Saturday, April 9, 2011

Season 3 Episode 21


Jackie stands behind the counter with a tear stained face. A line is forming outside of the bakery and the phone is ringing continuously. People are whispering and wondering if this is some kind of joke. One customer yells, "WAKE UP! SOME OF US HAVE JOBS TO GO TO!" She does not move. Robert hears the loud customer, comes out of his office, and sees the back of Jackie's head. He notices that she is as still as a statue and a crowd is forming in the store, so much that people are growing impatient and starts to leave.

"Hold on. Please don't leave. I'll take your orders," Robert said.

He hurries to the alley where Thunder is taking out the trash and tells him to retrieve Jackie and hurries back in to serve customers. A young woman notices Robert's stress.

"If you don't mind I can help. I worked a register for years through high school," the young woman said as she approached the register. A hesitating Robert reluctantly allowed the young brunette to work the register and wasn't surprised of how fast she learned.

Thunder grabbed Jackie by the shoulders and took her to the office. She seemed confused and upset. "I have to go home," Jackie said snapping out of her day dream.

"Well, first let's get you some water. Rest here a little while. I will be right back," Thunder said as he went to get Jackie a cup of water. He looks at Robert with a confused and worried look on his face.

"How is she?" Robert asked.

"I don't know. We will see in a few minutes," Thunder told Robert.

"Hand me a cup please," Thunder said to the brunette. As the brunette turned around so that Thunder can see her face his jaw dropped.

"Oh my God!" Thunder said excitedly.

"Hey, big guy. I saw you on The Othella Show and just had to come here and check you out. I missed you so much," the brunette said.

Thunder looks at Robert as Robert stands there looking at the reunion. "Robert this is Layla. She was one of my best friends in college," Thunder said.

Noises of tires squealing, horn blows, and people shouting distracted the conversation and reunion of Thunder and Layla. Everyone, including Thunder and Robert on the inside of the bakery runs out of the store. In the middle of the street lays Jackie with her eyes wide open.


"How are you doing? Do you need anything?" Carla asks Janet.

"I'm doing ok, thank you. I'm glad I am here. I certainly need the rest," Janet replies.

"Well you sound like you got your head together. That didn't come out right, sorry," Carla says.

"It's ok. I understand. I did this to myself and I know what you mean by getting my head together," Janet says.

"Well I have to go pick up the boys. I will call you next week," Carla said.

Janet hangs up the phone and pinches the nearest fellow client near her.


"Oh, shut up you washed up old bag," Janet replied and slapped everyone that was in her path until she reached her room, slapping at least 12 other patient.

"Aghhhhh!" Janet screamed into the pillow to muffle the sound, kicking her legs while her head bops hard like a rock star.

"Tracy, Tracy, Tracy, Tracy, Tracy..." Janet repeats for about an hour in a low raspy tone.

"Janet? Who is Tracy?" Janets' roommate asks.

Janet either ignores her or doesn't hear her at all. She just continues to repeat..."Tracy, Tracy, Tracy..." in a raspy low tone.

"It's time to take you prenatal care meds Janet," a nurse said as she enters Janet's room.

"Prenatal care meds?" Janet says snapping her out of her stance. "I'm pregnant?"

"Yes dear, we have this talk everyday. You are pregnant," the nurse says.

"Is it Jon's?" Janet asks.

"I couldn't answer that. Open up. Drink this," the nurse says with a smile and walks out the room.

Janet lifts her shirt, feels her growing belly, and flashes a devilish smile.

'He wanted a baby, now he would have to take me back. I am a real woman, not like that imposter Tracy', Janet thinks to herself.

"Tracy, Tracy, Tracy..." Janet begins to repeat in the same raspy tone and take her clothes off completely and walks the halls screaming, "that's right, I'm a real woman dammit! Look at these (grabbing her breasts)!"


"Boy, you are stupid," Lauren says and laughing hysterically.

"I can always make you laugh," Tracy says.

"Yeah, and I appreciate it too, especially after a hard day at the office. How did your doctor appointment go?" Lauren asks.

"Good, I'm having a boy. Are you gonna help me pick out a name or should I let Jon do it?" Tracy asks.

"I think you both should come up with something," Lauren said.

"I can't believe Janet...." Tracy starts to say until Lauren interrupts.

"I can. The bitch is crazy. They should have locked her up a long time ago. You betta watch yourself if she ever escapes, she coming after you, Boo Boo (saying with two hard claps of her hands)," Lauren says and accidentally drops her phone in her bath water.

"Hello, hello. Lauren, are you there?" Tracy asks.

Lauren was running bath water at the time of their conversation and forgot the phone was in her hand. She scrambles to get the phone out the water as her feet slips she falls face down in the tub. Her clothes are soaking wet. She grabs the phone, blows the water off the phone, and hits it to release any water that may have gotten inside. She turns on the phone to see if it is still working and to her surprise, a green indicator light flashes on. "Yay! Ahhh, now look at me" Lauren says to herself looking down at her wet clothes.

Tracy looks at his phone confused that Lauren hung up. He dials Lauren's number and Lauren answers on the fifth ring-breathing heavy. "Hello, sorry about that, I dropped my phone in the tub and I had to grab another," Lauren said standing in her living room with her clothes dripping wet.

"WINNING!" Tracy said impersonating Charlie Sheen and started laughing hysterically.

"Shut up, punk. I can't help it if I'm a clutts. I get it from my father. Did I ever tell you how he died? Lord rest his soul." Lauren said.

"No, I don't recall," Tracy said.

"He was a mechanic and he wasn't very organized. He broke his legs six times and he arms 8 times, 4 times on each arm. Well anyway, he was cheating on my momma with this woman that just sleeps with everybody in our neighborhood. In addition, when my mother found out she called him on the phone and her last words to him were 'you ain't slicker than a can of oil' and told him to pack all his things when he get home. Well the woman he was sleeping with came to the garage and he told her that my mom found out. So he happy because he feel a bit burden is lift off his back. He goes to do his cool daddy walk and ironically slips on some oil on the floor, flat on his back, the girl goes to help my daddy and she slips too, she grabs the lever that lifts and lowers the cars and falls. A car was coming down fast of my daddy, caught his legs under, bent, and killed him. It was tragic. Till this day my mother regrets saying 'you ain't slicker than a can of oil', Lauren finished her story and didn't hear anything, "hello?"

"Wow, that's painful," Tracy said.

"Now can you believe that my brother works for an oil company?" Lauren asked.

"Ha! Hold on, someone is beeping in," Tracy said and clicked over. "Hello?"

"Your dead bitch!" a muffled voice traveled through Tracy's ears.

"Who is this?" Tracy asked just before the caller hung the up the phone and feels wetness racing down his leg.

To be continue......


  1. First OMG I am soooooo happy that you released episode one of season 3 ... i thought i was gonna have to start a facebook group #BringBackPrivateParts lol =o) Okay but the episode was great and I have a love hate relationship with the cliff hangers =/ okay soooo what was going on with jackie ... I may have to go back and read the last episode and comment again. Then OMG is she dies did somebody hit or shoot shoot her ... and didn't Thunder telll her ass to stay put smh.

    Okay this new girl, do I smell a love interest for Thunder?!?!? I can not wait to see how this develops :-)

    Jackie is a nut job and they really should have given her crazy ass an abortion and some kind of reallly strong drug!!! Somebody needs to take her out the game like yesterday!!!

    I really really want tracy and Lauren to hook up!! They are soooo super cute!!! I hope if that was Jackie calling Tracy that Tracy punches that BITCH in the effin face!!!

  2. of all...thankyou for Ep 21...I may do like Kezia and catch up on some details of the past..but I thankya kindly!! Soo...why Janet slappin patients like that?? She so they do to her crazy azz?? Not nothin!! She stupid and you gone have me saying "Tracy..Tracy..Tracy!!!"(in a low raspy voice) for a while now!!! lmbo! I loves it!! Now I get the posts Maine was saying...I had a strong idea it was an insider to PP but wasnt quite guys!!! Hole on though...Janet prego???? Stop the press! Did I miss somethin?? Oh and yeah, I must admit, that I have sorta viewed Tracy as a girl since she..I mean..he got knocked when I read that you put "he" (which is correctly so) I got guess I will never quite get boyfriend anyways...I just basically sit back and enjoy the ride! Love the "Winning" Charlie Sheen reference! That cracked me up on the insides! All in always...loving the series...Im just all and out happy to be a part of PrivateParts...I do feel sorry for Laurens daddy though...damn! lol...
