Thursday, February 10, 2011

Episode 20 Season Finally

                            PERCY ‘THUNDER’ JENKINS/SAHRALONDA

17 Years ago

A 19 year old Percy “Thunder” Jenkins living in Detroit lived at the night clubs. Of course he was too young to get into the 21 years old and up clubs but he was charming enough and made friends with the owners and provided them with things that they desired (drugs) so they broke the rules for this drug dealing ladies man.

One night Thunder pulled up in his soup-ed up used Cadillac. He had rims that mirrored any reflection; it was red with a yellow racing stripe. He always has an entourage of ladies and a few fellows following his lead. He has an independent mind and immense traits as a leader. As he and his group is walking through alley entrance of the club, Thunder is taken as he sneaks a peek at the eye candy the will be accompany him soon. That’s how confident he is.

Inside the colorful lit night club the group is greeted by many familiar faces. Kisses on cheeks, and hand pounds accommodated the entrance, along with small talk and laughter. Thunder sits at the bar contemplating his next move. A young lady is trying to get his attention with unnecessary chatter, he shakes his head yes as if he is paying her attention but don’t hear a word she says. His eyes are drawn to the light skinned girl with a pony tail tilted to the side of her head and a lollipop in her mouth; he scans her with his eyes. The same piece of candy he seen standing in line. She is giving the brothers rejection looks with her eyes, without even saying a word, and they seem to pick up on the indication. “Stuck up bitch” “Ghetto ass hoe” “Fuck you then, slut” “I heard yo shit loose anyway” “Runaway slave ass pussy” and the insult repeats as long as she gave the look. She wasn’t faded by any of it. She was on a mission to find her a baller.

Thunder parts the crowd as he approaches this light skinned attitude on stilts. “Don’t even give me the look. I don’t want anything from you,” Thunder told her not faded by her gesture.

“What?” she said with squeakiness in her voice and roll of the eyes.

“Let me tell you umm…” Thunder said looking for her to tell him her name.

“Londa,” She said short, not letting go of the attitude.

“Let me tell you, Londa. You have something special. (She takes a deep breath with her arm folded and shifts her weight to another leg and looks at him like ‘what da fuck he mean’ look on her face) These boys that are approaching you are intimated by you. That’s why they give up so easy. Cause you got something special (points at her head), but you don’t even know it,” Thunder said and walk away.

Londa stood in the same spot for a while not sure of how to feel after hearing what Thunder said. She wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or what. What she did know is that she felt rejected and confused and he made her lose her attitude for even a split second and that’s something that never happened to her.

Londa wanted to hear more of what this guy had to say. She felt he was really groovy and smooth, not like these other jive turkeys in the club. She looked for him, in every inch of the club. She went to the bar and the bartender already knew exactly what Sahralonda (Londa) was looking for. The bartender pointed to the staircase near the south end of the bar. She nodded her head and put on her attitude to show the bartender that she wasn’t pressed and walk to the guarded staircase. The guards unchained the entrance ‘agh, whatever’ she mumbled and walked up the stairs. To her right a room glowed with blue light and heavy smoke. She smelled marijuana and heard Thunders voice. “It’s not happening tonight sister” and another woman in the room closed the door in Londa’s face. She stood there with a puzzled look on her face ‘who do this nigga think he is’. She walks back down the stairs into the loud club area with her appointed attitude plastered now on her red face. Upset because she had just gotten played an ultimate rejection, but she couldn’t shake him out of her like she usually do with the other men. It was just something about this guy. One of Thunder’s entourage male members approach Londa and she immediately put on her act. “Sista please, it’s not even about that. His name is Thunder and here is his number. He asked me to give this to you.” He handed her the card and walked off not even in the slightest bothered by her aura. She felt butterflies holding the card and warmness inside. Her face forced a smile and she quickly released it once she noticed the emotion.

Sahralonda called Thunder and he agreed to go out with her, except they never went out. All they ever did was have sex, protected sex. They saw each other for about three months. Three months of manipulation from Thunder in which she had no clue of how wide her nose was open. She wanted Thunder to herself. She knew that he had other women, but she whole heartedly felt she was his number one.

One night, routinely, Londa was preparing herself and plotting a way to keep Thunder. She was gonna make sure she is gonna be the one and only. She took a condom and pierced a hole through the package. She knows that Thunder always plays it safe but she wanted to ensure her position and change Thunder by trying to have a baby.

Londa walks out of the bedroom with the condom hidden in her bra. She is very creative the way she slips it over his private part. They proceed and finish. She lays there feeling the wetness inside her. Time goes by and her belly grows. When Thunder heard the news he was mixed with emotions about being a dad and her being a mother to his child. He was unsure about how this could have happened with a condom on. He vowed not to leave his child like his father left him, and he wanted to make sure it was his child. DNA test results 99.9%. After his son was born the tension between them grew. Londa plan failed, Thunder continued being a playboy, but he was still there for his boy. This made Londa even more vindictive and she made sure that Thunder’s life was gonna be a living hell. She sabotaged and plotted with and against all of Thunder’s friend and associates causing him to be friendless, he didn’t know. She often threatened to kill herself every time he decided to stop seeing her. She used Percy Jr. many times, if he didn’t do what she wanted him to do then he would never see his son. Of course, this was a very stressful time for Thunder and he wish he never met her, however he was in love with his son and can’t see his life without is offspring.

Londa ended up on welfare and had 2 more children by 2 different men trying to make Thunder Jealous, it didn’t work. She notices the direction Thunder life was going and she desperately wanted to be part of it. He was beginning to be very successful with his gym and being a trainer. Before she met Thunder, Londa was suited to attend college and her family was proud that she would be the first in their family to attend, but chasing after Thunder and suddenly getting pregnant, it caused her to go in a completely different direction and she regrets the day she went into that night club. Now with Chardonnay and Porcheletta along with Thunder’s son Percy Jr. to care for it makes her life difficult, makes her bitter, and she wants Percy Jenkins Sr. to suffer as much or more than she does and she won’t stop until she feels like it.

                                                      THE OTHELLO SHOW

“Hey Thunder you ready?” Robert asked.

“Just about. Robert, I was thinking, when I adopted the name Thunder I was not the person I am today. I know that I became the person I am today is because of my past, but I think I just wanna go by Percy Jenkins. Thunder is who I used to be, not that I regret my past struggles but I think I have changed even though these ghost are still trying to make me out to be that same villain,” Thunder said.

“I think that’s a good thing Thunder, I mean Percy. People have a hard time letting go of the past,” Robert said.

“Hey guys we go on in 5,” one of the Othella staff members tell Rob and Percy.

(Hair and make-up team is in Rob and Percy dressing rooms prepping them for the show.)

“I don’t want a lot of make-up; can you just take the shine out?” Percy says.

(Robert looks over at Percy and shakes his head with a slight smile. ‘Diva’ he mumbles.)

“…any special requests for you Robert, anything at all? And I do mean anything (he rubs Robert’s arm).” the male make-up artist flirts with Robert.

(Robert holds his left hand up to display his wedding ring.)

(The male make-up artist shrugs his shoulder ‘so’)

“No, just the usual,” Robert says.

(The show went on and was a great success, no murders, no surprises.)

“I’m so happy that everything went well (sighs hard),” Percy says.

“Did you have any doubt?” Robert asked.

(They leave the studio and are standing waiting for the transportation service.)

“Hello Bob,” she says seductively.

“Oh, hey. Hello,” Robert says with a slight roll of the eyes.

(She places her hands on his chest as she stands in front of him.)

“Don’t be like that Bobby Boy. I got your message. Sorry you didn’t do your homework on people you let invest in your business,” Francesca says and pinches his cheeks.

“Who is this?” Percy said admiring the power and sexiness of Francesca.

“Francesca, what are you doing here?” Robert said.

(Thunder, who can’t resist a beautiful woman, walks in front of Robert and extends his hand.)

“I’m Percy Jenkins, Robert’s business partner,” Thunder said with a huge grin on his face.

(Francesca snapped her fingers in Thunder’s face and suddenly two of her workers appeared and she continued her focus on her high school crush and now business partner.)

“I’m not interested in meeting you Percy, Thunder, or whatever your name is. Shouldn’t you be at home with that psycho baby momma of yours?” Francesca said in the most pleasant way.

‘Damn do everybody know about my business’ Thunder said to himself as he got out of the guards way.

“She is a huge investor in the store, Percy. And she just so happened to went to school with Carla and Sahralonda,” Robert said.

(Percy stood there in confusion)

“I’ll explain to you later, Percy,” Robert said.

“I hope so, because I can’t take any mo surprises. Next thing you know my private parts will be on display in Time Square.” Thunder said shaking his head and noticing the car pull up.

“Look Bobby (she grabs him by his balls) you can’t buy me out. If this is the only way I will have part of you then this is what I will settle for. It’s out of character for me to have my private investments on a television show. Ha! I don’t care! Bring me success!” Francesca says very dramatic and walks to her awaiting car, once inside the care speeds off down Michigan Avenue.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’ll explain everything in the car,” Robert told Percy.

“Please do, little Bobby,” Percy said sarcastically.

(Robert told Percy about the incident between Carla and Sahralonda and the manipulation she is trying to do. He also told him that his son is the bully that bullied Shy. He also filled him in on the past of Francesca.)

Percy is very upset about the news and especially that Robert was so selfish to keep the information to himself till after the taping of The Othella Show. He immediately called the police and reported the harassment and told them he has proof (the letter that was sent to him in New York.) Because of the history of Sahralonda the police department has no doubt the Percy was telling the truth.

                                            CARLA/and Company

(Itt pushes Percy Jr.)

“Man I said I’m sorry,” Percy Jr. said.

(Itt stands in Percy Jr. face on the front yard at Shy’s house looking very upset almost like he wants to kill Percy Jr.)

Percy Jr. who is much shorter and smaller than Itt is visible scared. He is shaken and want to leave, but his mother made him come over to apologize so they all can get along for the sake of herself.

“C’mon Itt, he said he was sorry,” Shy said.

“They never mean it, I know. I used to be him,” Itt said.

“My mother dragged me over hear. Besides that was a month ago. We are all out of school. Well ya not. Wait. What do you mean you used to be me?” Percy Jr. said.

“You are a bully?” Shy asked Itt.

“I said used to be. Till I seen you getting bullied. I didn’t know you were so…” Itt said and stopped himself.

“…so what? Go on, finish. A wimp. A wuss. Go on, Itt. It’s okay. Just because I didn’t fight back don’t make me a bad person. A person who jumps on innocent people is bad, let’s not forget (Shy move his neck from side to side from soreness caused by Francesca’s grip). Is that why you came here Itt? To be my hero, to fight my battles. I don’t need anyone to fight for me. If he says he’s sorry then I forgive him. That’s how we were raised in my family (Shy grabs his own neck and move it side to side),” Shy said.

“What’s wrong with you’re neck?” Itt said.

“When she grab my neck, it stills (he shifts his neck some more) hurts. Never mind that,” Shy said.

“I really am sorry, Shy,” Percy Jr. said authentically.

(Itt looks at Percy Jr. and rolls his eyes letting him know he isn’t finished with him yet, despite Shy’s speech.)

“Come in the house, Shy,” Itt said.

“Why?” Shy said.

“I know this trick I can do for your neck,” Itt said.

“Can I come?” Percy Jr. asked.

“NO!” says Itt and at the same time “YEAH!” says Shy.

“No, we will be right back,” Itt said firmly and Shy said nothing.

(Percy Jr. climbs the stairs and sits in a chair on the porch.)

Inside of the house was a feeling of anticipation because it was time of the airing of The Othella Show. Carla and Sahralonda sat on the sofa in front of the television set like old friends waiting to see their Beau’s make their debut.

“Hey boys, Shy your dad’s about to be on T.V. now,” Carla said with a bowl of popcorn steadily emptying in her lap.

“I’ll catch it upstairs, mom,” Shy said.

All the children were coming downstairs to catch the show as Itt and Shy passed them on the way up. Inside the bedroom Itt asked Shy to take his shirt off.

“I’m not showing you my private parts. If we ever, it wouldn’t be here. I will always respect my parent’s home,” Shy said with laughter.

“Shut up. Take your shirt off so I wouldn’t get any of this on it (holding up a jar of Ben-Gay),” Itt said.

(Shy looks at the jar and chuckles.)

“That’s your great secret? Ben-Gay. Ben-Gay Itt. Really?” Shy said, (they both busted out laughing hysterically at the irony of the name).

(Shy slowly pulls his shirt off over his head)

Shy realize that this will be the first time Itt will see him without his shirt on in a lit room so he is hesitant.

“Shy, c’mon. Don’t try to be all shy na,” Itt said.

Itt eyes grew large when he seen the scars that covered Shy. Itt didn’t blink, he just stared and was a bit taken.

“Shy did he do that?” Itt asked.

“Who?” Shy asked.

“Percy,” Itt said and gotten off the bed and was about to teach Percy Jr. a lesson until Shy grab him, “No, I did,” Shy said.

“I don’t understand. Why…why…why would you do that?” Itt asked with concern.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a bully?” Shy said and puts his shirt back on and ran out the room.


(Shy runs down the stairs pass the family room. He can hear his dad speaking on The Othella Show but didn’t take any interest.)

“Shy, dad’s on,” Brandy says.

“I don’t care. I hate this house!” Shy says as he continues to run out the house. He stands on the porch and notices Percy Jr. sitting in silence playing with his Gameboy ‘agh’ he thinks.

“What’s going on?” Percy Jr. asks.

“Shut up, you are the start of all this shit,” Shy said.

(Itt comes out to the porch.)

“GO HOME!” Shy shouts to Itt.

“What?!” Itt asked surprised and confused.

(Carla is standing in the door followed by Sahralonda.)

“Shy, come inside. Let’s talk about this,” Carla said concerned and confused about what’s going on.

“NO! Why is he here?”

(Carla walks and grabs Shy and pulled him inside the house.)

“I’m calling someone today. We thought Itt being here would make you forget about this. Sahralonda, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. I’ll talk to you later,” Carla said.

“Maybe I can help,” Sahralonda said.

“Sahralonda, I’ll talk to you later. Okay?” Carla said firmly.

Sahralonda steps off the porch with a grin on her face and was suddenly vanished when a police car pulls up.

“Sahralonda it’s nice to see you again. We’re taken you in for violating your protection order regarding Percy Jenkins,” an officer says proudly.

“What?” Sahralonda asked.

“Let’s not pretend. We know how you operate,” the officer said.

(Carla is looking through the screen door from inside and come back out on the porch).

“So it is true. Robert was telling the truth about you. You used me,” Carla said.

“Can you please look out for my kids until I get this figured out?” Sahralonda asked Carla.

“No (in a high pitch tone), I’m not getting involved with you. Call a family member,” Carla said.

(As the officer is tugging at Sahralonda’s arm Percy Jr. looks embarrassed. This isn’t the first time he witness her going to jail.)

“You right, I was using you, and just like I’m making his life a living hell. I’m gonna make yours,” Sahralonda yelled.

“Kids go in the house,” Carla said.

“MY MOTHER IS CRAZY!” Percy Jr. shouts.

“SHUT UP DUMMY!” Sahralonda yells.

“We already called Child Services to pick up your kids,” an officer says.

“But he is 18. What’s gonna happen to him?” Sahralonda asked.

“You should have thought about that before this violation. C’mon let’s go, I have doughnuts waiting for me (he chuckles),” the officer says.

As the officers drive away with Sahralonda, Carla looks at a hurt and sad Percy Jr. as he watches the officers take his mother away. Carla walks toward Percy Jr. and place her hand on his shoulder and he follows her inside the house, “it will be okay, Percy. Everything always works itself out,” Carla says. Percy Jr. wraps his arms around Carla and didn’t want to let go.

Itt is trying to talk to Shy upstairs in his room and Shy is too embarrassed and reluctant to tell him anything.

Carla makes the phone call to a counselor and sets up an appointment. Once she is off the phone she goes into Shy’s room, asks Itt to go downstairs so she can be alone with Shy. “I made an appointment and I know you are embarrassed and you probably hate yourself right now, but you are not alone. A lot of people go through the same thing you are experiencing. I just want you to know that we will always be here for you and this will help you. You may not see it now but you will in the long run. By the way, off the subject, I finally got a chance to grade you and Itt papers and I have good news you both have enough credits to become high school graduates (she pats him on his back). Smile, Shy. Okay, I know you’re upset. Just come down stairs and sit with us for a while,” Carla said and gave her son a hug.

(Shy gets up and follows his mom downstairs.)

“Shy you alright?” Everybody asked.

(With a smile on his face) “Yes, I’m okay for now,” Shy said feeling loved and everybody gets up and gives him a hug even Percy Jr.

                    CHICAGO 6 p.m.


Lauren takes her same drive down the interstate to her home, texting and driving, is listening to Pandora Satellite Radio. She has is on upbeat music as she is fighting the Chicago rush hour. She gets a text from her brother, he is wishing her a safe trip and says he loves her. This makes her feel good but don’t help the longing for romantic companionship. She often thinks about Tracy and the harsh dilemma that he is going through and wishes that she can help him. ‘If only Tracy was a real dude I wouldn’t mind going out with him’ she says to herself. “Let me give him a call,” Lauren says.

(The phone rings four times and Lauren is about to hang up, she don’t want to leave a message, but Tracy answers).


“Hey, I was just about to hang up.”

“I’m at home chilling. The Othella Show is about to come on.”

“I love that show. I Tivo it.”

“Lauren! Oh my God!”

“What Trace?”

“I have this dudes tapes (he laughs). This dude is a baker now. Is they gonna mention this on here.”

“Tracy, what are you talking about? You gon make me have anaccident. You got me nervous acting like that.”

“This old porn star dude is on The Othella Show, Thunder. He did gay porn, now he is acting like he straight. Him and this guy got this bakery or something in New York, that’s what she is featuring today. It must be big time if it’s on this show. (Long pause) oh he goes by Percy these days. Yeah he was a real player back in the days,” Tracy said.

“I just walk in my apartment (Lauren turns the T.V. on). Oh my God Trace, I used to date him when I went to Wayne State. You said he did gay porn (Lauren has a sour look on her face) ohhh that’s nasty,” Lauren said.

“Are you kidding me Lauren,” Tracy said.

“No, as a matter of fact, I almost had his baby. The condom broke, but I had an abortion. He never knew. (Short pause) Speaking of which, what were you doing at Jon’s,” Lauren asked.

“…ok so I go over there to confront him about his little schemes, because I don’t care what no clinic says. I know I’m pregnant. I’m getting ready to knock on the door and here is Janet walking up and suddenly before I even knock the door opens. His butler stands there with a towel. Of course she is just surprised to see me as I am of her. She was being the bitch as she usually is, but anyway. Jon comes into the foyer and pass him is Beth. You know Beth that used to sit next to me at the call center...” Tracy continue telling the story.

“Janet what are you doing here?”

“This is my husband’s house. You home wrecker. He sent for me if you must know,” Janet says.

(Tracy turns her attention to Jon.)

“Jon, why are you trying to force me to have your baby? I don’t want your damn baby or you. And you have your psycho wife back,” Tracy said.

“PREGNANT?! JON! BETH! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” Janet says surprised.

(Janet storms passed Jon and runs after Beth.)

“It’s not what you think! She didn’t have anywhere to go,” Jon says.

“I can’t believe this shit, Jon. You are a dog. What kind of relationship you think you are going to have with this child you being like this?” Tracy says.

Janet snatches the towel off Beth leaving her with her private parts exposed and Beth slips on the marble floor. Beth boyfriend come running from a nearby room. “What’s all the fuss? What are you doing to my girlfriend?” Russ (Beth’s boyfriend) asked confused.

Janet stops pulling Beth’s hair. “Oh, my bad,” Janet says and walk down the staircase.

“Yo bad (sounding like a true white girl),” Beth said.

Beth runs and grabs Janet’s hair and snatches her and she falls on the hard marble stairs. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, bitch.” Beth said with rage.

Jon and Russ grab Beth and Tracy grab Janet to get her away from danger.

“Are you alright Janet?” Tracy asked.

“I don’t need this shit in my home! I told you it wasn’t what you thought. I’m not a monster and Tracy if you wanna know who has been setting you up look at the person next to you. Once she found out you were pregnant she used all her settlement money to pay people off. I have an investigator and the police on their way to arrest her. I’m not that stupid. I couldn’t tell you because we were building a case against the crazy bitch. If you don’t want to have a baby, I know I can’t force you. It’s completely your decision. I’m sorry that you went through so much,” Jon said.

“…so Janet went crazy and she is locked up in Pavilion Behavioral Health System. Beth and Russ was just living there temporary, Russ is getting a house built for them and their newborn that is on it’s way, but the house is behind schedule and their lease ran out so Jon offered them a room. Russ and Jon went to high school together. And I decided to keep my baby. But you Miss Innocent, (in whispered tone) you had an abortion? (Laughs) You were in a relationship with a gay porn star and his private parts are all in my video stash. Lauren you took all that?” Tracy said.

“Look, don’t judge me. I never said I was an angel. I’m looking at him now. He looks good, but gay? I don’t think so. He wasn’t gay when he was on this playground (Laughs),” Lauren said.

“I can give you the tapes,” Tracy said.

“Who in the hell owns VCR’s? I don’t think I wanna see that. I’ll take your word for it,” Lauren said while she googles Thunder and search for his videos.

“How is work?” Tracy asked.

“Work is work. I love it (laughs). So are you and Jon back together? I can’t believe Janet. I knew she would end up in a place like that one day. She needs the rest. I really feel sorry for her. I can’t believe she went out her way to make you keep that baby but make you believe that you weren’t pregnant. I don’t understand. Did she want you and Jon to be together or apart?” Lauren asked.

“Lauren, she wanted to kill my baby after I had it to get back at Jon. She wanted me to have it. She didn’t care if me and Jon was together or not. Her killing his child would have killed him. Yeah, the bitch is crazy. But I decide to have the baby but give Jon full custody. I would be in the baby’s life but the baby would stay with Jon. He is gonna pay for me to go to school full-time and take care of all my expenses,” Tracy explained.

“OH MY GOD! She is really crazy. I’m so glad you are okay,” Lauren said.

(Tracy hears moaning sounds coming from the receiving end.)

“Lauren. (pause) Lauren!”


“Did you find videos of Thunder online? (Laugher) I’ll let you go enjoy that,” Tracy said.

“NO, (laughs) I was just curious,” Lauren said.

“Got ta go, bye,” Tracy said.

“Don’t judge me, bye boy,” Lauren said and thought about Tracy a little more and realizes she was touching her private part. “Stop it Lauren,” she mumbled to herself.

                                              CHARLES ROMAN THE THIRD

“So I hear you working with the enemy, Tyrone? Today will be the last time you see me,” The Boss said.

“I swear Boss, I never worked for her. It was for your benefit. If I gather information from her side, I can be more of an asset for you. I swear,” Tyrone said with watering eyes.

“It’s already done,” The Boss gets up and leave the visiting room.


Charles Roman the Third sits at the table eating the awful prison dinner and notices a lot of ruckus in the room. It was more noise than normally and this made him panicky. He turns around to watch his back and he instantaneously feels a pinch in his chest and his heart starts to race and head begins to feel light. Everything begins to look double and unstable. The noise elevates as he glances up at the fluorescent lights just before his lids fastened.

“THE BOSS GOT SHANKED!” and inmate shouts and more chaos breaks out in the prison.


Tyrone cautiously watches his surroundings as he is walking through the airport. He is on his way to New Mexico to start a new life; especially since he knows he is a marked man. He approaches a TSA agent and thinks that he will get a routine security check. The agent asks Tyrone to follow him into a room for more inspection. The agent walks out the room alone and goes to a nearby bathroom and changes clothes. Tyrone never walks out the room, he was carried out on a gurney. The fake agent was never seen again.

Francesca received the recent news about her plans as they work out in her favor. She boards her private helicopter and instructs her workers that they will be recruiting and get ready for big changes. She is bound to Mexico for some fun in the sun. She feels a lady should always be a lady and get pampered as she often do. After having to take the role of a Boss Bitch she have many challenges and decisions that she conquers on a daily, so the bitch have to have some ‘me time’.


Jackie husband agreed to let Stacy stay with them until she gets on her feet. Because they live in a small home Stacy will have to slumber on the couch. Jackie had been searching for some reasonably priced rehab centers for Stacy to attend but in the meanwhile she had been giving her money for the drugs to keep her from the ruthless withdraws and keep her from getting money elsewhere like prostitution or even stealing from her family. Jackie tried to get Stacy a job at the bakery but Robert won’t allow it. He doesn’t trust Stacy and he don’t even want her in the bakery.

The bakery business has grown so big since the airing of The Othella Show and Jackie is working overtime. It is causing some family issues and she wishes that Robert would be more trusting to hire Stacy or simply just more people, but he is so focused on making a profit so that he can eventually buy Francesca out and also become the sole owner. Jackie has not had much time with her husband or her children because of the success of the bakery, but she is getting paid really good money. More money than she ever hopes that she would get paid, nearly the same as a big time CEO of a company. She is thinking about her kid’s future education and buying a bigger house. She was able to afford to put Stacy in a very good rehab center and her husband don’t have to work 70 hours a week like he used too.

Robert let Jackie leave early because the store was closing for renovations for 3 days. She knew that her husband would be at work and Stacy would be at the center. Her kids were at the baby center, so she would have a couple of hours to herself and nobody knew this but her and Robert. Jackie wanted to take a long bath and unwind to some soft music. She walked in the house and she can smell vanilla scent. She saw a flicker of light coming from her bedroom. She walked towards the bedroom and immediately ran the opposite way. She had tears in her eyes and she frantically ran out the house. She can’t believe what she just witnessed.

To Be Continued…..


  1. Wow..ok, I liked this episode..everybody is in it and it all comes to a head. I didnt realize how much I missed Itt and Shy's story line! I get the feeling that they may not end up together after all..but ya never know..And I know this sounds bad, but I still wanted lil Percy to get his azz kicked. I hate what he did and sorry doesnt cut it! I can understand forgiveness but...I still want him to get his azz kicked! lol..and Lauren used to be Thunders ex back in the day? and now, she is digging on Tracy?? She is a story within herself cause not only is she the ex of a gay porn star that isnt gay, she is falling for a girl thats a boy that screwed a man and in turn got screwed by his crazy woman! Whew..did I get that right? lmbo!! Does this make Lauren a lesbian? or is she Bi? Hmm..very Im tripping cause the Boss is shanked and Tyrone is dead, but who killed Tyrone? Was it set up by the boss before he was killed or did Boss Bit@$ set up the hit? There is so much going on and I had to read it, sit down and let it settle and then comment! Im glad the bakery is doing well but I feel sorry for Jackie..who is doing the nasty at her house?? I hope Stacy can get it together and mend some kinda way with would be bittersweet but I think that she was a victim somewhat..a person is definately not themselves once those drugs take over and since Boss started her on it and things went downhill from that point on, if given a chance I think (hope) she would do a 360 and be the mother Itt needs. Franscesca is gonna be ruthless with Robert when she is finished regrouping..I think her and Londa would be friends in another life..they are both crazier that betsy bugs! And let me touch upon this name..Porcheletta?!! Lmbo..I absolutely hate that! and them names are too funny! All and out, I found this ep quite enjoyable and justified..sorry it took me so long to comment but Im glad that I am current and in the now..Nice job! I know your mind feels more rested since you have released a lot in this was a lot to let go..get some rest for other projects and then get back to your art!!! I will stay tuned :)

  2. OMG!!!! This episode was GREAT, and I was sad for it to end as usual. Okay my recap of the events .. where do I start ... I am so happy that Carla was able to Sherlonda for teh butt hole that she is!! That woman in a trip, and needs to get a grip. I hope she isn't able to come between Thunder and his success. He has worked really hard to change his life. The truth is we all have a past and that should not define us, as long as we are able to move past it and grow. I was really hoping that Shy would not start cutting again, but he is going through so much. I also hope that he can find it in his heart to forgive Itt for his pasted in being bully ... he was so ready to forgive Percy Jr. ... so why not Itt. I also want to see how the friendshipo develops with Percy Jr. O and I think it would be sooo HOTT for Tracey and Lauren to get together. They are such good friends and Lauren seems to have an interest so why not. Jnaet us nuts nothing new ther SMH. It seems that Jon is trying to move on in his life and figure out what he wants ... It is so true when they say, Love doesn't buy happiness. It has to come from within yourself. ... oMG so much to go over ... WOW the Boss is dead and the business has been takin over by a real BITCH. I hope Robert can make enough money to buy Francesca out. She is a bitch for real!!! Now with that ending OMG it seemed that everything was going so good for Stacy with the extra money ... I think it is a fucking shame that he would just cheat on her because she is working alot. She is doing it for him and THEIR family SMDH!!! I want to know who is cheating on her with. I hope whomever it is she goes back and Kicks their ASS!!! Ok, I think I covered it all. This episode was great!!! I wish I could have read it all in one sitting, but I guess I should o work when i am at work lol. I can't wait for episode 21 :-)
