Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Episode 4

“Hey boss, this is my main man Itt”, Ty said.
“Itt? Itt, what?, The boss asked.
Itt, that’s his name.  He alright, he cool.  He needs a favor, Boss” Ty said.
Ty slightly pushes Itt in the back to let him know its ok to speak.
“Hi Boss, Sir, I…” Itt tried to speak but was intimidated by The Boss’s demeanor.
“I didn’t give you permission to speak, BOY!  I’m still hung up on your stupid ass name.  That’s a nickname right?  Tell me why they call you Itt”, The Boss said.
“No, it’s my name”, Itt said with tremble in his voice.
“Well Itt, I don’t like it.  If I’m gonna do business with you I’m gon call you Shit, It’s more appropriate, because that’s what you smell like and what you look like.  And when we finish I wanna asked you, TY, Why do you feel it’s appropriate to bring Shit in my presence?” The Boss said.
“Boss, I’m sorry”, Ty said.
“STOP IT! I hate the sorry ass excuses and hate the word SORRY! And I hate that I have to REPEAT MYSELF!  GET OUT OF MY SITE YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKA!  SHIT you stay right here.” The Boss said aggravated.
“What do you need, son?” The Boss said with a low voice.
“I need…” Itt said nervously.
“Come closer, Itt”, The Boss said with a sensual voice.
Itt walks slow and closer to The Boss.
Itt was taken back and fell until the plush carpeted purple floor that covered the entire room.
“Get up you son of a bitch!” The Boss demanded.
Itt picks himself up off the floor.
The Boss is now standing in front of Itt and he grabs Itts’ face and tried to stick his cigar tasting  mouth to Itts’ to kiss him.  Itt raises his knee as fast and hard as he can and kicks The Boss in his nuts.  The Boss seems to be not affected by Itt’s gesture and plants a smile on his face.
“Ha, ha, ha, Shit you have balls, I like that and I don’t like a lot of things.  Hmm, but I like balls on a boy”, The Boss said.
“I need money; I need money to get to Minnesota.  What can I do to get money without having to do some faggot shit?”
“No faggots here BOY and If I ever hear you say some shit like that again kiss you’re  family GOODBYE”, The Boss said with authority.  “Why should I help you?” The Boss said and then a silence fell over the room as The Boss thought to himself.
“So you need to get to Minnesota?  What the HELL is in Minnesota but a bunch of fucking REDNECKS?”
“I need to see a friend and...”,Itt said.
“Oh so you have a friend in Minnesota you wanna visit.  I tell you want Shit, I will help you.  I have a private jet and you are free to use it and I will tell you what you will owe me when you get back.  Take this piece of shit out of here”, The Boss said.
The Boss flunkies grab Itt and took him out of the mansion and gave him a card and told him to call it.
“Yeah, what do you want?” a guy answered.
“My name is Itt….”
“Yeah I been waiting for your call, but they say your name is Shit”
“Whatever, please just tell me what I need to know”
“You will receive further information later”, the guy hangs up. 
A confused Itt goes home snatches an eviction letter of the door and walks inside.  The stranger is sitting on the couch smoking and drinking.  His mother is in the bathroom doing who knows what; Itt just knows that she is in there a lot.  He pays the stranger no attention and proceeds to walk up the stairs. 
“Hey SHIT!  That’s what Boss calls you right?” the stranger says.
“What do you want, another ass whooping?” Itt responded with bald fists.
“Come; let me have a word with you”.
The stranger pats the cushion next to him to gesture Itt to have a seat.  Itt takes a seat and wait for this drunk to speak and in the back of his head can’t believe that he is actually willing to listen.
“I’m proud of you Itt.  They way you stood up for your self and he could have actually killed you.  You…” Itt cuts him off.
“What do you know about what’s going on with me?  How do you know?” Itt asked.
“Don’t matter, just listen.  There is a lot about me you don’t know.  But, the information you need is on your bed.  I won’t tell your mother-I mean Stacy, she probably won’t notice anyway.  So go do what you gotta do”, the stranger said.
Itt gets up and runs upstairs and laying on his bed is the information he needs to get to Minnesota and also is being inform that he would have a car to take him where he wants to go.  He takes his jacket off to hang it up and in his pocket he notices an envelope with money totaling $1000.00.  He quickly hides the money so that his (Stacy) don’t find it and spend it on drugs.
Shy mother (Carla) enters Shy’s room after she knocks and calls him and didn’t get an answer.  She looks around and finds blood on his sheets.  Shy is passed out on his bed with his secret box open and his mother sees the content inside.
“ROBERT! SHY!!!! Oh My God! Somebody call 9-1-1!!!!
Shy is in New York in China Town and he is running through alleys from fire blowing dragons.  He is naked and his feet are bloody.  He climbs a tall fence with barb wire, but he climbs over anyway, he loves the feeling of the cuts.  He is approaching a bright light and he is passing children as he is running.  The children are laughing and pointing.  The dragons are approaching closer and closer. A dragon, with his nose, scoops Shy up and flips him unto the back of him.  As Shy is sitting on the back of the dragon all he can smell is sweetness, a familiar smell, it smells like his families pastry store and suddenly the smell turns into disinfecting cleanser.  He falls off the dragon and lands on his feet and his wounds are closing as they heal on their own.  He turns around and an army of high school jocks is chasing him, but he is not afraid.  He is willing to suffer.   He trips on a bed of razors and he turns over and there he is, dressed in armor.  He reaches his hand out to Shy and Shy has a huge smile on his face.  He pulls Shy up off the ground and suddenly he stabs Shy with a sword and a dragon torches the stabber.  Shy screams “NOOO!”, as he wakes up in a hospital bed.  He hears voices but has a hard time understanding the words. 
“He’s back!  He’s conscious.  He lost a lot of blood”, the doctor said.
“SHY, are you alright, baby?” Carla asked worried.
“He will be alright, honey”. Robert said trying to comfort his wife and remain strong.
Shy looks up at his family and speaks low “Why would Itt stab me?  Why didn’t Itt save me?
Robert and Carla looks at each other worried and turned their attention back to Shy.
“Son, you had a bad dream.  Here drink some water and we will talk about this later.” Robert said extremely concerned about his son.
Robert (Sh’s father) and Carla (Sh’s mother) ~Outside of the hospital room~
“I’m gonna take Shy to New York with me.  Obviously there is something going on here and maybe we need some bonding time”, Robert said to Carla.
“Yes, I think that’s a good idea and he can help you with the store.  Maybe he needs a change.  He certainly needs help.  Please, while you are there please get him some help”. Carla urged.
“Why is he cutting himself and the pictures of the men and smoking? How did we not see this?  Was we so busy trying to get the business in New York that we neglected our son.  Brandy (Sh’s sister) told me this morning that she saw a video of Shy getting bullied.  It’s on the internet.  We really need to talk to Shy”, Carla said very concerned and with tears falling down her chubby cheeks.
The Doctor walks toward Robert and Carla and tell them Sh will be okay and that they will be keeping him for a few days for observation.  He handed them a pamphlet that gives them more information about cutters and a support group they can call for more in-depth questions. 
“Hello Lauren, I know you think that you were a boss for two days and probably didn’t think I was coming back, but you know you can just take yourself back to your little assistant position.  But, before you leave MY office is there any reports that I NEED to know?”  Janet said.
“No, Janet, except that the two days you were locked, I mean scheduled off, Tracy was no call no show”, Lauren said.
“Well, she’s here today, isn’t she?  Send her in my office and put a move on it chile.  You moving like you got a cucumber stuck in your ass”, Janet said while flagging her hands to motion Lauren out her office.
“Dammit Janet wants to see you Tracy”, Lauren said with an annoyed look on her face.
Janet points and directs Tracy to have a seat.  “So, what’s up?” Janet asks.
“Hey sorry I didn’t get a chance to call you I had finals”, Tracy said.
“Ah, spare me your excuses.  Look nobody needs to know what happened and you still should have called in like normal.  By the way, how did you know where I lived?  I never told you and you never been there?
“Remember about a year ago you left your cell phone at the office, actually on my desk.  Well you were still on your way home so I couldn’t call you.  So I looked inside and saw your address and a few other surprises that you kept secret”, Tracy says.
Janet thinks back and don’t remember leaving her cell phone but she does remember it already being at home when she arrived.  How did the phone get there?  She asks herself.
“Hold up, I don’t remember leaving my phone here.  I remember leaving it at home ONE day and I was afraid that Jon got a hold to it”, Janet said.
Tracy is now trying to think of a comeback and was interrupted by the ring of Janets’ office phone.  Janet holds her finger up to silence Tracy while she answers.
“What?” Janet answers her phone.
Tracy only hears mumbling from the caller.
“Why?!?  What do they want with her? , Janet asked angrily.
Tracy is trying hard to listen and she looks at Janet.  Janet is beet red and rolling her eyes at Tracy.
“They don’t want me there?  She is just little customer service thingy.  Why in the HELL WOULD THEY WANT WITH HER AND NOT ME THERE TOO?! , Janet yells at the caller.
“FINE!!!” Janet slams down the phone.
Janet gets up from her chair and walks to her door and opens it.
“Corporate want to see you at there headquarters.” Janet says with an attitude.
“Me?” Tracy asks.
“Are you death?  Yes you and I want a full report.”
Janet whispers like a villain and speak through her teeth and asks “Do you have any idea what they want you for?”
“No, I have no idea”, Tracy replied.
“Well they want you now, SO be gone”, Janet says and slams the door behind Tracy.
Janet walks out and tells everyone ‘Mandatory overtime Sunday.  Don’t be late!’ Walks back into her office and slams the door.
Tracy arrives at corporate and is greeted by Jon.  They kiss as they walk into the building.
“Come on in, I’m gonna show you were your office will be”, Jon says
Tracy is smiling as she enters the office and is excited that soon she will be CEO of Unigrow Corporation, thanks to the owner, Jon.
To be continued…..


  1. That was really good, I was all into it and then it ended...dang. Hurray-up and get to the next part. Why not 2 parts at a time?; just wondering! But overall it's GOOD!

  2. What is gonna be Itts payment to The Boss I wonder

  3. this episode was so good, they all are. Ugh and I cannot stand Janet, she is such a Biyawch she need to watch out cause they are coming for her...so exciting!!

  4. This was great!!! I really am curiouse to know what Itt is going to do when he arrives in Minnesota. I am ever more curiouse to know why the Boss is doing so much for him. Is the Boss a gay Mob Boss, that likes having are the young guys arond him. I am so so so soooo sad that Shy feels the need to cut, its sad. I hope that he gets better soon. Janet is such a MEGA BITCH and I am excited for Tracey and Jon :-) Keep it coming Matirio!!!

  5. The boss dude is a lil freaky isnt he?? He likes slapping and degrading then rewarding folks to get what he wants. Hmmm...its scarry to think what he will want in return. Dammit Janet makes me want to kick her a$$ just one good time!!! You have definately created a genuine "whackjob" outta her..Im totally in awe when I hear the words that come out of that mouth!!! lol..Tracy is a nice villian as well. As for the dream Sh is having..deep. It reveals his struggle, his demons and his hope to one day be free of the battle he is having within himself. Very interesting character he is...he has the word pain written all over him. Please to continue to amaze...this rocks..

  6. Man!!! What a mess! I can't wait til Tracy makes Janet eat that delicious humble pie!!! Love it!!
