Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Episode 2

Episode 2


Sh always sits on the stairs near the back of the school for lunch just to avoid being ridiculed.  He eats very little, normally some crackers of some sort with peanut butter and a boxed drink.  He is afraid of gaining weight mimicking his parent’s appearances.  He thinks about Itt and Itt’s girlfriend and imagining them making love and suddenly puts his appearance where hers is.  ‘It should be me.  How can I have these feelings when it is such a sin?  Why do I have to be born so different than the rest of the world?’ In his perfect world it would be him and Itt with a little cottage in the country, 4 dogs and maybe 3 cats.  They would own their own internet business not something that is , because he would want to share every moment of every day with him.

Annoyingly~ Riiinnnnggggg … (school bell)

Lunch is over and suddenly he hears kids running and laughing.  He scrambles up his things quickly so he doesn’t get trampled over and walks swiftly to his locker.  With his locker open he is applying lip balm and looking at himself thru the mirror he has mounted on the inside.  He is startled when he looks pass his self and finds someone standing behind him.  When the bully realized Sh sees him, he pushes Sh into the locker and a the lip balm goes right up his left nostril.  The perpetrator laughs and yells “Faggot!” as he runs off to class.  Meanwhile, Sh is getting himself together and he feels a warmness trickling down his face.  He runs to the clinic and luckily the injury wasn’t to serious, just a bloody nose. The nurse asks him ‘who did it?’ and he only replies as he repeatedly replied in the past ‘I fell’.


Itt decides to attend all classes today.  He felt the need to stay out the streets and focus on studies.  He had an epiphany, he realized that he didn’t want to be like the hustlers and pimps and his mother that he seen infested the streets of New York.  He is turning over a new leaf in his life, he decided.  After school was out Itt decided to go to the local library to study and surf the internet.  He went on youtube and looked at recently added videos. He spot a video and someone on the video that looks very familiar.  “Faggot!” he heard from the audio. He rewound the video back and played it again and again.  As he is watching the video his heart starts to race and rage is rapidly building.  He slams is fist down on the keyboard and all you heard was ‘shhhhhhh’ echoing the room.  He couldn’t hear the hushing sounds because he was wearing headphones.  He goes on the social network (MYPLACE) to see if Sh was online.  Sh was not online so he sent a message.

FROM:  Itt
To: ImtheIsh
Re: You tube video

Message: Hey wassup checking in on you, tell me this isn’t you in this video. I’ll be waiting.


‘What is this shit?” She walks in kicking video games covers that Jon has been playing.  “No work today?  Why don’t you do something?  Go to school.  At least keep the house clean.  I go to work everyday and have to deal with these morons and you sit around here playing video games and shit.  Did you even try to find a new contract?  Did you even pick up the damn phone?  She walks over and turns the power off on the TV.  “Don’t you hear me talking to you?  You are such a loser.  Oh lord, what I did to deserve such a loser, a nobody?  I could have married Michael and I choose YOU.  Oh that must makes me a loser.  I should just fuck somebody right in front of you so that you can see I can get someone better than your stiff ass.  Why aren’t you saying something?  She walks over and starts to pound him in his chest.  “Janet, stop.  Stop it Janet, I”, Jon says in a short breathy way.  He grabs his arm and tumbles to the floor.

Janet stands of over Jon put her hands on her hips and yells “GET YOUR PUNK, WEAK ASS UP!”  Jon don’t move. She kicks him in the stomach “GET UP! YOU WASTE OF SPERM MOTHERFUCKER!
“Ja..Ja..Janet call tha”, Jon barely gets a spoken work out.
“Oh shit, I think I’m killing my husband” Janet says in panic

She abruptly grabs her bag, looks back at Jon only once, and hurries out the house.  She gets in her car and calls Tracy.
Tracy, I killed Jon”
“Wha..What? What are you saying”? Tracy says shocked.
“I’m on my way, never mind”, Janet says and hangs up.

“I need an assistant at
345 Teal Road
Tracy tells the operator.
“What type of assistant?” The operator asks.
“I’m not really sure.  The police, ambulance, I’m not really sure.  I think someone is dead”
“Are you at the location?”
“Who has been shot?”
“My girlfriends’ husband”.
“Sir, we officers on their way”.

“Janet, what happened”?
“I swear I didn’t mean too”.
“Did you just leave him without calling the cops?”
“Baby, we have to leave and get out of here.  We can go somewhere far away.  Just me and you.  Nobody has to know”.
“Janet, I called the cops.  They are probably already at your house”.
“You want me to go to jail”!
“Just tell me what happen, and while you tell me we need to go over there now”!


A born and raise in Chicago.  He is 23 years old and an online college student studying Criminal Justice.  He works part time at the call center that Janet manage.  Three years ago Tracy went through a major transformation.  Tracy was born a girl and had all surgeries except the penis implant.  He wasn’t 100% sure if he was gonna want to have a baby in the future.  He plan is if he thinks he is not ready by the age of 30 he would precede with the penis.  He grew fond of Janet over time.  That was not his initial state with her.  He wanted to make sure he was close to someone in charge so that he would have no issues with benefits and also job security while taking his course.  He had learned to love her, flaws and all.  He knew a side of her that no one else seen, not even her husband.  Although, he is fond of her, his priorities continue to be his plan of action.  Janet knows about Tracy’s transformation and still believes that she is not attracted to women. She whole heartily believes that Tracy is a man, and even as young as he is, Tracy is the man of her dreams with or without a penis.


  1. That was soooooooo good. I couldn't stop reading and then it ended. I can't wait til you write more, hurry hurry hurry. You are so creative and the good thing about you is you are my SON. Please hurry and add more. Good job!

  2. Okay, Im slow..I just picked up on the name play with, but does that mean that they will never be? And Janet is off the hook crazy!! And I just met someone like Tracey so its, I get to learn through this story instead of asking personal questions to the person I have met recently!!! I didnt want to ask them but there are so many questions!!! This is way cool...educational and entertaining!

  3. awesome!!! I had no idea you were this creative! can't wait for more!

  4. Dammitt Janet got issues! Bring it on Matrio!

  5. Loving this.. but I feel like im missing something... This isnt the beginning right?

  6. OMG is it Sh in the youtube video .. if it is how is Itt going to react. How are you just going to stop it right there? ... Janet is nuts!! Tracey is a trans F to M ... is she really using Linda or does she really love her ... hmmmmmmm ... My biggest question is ... do we have to wait until next week? lol LOve it!

  7. This was outstanding! Yes, I would like more please!! :)

    You are a great writer which means that I want to read more of what you have to

    Everyone knows that these things are happening but the intense way you describe
    it is extremely descriptive and inviting that I feel like I am standing there
    peeking in their world watching it unfold for myself!

    Wow, bravo!

    Now, you have to do it again and again because I am hooked! What will Itt say
    once he finds out the truth, will he love Sh in the way Sh wants or just as a
    friend like they are now? Will, Tracy realize that using people is the first
    step to getting played? We will see, right?!?

    Can't wait!
