Thursday, January 27, 2011

Episode 19


Lauren sits across from Becky (Jon’s receptionist) at a 5 star restaurant. They have become very close since their first encounter at Unigrow bonded by the dislike of Janet. They learned since that day that they have a lot of common interest. They both are single and looking for love, they both are educated women, they both like the same foods and clothes, they both are southern women with old fashion values, and they both enjoy the finer things in life, and last but not least they both can’t stand Janet.

“I went on a date with this guy, and call me picky, but he wore white socks with black dress slacks and dress shoes. He was a nice guy once you get pass the excruciating scent of Brute cologne,” Lauren says followed by laugher.

“You have the craziest stories, girl. You know I don’t get along with a lot of women. They are intimidated by me because I’m single and of course beautiful (laughs) just kidding, but I’m glad we get along. Single girlfriends don’t ever last and when they see that you have confidence it’s all over,” Becky said.

“Girl I hear you. I don’t pay that no mind. They just showing how and who they are and you wouldn’t want that anyway. Can you imagine if you did find a good man how they would act? Girl you gon have to watch them and who wants to deal with that drama. I say ‘show me who you are so I could pick the weeds out the bed of flowers’ (laugher),” Lauren said.

“Oh hear comes our food. By the way Lauren it’s on me this time,” Becky says.

“Girl it’s okay. You got to pay off those student loans. Plus I asked you to come,” Lauren said.

“Alright if you insist,” Becky says.

The waiter sets the food on the table. The pair looks at the dishes and is very impressed.

Lauren feels her cell phone vibrating in her purse. She looks at it and sees that it’s a text from Tracy.

‘I’m at Jon’s just so you know I’m alright. My phone will be off. I need to take care of this business with him. I promise it won’t be any trouble’

Becky notices that Lauren has a disturbed look on her face. “Is everything okay?” Becky asked.

Lauren looks up at Becky and puts on a fake smile, “Yeah, yeah, everything is okay. It’s nothing.”


“Ok, just let me say what everybody is thinking…..,” Robert said but was cut off by Othella.

“I’m sorry Robert, hold that though. We have to go to a commercial break. When we come back the boys will make there signature snack. You don’t wanna miss this. Come back to us after these messages on the Othella Show,” Othella said and suddenly her make-up and hair dresser comes and prep her for the next segment.


(Producer say’s…back in 5,4,3,2,…back on the air.)

“What are you doing here? I got a protection order against you,” Thunder said trying to stay calm.

“Ha, Ha, Ha, hello dear. Is this part of your presentation?” Othella said trying to mask the situation.

“Go to commercial, go to commercial!” Othella says.

Security grabs a fiesty Sahralonda and escorts her back stage and calls the police, but she is putting up a fight and they find it hard to hold her.

Robert stands there in disbelief and embarrassment.

BANG!!!!!! BANG!!!!!

“Call an ambulance!” a producer yelled.

It was pandemonium and chaos in the Othella Show studio and the audience scattered towards the exits.

“Yes, there was a shooting and there is no pulse. Can you get someone hear quickly please!?” a producer told the emergency operator.

Thunder drops the .38 as he watches Sahralonda lay on the floor.

“THUNDER! Thunder?” Robert says concern that Thunder has developed stage fright. Robert waves his hands and snaps his fingers in front of Thunder’s face.

“Is he okay?” Othella asked.

Robert begins to shake Thunder, “Thunder, Thunder, wake up,” Robert says as he stands over Thunder. “We only have an hour before we have to board the plane to Chicago.”

“Huh? I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to,” Thunder said slowly waking up out of his nightmare.

“You didn’t mean to what? Sounds like you had an interesting dream,” Robert said.

“Oh, yeah, I was dreaming?” Thunder said not sure what is reality and maybe a fantasy to him.

“You wanna tell me about it?” Robert asked.

“Umm, no it’s okay. Just a crazy dream (he laughs),” Thunder said with relief entering his pounding heart.

“Alright, well start packing. I found this note for you, it was at the front door,” Robert hand Thunder the note.

Thunder opened the note that had a light jasmine scent. “It’s from Londa,” Thunder said surprisingly and wondered how she knew he was in New York.

“Londa? Sahralonda?” Robert asked.

“Yeah, we call her Londa. I don’t why her momma named her that ghetto name. Most people can’t even pronounce it,” Thunder said while opening the note.

Dearest Thunder,

You didn’t think that I would find you and know what your plans are. But I have a surprise for you when I see you. See we gon get married. You are gonna be with me so you need to stop playing yo little ass game. That order of protection don’t mean nothing to me because believe it or not, if I can’t have you nobody will. Smooches smooches.

Your Wife,

Sahralonda Jenkins


Jenkins….got a nice (ring) to it don’t it? Love you.


Thunder starts to tear the note up until Robert grabs his hand and stops him.

“Hey don’t be stupid. Obvious that note doesn’t have anything good in it. You save that and show that to the police. Are you crazy,” Robert said and points his finger at his head gesturing Thunder to think before he reacts.

Robert’s cell phone rings.

“Hey honey. Yeah we are up. Just doing a little last minute packing,” Robert says and hears an unfamiliar voice in the background. “Do you have company?”

“Yes, it’s Thunder’s wife. She came by to apologize and we had been just talking about the kids. I know that…” Carla was cut off by Robert.

“What do you mean Thunder’s wife? They aren’t married. How long have she been their?” Robert said with anger in voice.

“Well honey change your tone. What’s got into you? I know what I told you about her, but she felt bad and apologize especially since I helped her with her head injury from Francesca,” Carla said in a higher pitch than her normal voice.

“Get her out of that house. She is no good. He has a protection order against her. (Silence on the other end) Hello, are you there?” Robert said.

Thunder comes out of the bathroom with an astonished look on his face, “Is everything ok?”

Robert looks at Thunder but don’t say anything. He don’t want to risk Thunder not attending The Othella Show by telling him his estranged ex is with Carla.

“Robert, it’s so nice to finally talk with you. I’m sorry for the trouble that I put you and your family through. Maybe when you get back we can talk about it over coffee, huh? Tell Thunder I will be seeing him soon,” Sahralonda said is such a pleasant tone.

“Get the hell out my house and put my wife back on the phone,” Robert said in a low but heated pitch.

“Who is that?” Thunder asked.

“I know it was just a misunderstanding. Thunder likes to be kept on his toes. That’s why he loves me. I will give the phone back to your wife, chow,” Sahralonda said with such grace and completely ignoring what Robert said.

“It’s her sister, Janet,” Robert lied to Thunder.

Thunder walks back into the bathroom. He doesn’t want to interfere with Robert’s family business, remembering when Robert told him ‘it’s not your affair and to stay out of it’.

“See honey, you are overreacting. Wait till you get to know her. After all that mess we went through, I understand why she reacted they way she did. You just need to watch Thunder (Carla said in a low tone, not wanting Sahralonda to hear) he is just a cheater. That’s why she was acting like that,” Carla said.

“Carla, you don’t know this lady….”

“You never even meet her. I thought we were a family of acceptance and non-judgment. That’s what we teach our children. I’m hanging up now. Have a safe flight. I love you. Good bye,” Carla said and hangs the phone up.

“AGHH!!” Robert yells.

From a distant in the apartment an echoing Thunder yells, “Dude, calm down. She knows how to handle Janet.” Thunder has no clue that Londa has Carla in the palm of her hands.

To Be Continue……


  1. Awww!Wow! Im soo glad that it was a dream!!! But you know you be twisting my head with these surprises! LOL...good so Thunder is not going to jail and Robert is on point about girlfriend!Yay!! That Sar...Londa is a different kinda crazy huh?! She is a certified fruit loop..I hate that Carla is sucked right on in with her shake and dance! Now Carla has two crazies coming out of left field in her three counting Francesca...And what is cooking with Becky and Lauren?? Hmmm...Maine, you were on point..this is a good one!! Me thinks me like this ep too! Keep em comin Matirio..good stuff! Blog opera in full effect! :)

  2. I felt like I could breath again after I read that it was only a dream ... but maybe that dream may become a reality. Londa is one sneaky Bitch, an i can not believe how effin stupid Carla is being right now SMDH!! She is putting her company, family and friend in danger. Maybe here dumb ass should listen to her husband instead being all #wearetheworld SMH. I can't wait for the next episode!!

  3. When I tell you my jaw dropped to find out it was all a dream....gasp, I love the dream sequences. This while thing with Londa and Thunder is crazy. She is a true to heart nut case. I actually thought she was holding Carla and them hostage the way she was acting and poor Thunder is going through it. Let's hope for Roberts sake that all goes well when they actually get to the Othella show(fingers crossed). I absolutly love Lauren and is happy where her character is going. I hope to see positive and good things from her also I like that she found a friend in Becky. I am pleased.

  4. Thanks guys for commenting it really do mean alot that I have great readers like yourself. I wish that more people that reads comment or at least let me know that they are reading...however thank you and thank everyone else that reads.

  5. Ha ha ha it was all a dream....WOW! Thank GOD for that it was a dream. What is up with Sahralonda? Why is she been so nice to Carla all of a sudden? Well I cant wait till the next episode.

  6. U really get to me with these damn dreams...I was almost caught for second...well more than a sec. LOL! Shit is getting crazier though..they better get it together...smh...
