Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Episode 24


"I'm here to see Janet Capt."

"Relationship and name, sir?"

"Wife...ex-wife, Jon Capt"

"Is she expecting you?"


"Ok, well wait over there."

The attendant pulls Janet's file and opens it, leaves it on her desk and walks away. Jon is curious to see if Janet is better or worse so he sticks his hand through the opening of the secured window and grabs the file off the desk. He read the word "pregnant" and hears voices approaching, getting louder and louder. He hurries and puts the folder back on the desk and sits back in the chair.

The attendant walks up with a nurse. "Jon Capt?" the nurse called.

"Yes." Jon said and stood up.

"I'm nurse Levante, I will escort you to see Mrs. Capt. I must first tell you that you are her first visitor since she has been in here. I have to ask you something that is a bit personal, if you don't mind." They walk down the brightly lighted hall that is full with colorful voices, chatting, moans, and cries. Jon is regretting that he had Janet put away and now learning that she is pregnant makes it even worst for him.

"Well go ahead I'm listening," Jon said.

"Are you aware that she is expecting a child?" Nurse Levante asked.

"No, I was not aware."

"She says that you are the father. How long has it been since you too...?"

"Ha...no. I assure you i'm not the father."

"Well she seems to say otherwise. This is her room. Sometimes she doesn't remember so just be patient with her. She is very short fused so don't take anything personal. Leave the door open for security reasons," Nurse Levante instructed.

Jon walks inside the cold dorm room and sees Janet lying on her back. He notices her belly and it hits him that what he read and heard is all-true.

"Janet?" Jon speaks in a low voice.

"Hi, Jon," Janet says not even looking at Jon but continues to look at the ceiling.

"How are you?"

"How's Tracy?"

"Right now I'm more concern about you."

"Did she have the baby?"



"No, not yet. When are you due?"

"It's your baby Jon."

"My baby?"

"Yeah Jon, it's yours or did you think we make babies by ourselves?"

"But we have not had sex."

Janet raises her body up from the bed and stands in front of Jon, lifts her shirt up and grabs his hand, places his hand on her belly.

"Feel your baby Jon."

Jon snatches his hands away from Janet.

"Janet, I came here to see if you needed anything. I don't know why I even bothered. You're not getting better, you're getting delusional. Come on tell me, who's baby is it?" Jon demanded.

"It's your motha fucking baby Jon. IT'S YOURS. Remember...just let me put the head in, just a little taste. Remember, you piece of shit. I was so stupid and let you. You still the punk, weak, pussy, bitch I met. I don't care how much money you got. Why the FUCK you hear anyway? Shouldn't you be running up behind that confused mangina Tracy? You fucked with the wrong bitch Jon Capt."

"Mr. Capt, maybe you should leave. She seems to be upset." An attendant suggested.

"You think! The bitch is in the right place. You know Janet I came here cause I have a bit of compassion for you, but you don't have to worry about me anymore." Jon walks out of the room and he starts to here whispers 'Tracy, Tracy, Tracy, Tracy'. He stops and looks back.

"Mr. Capt, come this way. I'm sorry you had to deal with that," the attendant said.

Janet sits up in her bed and remembers the random guy at the bar whom she let have his in the bathroom. "I'm pregnant by a fucking REDNECK! Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh".



"Jon we need to talk, I know I have not spoken or seen you in days but I lost the baby," Tracy says.

Jon turns his desk chair around from facing the window, points a pistol at Tracy and pulls the trigger.

The elevator door open snaps Tracy out of her day-mare 'DING'. "Hey, Tracy? You here to see Jon?" Becky asked.

"Hello Becky, yeah I am. Is he busy?"

"I'll call him." Becky calls Jon and tells Tracy he can go into Jon's office.

"Long time, don't see. Is everything okay? How's the baby?"

"Jon, I lost the baby last week."

"Oh noooooo, here have a seat. Why are you just telling me? What happened? This is terrible." A devastated Jon said.

"It was a lot of complications, Jon. I can't have anymore kids," Tracy said.

"Was it because of this whole (points his finger at her body) transformation thing?" Jon said getting angry.

"No, Jon. It can happen to any woman. Besides I stop taken hormones once I found out and the doctors told me everything was fine."

"I will sue!"

"Jon! I seen four different doctors and they all said the same thing. So I know this is tragic for you and I'm sorry. I need to know what happens from here, our arrangement?"

"You wait a week to tell me you killed my kid and then you come and ask me about a FUCKING ARRANGEMENT! THE ARRANGEMENT IS OFF! GET OUT OF MY OFFICE AND DON'T EVER COME BACK!" Jon yelled.

Lauren is standing at Becky's desk when she hears the shouting coming out of Jon's office.

"Becky is that Tracy in there?" Lauren asked.

"I'm afraid so," Becky answered.

Tracy hurries out of Jon's office and sees Lauren.

"Lauren I may need to stay with you, but I will catch up with you later, ok? Please don't ask me anything right now, I have to leave. Just come to my place around 6," Tracy said with a shaky voice.

"O..Okay," Lauren said.

Lauren is reluctant to go to Jon's office but takes a chance anyway. She opens his office door slowly and hears him on the phone. She begins to eavesdrop.

'Hey baby, I know we had hard times and now that you are having my baby I am ready to make this thing work. Tracy is completely out the picture we can rebuild what we have. I'm so sorry for what has happened'.

Lauren closes the door and walks back to Becky desk. "Did Tracy tell him about losing the baby?"

"I think so," Becky answered.

"So who else did he get pregnant?" Lauren asked.

"PREGNANT?! Lauren I think my water just broke."



Robert stands over Carla as she lies in the hospital bed. He holds her hand and tears are forming in his eyes.

"Baby please, wake up. I should have never went to New York," Robert whimpers.

"Dad you didn't know that this would have happened," Brandy consoles her father.

"It's all my fault. I should not have come here in the first place," Itt said.

"Itt, we should just tell them," Brandy said.

"Tell what?" Robert asked.

"Nothing, she don't mean nothing," Itt said and grabs Brandy by the arm and pulls her into the hospital hallway.

"What's wrong with you? You know what that would do to your family?" Itt said.



"I smoked weed with Itt, that's why I thought I was sick," she looks up and sees a thin figure running toward them in the hall. As the figure gets closer, she realizes that Shy must have gotten the news about their mother in the hospital.

"Where's mom?" Shy said.

"Shy, where have you been?" Brandy asked

"Google me, bitch. You betrayed me. You are my sister and you are sleeping with Itt, the person you know I would have taken a bullet for," Shy said.

"I never slept with Itt, Shy," Brandy says.

"Then what's the big secret. You know what? I really don't care anymore. I'm here to see mom. Hi dad," Shy said.

"We will get to the bottom of this. Just calm down. Brandy, no more soda for you, Gatorade and water," Robert said.

"What was wrong with Brandy? Not that I should really care," Shy asked.

"Dehydration," Itt said.

"I was speaking to my pops," Shy said.

Itt rushes towards Shy and plunge his forearm at Shys' neck forcing him against the wall. "Look man, I have been biting my tongue but I'm sick of your shit. You don't even know and you are assuming what you think is happening."

Robert grabs Itt and pulls him away from his son. "Shy, your sister and Itt smoked marijuana and she thought she got sick from it, that's all so calm down."


CARLA (Inside her coma)

"I want you to fire her. She is not a good fit for the store and I don't trust her," Carla said.

"Thunders' friend?" Robert asked.

"Yes dear, you do it or I will do it myself," Carla said and grabs the bell that sits on arm of the beach chair, she shakes it and a 20 something white male with a crisp, starched uniform hurries to her attention.

"Yes ma'am?" the help asked.

Carla points at her wine glass, "I thought I told you to keep it coming, please don't let me raise this bell again. Is that understood?"

"Sorry ma'am, I'll get the champagne right away," the help said.

Robert looks at Carla sideways with an disgusted look on his face and notices Carla checking the young helper out as he walks away.

"She won't be fired, Carla. What has gotten into you?" Robert said.

"Robert, I'm not a Rubix Cube, I'm not hard to figure out. I want things my way from now on. I have been catering to what you want for years, raising the kids, taken others in, putting everyone first, especially you. It's my time Robert and that's no compromise. So get with it or get on, son. It's all about me. And you bets believe Robert she will be gone by next week. (Carla positions herself more comfortable in the beach chair and looks up to the sky) And that's me being nice. If Thunder want to take his ass on, he can go to. So please just shut up and soak up the rays, maaan." Carla said nonchalantly.



  1. Great episode!! Janet is a nut Jon and a half and if she ever breaks or gets out, John and Tracey better go into hiding cause she is coming got them both. I wonder what she is gonna do about the baby by it being that guys from the bar? Hmmmmm? Jon done got a secret lover?! And she is preggers?! Who is this person? Where did she come from? He is a mess? Did Beths water really break lol? Lauren better be careful I know her and Tracey are cool but she is in a mess of things right know. Poor Robert he just got the bakery going and this happens hopefully Thunder and Jackie will be able to carry the weight while he is away or move the family to the N.Y!! Smh Shy thought Itt and Brandy...lol they just smoked a blunt lol.

  2. And what's with this attitude Carla is dreaming about? Does she wish to be more than she is? Does she want to be Francesca? A Boss Biotch?Interesting what shes going through while in this coma.

  3. Okay...the word Mangina? Lmbo! I died when I read that one! Never heard it before but I think I like it! Although Tracy is a hot mess and it was destined that because of all the stress and drama she goes through on a daily, that she might end up losing the baby, I feel a lil saddened that she wont be able to have anymore chillens. Does this mean that he will continue with the transformation afterall? Probably not because she den lost her money bags! Was Jon calling Janet back when he said this mystery person was pregnant? I know he wants kids and all but would he manipulate the craziness Janet already has going on in that brain to his advantage? Or are we talkin a new mistress in town? And Im going to have to recap because I dont recall Beth being prego??? My head hurts...lol. The other funny was "google me bit@#"!! My water almost broke on that note! lol..I am so happy the series is back in full effect and I thought this was a funny and interesting addition to the plot(s). I was so sure that Itt and Brandy did the nasty!! Ha Ha..you be messing with us! So now I have to wonder how my girl Carla is gonna come out after this coma..I think the Carla in her brain would be a good opponent for Francesca..do I see a can a whip azz comin soon? Im glad you didnt kill her off, I like Carla. Anyways..I enjoyed it as always though I thought a lil birdie tole me that he was going to try to make the eps a lil longer to appease his fans..umph! ;) Keep those creative juices goin..now let me go back and read up on Beth :) P.s. I was having a hard time signing in on here so in case you dont already know..its me..Alicia Bee

  4. Its Becky and no she is not preg...she was joking
