Monday, January 30, 2012

Episode 32


On a large land filled with some of the rarest plants that would not grow on any US soil sits a house, no a manor, painted a glossy black.  On this manor the windows are tinted a incredibly dark black and the vehicles that parks in the designated areas are a series of dark colors like black, navy, or a rich dark plum.  Upon entering the manor, you will need some sort of light.  The manor is designed to have no light fixtures and the only source of lighting is candles and whatever amounts of sun that creeps in if lucky.  The manor measures about 10,000 square feet and is decorated in the finest furniture imported and domestic, of course in dark colors. 

She parks her vehicle and has her hired help take the batteries out, because the vehicle will not shut off unless they are unhooked.  She has taken them to get service and no one can figure out why they would not stop running.  She likes to drive herself because in the past her drivers always gets pulled over for speeding tickets and they can't seem to help themselves.  She knows she is the rationale for these odd things.  Cursed and blessed, her name is Caffeine.  Everything that is around her is up, elevated, upbeat, and ultimately awakened to a 'sometimes'-extreme degree, the reason for her name.

 Every one is running around as she barks her orders as she walks inside her manor.  An Ema Savahl dress is what is layering her slender frame, and what skin does show she wears a strong layer of sun protector. 

"I guess I need to save her from herself, again.  This is not what our family is about, and I would not stand for her to ruin our family name.  If anyone needs to be a villain, yours truly will take the title.  So cousin Francesca needs to sit her ass down," Caffeine tells the snitch on the phone just before hanging up.


The line never seems to end at What's the Skinny bakery.  Percy is handling the register while Itt and Shy is learning the recipes in the kitchen.  Layla stands at the counter pleading to speak with Percy.  Percy does a good job ignoring Layla but she will not give up.  Layla has a look of desperation in her eyes as if she is afraid for her life.

"Thunder, I'm so sorry.  I really messed up.  I don't want to talk in front of all these people, so can you please just promise that we will talk soon so that I can explain everything to you," Layla said with watery eyes.

Percy turns to Layla, "Layla, if you do not know by now I do not go by the name Thunder anymore.  However, we can meet and talk, but I will call you.  So don't come here anymore, you aren't welcomed," Percy said.

Layla manages to walk through the crowd to the exit door.  (BOOM)!  People duck to the floor and ground as screams cry out.   Percy immediately jumps over the counter, running pass and steps on some people to run out the store to make sure Layla is safe.  Percy opens the door so fast he didn't notice that he step right on Layla.  Layla lies on the concrete with blood spilling from her head but manages to look up at Percy to say 'Fran is gonna kill Robert' her heart stops beating.  Percy shakes Layla "Fran is gonna do what? Layla…Layla wake up!"  A tear slowly forms in Percy eyes but never drops.  Percy looks up and sees people frantic, some do not know if they should stick around to help or run in case there are more shots fired. 

Shy stands over Percy, "who is she?"

"Go back inside and call 9-1-1.  Don't come back out here!"

Itt grabs Shy shoulder as Shy reluctantly wanted to go back inside the store. 

"What happened out there?" Itt asked.

"That lady got shot.  Before she left the store she was speaking with Percy and they were supposed to meet later," Shy said.

Shy calls the police but before he hung up the phone, he heard sirens.  Shy, Itt, and the customers gawked as the ambulance took Layla away.  Another shot fired outside and everyone ducked or ran but the assailant was not seen nor anyone hurt.


Robert stands in front of the automatic doors, they open, and he looks back because of the familiarity of the voice he hears call his name.  'What is she doing here', Robert says under his breath.


"Can I have a word with you?  It will only take a minute."

Robert walks towards the red limo, the automatic doors close, he leans over to hear what she has to say, the automatic doors open and there sits Carla in a wheel chair, mouth taped, and being escorted out of the hospital by Francesca guards.  Francesca looks passed Robert as she sees this woman wheeled out the door.

"That's not her you idiots!" Francesca yelled.

"Huh?" Robert said confused and turned around to see the guards standing still and looking stupid.

"Dad?" Brandy said with her head sticking out of the car window ahead of the red limo.

"What's going on here, Francesca?  Were you here to pick up my wife?" Robert asked puzzled.

"Shut up and get off my door," Francesca said and open the door of the limo.

Francesca walks over to the woman in the wheel chair and snatches the tape off her mouth, "Who are you!?"

"Bitch, who are you?  Why in the hell am I being kidnapped?" The woman asked angrily.

"Boss, we asked for Carla and they pointed her out," one of the guards said.

"I am Carla, but who in the hell…"

"You are sick, Francesca.  Brandy, come with me…hurry!"  Robert said before he and his daughter ran into the hospital.

"Go get them, you fools!" Francesca told her security.

"Hello, Fran…I see you are up to your normal stupid schemes again," says this divine female coming out of the hospital doors accompanied by the real Carla.

"You really thought you were going to take me and do 'who know what?" Carla said.

"Let me handle this dear.  Francesca, where are you keeping the girl?"  Caffeine asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Francesca said with fear.

"FESS UP!" Caffeine yelled startling all flying animals to flight.  The hospital automatic doors remain open and the staff is abnormally moving at a rapid pace as if all of them are high off caffeine or there is some type of grand emergency.

"Okay, I'll take you but can you keep this between us?"

"You know everything is always on the up and up with me cuzzo," Caffeine said followed with laughter.

Robert grabs Carla and hurries her to the car alone with Brandy.  "I don't know what is going on and I'm not sure I want too," Robert said and drove to their home.


The red limo and black town car pulled up besides, what looks like, an abandoned building.  Upon opening the doors of the vehicles, the worn dirt that surrounds some parts of the building started to sprout weeds and grass.  The lights inside flickered on and doors became unlocked.  The two cousins walk into the building not saying anything to each other, just shooting each other with evil eyes.



  1. That poor girl Fran ain't no joke. You can't make a mistake, oh well that's what happens when u make a deal with the devil. This Caffeine character is interesting, making everything amped up causing grass to grow, doors to unlock and strikes Fear! In her, COUSIN! where is she from? Is her family like the main mob family n Fran and her family like branches of the family? Glad Fran didn't get Carla n that she's okay is she gonna become the her she dreamed about? Getting guud!

  2. I had to read this the other day..log out..get it together..and then go back in to read again!, Caffeine lives in this marvelous manor with marvelous clothes and marvelousness all around her but its so secluded and dark that you can hardly see?? Oh, somebody has to shed some light on her!! She seems mysteriously wicked and magical all at the same time. That is some interesting java! Will she be the one to put Fran in check because Francesca is so outta order? Im glad that Carla is back..she is my fav! And who is this snitch that Caffeine was talking to on the phone? Was it Layla and Fran found out that she was a snitch? I like how the plot has turned supernatural..first with the hauntings and now with Caffeines presence..creative! I feel a war coming on between life and death! Who is gonna win?! I must say, this ep was fresh and interesting...keep em comin!
