You know that was really dangerous.  You could have been killed, Trace.  I can’t believe that you went to those lengths to lose your baby and I’m shocked at Jon for being such a pig.  He has been such an ass at the office.  I keep my distant.  Have you heard from Janet?” Lauren said.

“No, she’s with her sister. She lost it.  She lost her mind,” Tracy says with a chuckle.  “It’s not how I
picture things would turn out.  I was supposed to work and go to school and become a lawyer.  I can’t have this baby.  I’m so used to being in control and having my life planned.  I wish I never met Jon.  And Janet.” Tracy said

“Well luckily Kenneth found you and you seem to be holding up ok.  You were the first person I met
when I moved here.  You were trying to mack on a sister.  You are the best male friend I have and if something happen to you, I’ma kill you,” Lauren said. 

The nurse walks back into Tracy’s room.

“It’s okay, you can say it in front of her,” Tracy gave the nurse permission to give her the results in front of Lauren.

“Sure, it’s negative. You are not pregnant and we don’t show any signs that you were ever pregnant,” the nurse said.

Tracy looked at Lauren and Lauren is looking at the nurse with an astonishing look on her face.



Percy “Thunder” Jenkins (36) was born in the ghettos of Detroit, MI. mainly on the eastside near Mack and Van Dyke.  He was raised like many boys in the inner city, only by his mother.  He never knew who his dad was and didn’t care to know. He had many uncles that his mother introduced to him, but they never stayed around long enough to really know him and be a male figure for him to
look up too.

At the age of 14 Thunder and his mother had an appalling fight regarding one of his so-called uncles. Thunder revealed to his mother, Bertha, that Uncle Frank had touched him unsuitably.  His mother strung out on drugs and always put men before her son, called him a liar and got physically
abusive towards this 125 lb young boy.  He found himself on the streets sleeping from one house to another and turn to prostitution for survivor.  By the age of 16 Percy started to sell drugs and was able to have his own apartment.  He adapted the name Thunder when he started to work out at the age of 17 by one of the community center members.  Percy would lift very heavy weights in the community center gym and had a terrible habit of dropping them.  The weights made an atrocious thunderous
sound, and that’s when a member nicknamed him Thunder and broke him out the habit.  Although he lifted weights it seemed he never got much bigger and he gave up on the lifting and started
having obsessions with the females.  He was a big player in the neighborhood until he hooked up with the wrong girl who just so happens to have a boyfriend that ran Thunder out of town so Percy
“Thunder” Jenkins started new roots in the Bronx, New York. 

He had heard that New York was the town of opportunities and with his slender tone and handsome face he figure maybe he can get into the modeling business.  He hustled up and had head shots taken and managed to meet some industry big leagues. He got a contract with an agency that convinces him that this is a way to start modeling.  The contract was with Male Mayhem a porn agency that specializes in gay porn.  Thunder was impressed with the figures that he would be paid, but not so impressed with the work.  Thunder made very good money in the agency but was not happy.  He started to use drugs as much as he used women to cover that fact that he was ‘gay for pay’.

To be Continued…….


  1. Tracy loses the baby? Something just doesnt seem right...the nurse says that there is no evidence that shows he was even pregnant. Im wondering, was she paid to say that? Did Jon pay the hospital staff off and removed the embryo and put it in a test tube? lol..I know this is outlandish but hey, anything goes in the land of soap operas so..OR..are they making Tracy think that he is not prego so that he wont persue aborting in the future?? Whew, my head is going into overdrive cause I donno..just smells fishy! Im starting to like Lauren I think. I would like to hear more about her too. Thunder? Gay for pay? Wow...I had him hemmed up as a straight guy for a minute there. When I saw you post Chap 16 on fb and I saw Thunders name..Im like..omg...the bully thing is about to hit the fan! This Thunder is really beginning to intrigue me too. In my mind, he was a beefcake so now I have to change his funny how you read books and imagine a body to a name. Overall, very interesting..Im feeling some kinda way about Tracy..not sure yet but Im gonna wait it out and see what the Master mind is gonna do with his story line...hmmmm :)

  2. WOW!!! Sooooo Tracy was never prego ... what's up with that?!?!?!? I'm happy she is okay, cause she could have really been hurt. OMG!!! What is Jon going to do or say :-/ Okay so we are finding out allll this new stuff about Thunder ... so was it really the Boss that made Thunder leave Stacy and Itt out on the streets? Was she really the love of his life ... OMG I can't take it ...when is 17 gonna hit the net ?!?!?!?!?

  3. Things are gettin very juicy n interesting with Tracy. I cant believe Tracy is not pregnant wat da hell is dat about? Im confuse as to why she thought she was 6wks. Could she be dreaming? Oh wat da hell cum on wit episode 17...LOL. Lets hear wats going on wit Itt and Shy I cant wait.

  4. So Tracy's not really pregnant? So her dumb ass was trying to hurt herself for no damn reason...smh... I heard there is a such thing as pseudo pregnancy...maybe she was suffering from that? As far as Thunder I dont even know what to say about him just yet...Im having mixed feelings about him because Im finding so muc stuff out about him now. Thats y they say never judge a book by the cover because some people attitudes come from things that have happened to them in their lives..the past does have an impact on the future...

  5. Oh so Thunder was run out of town and that why he left Itt and his mom on the street... Was Tracy's pregnancy some kind of trick??? Did Jon have anything to do with it??? Hummmm... inquiring minds...
