Friday, September 30, 2011

Episode 26


"Aghhh, Agh, I'm pushing! I'm pushing!" Janet yelled.

It is 4 o'clock in the afternoon.  She is in pain, and gripping the sheets.  Blood is resting on light blue scrubs that cover the nurses and doctor.  Janet panicked with fear while the staff seemed to be extra calm and it's confusing to her.  Janet bounded with straps that seem to keep her fighting harder for an escape.  She feels a pinch in her skin and Janet starts to dawdle.  She's out.

"Here goes the head," a nurse says.

"Janet.  Janet?" the doctor calls.  Janet does not respond.  She just laying in peace and seems as if she is dead.

"She lost a lot of blood.  Get some pints in here."

There are no cries from the baby boy, just beeps from the machines and calm tones from the staff.  A nurse tries CPR on the baby, "one, one-thousand, two, two-thousand…" 

"Call Jon Capt again," the doctor orders a nurse.

"It keeps going to his voice mail and I left messages and I called his office and he is out and they don't know where he can be reached," a nurse said.

Janet gradually wakes up and feels the bruises on her ankles and wrists.  She is confused and scared.  Her eyes are wide open and she knows that it is a good chance that something will be wrong with her premature baby.  She tries to sit up and a nurse places her hand on Janet's shoulder to control and calm her.  "Just relax, everything will be okay," the nurse tries to reassure her.

"Where is she?  Where is Janet Capt?" a loud voice echoes through the halls.  The staff looks at each other and one whisper 'Jon Capt'.  A nurse runs into the hall and signals Jon to the room, "She here, but first you need to scrub up".

"Is she okay?" Jon asked while washing his arm, hands, and fingers in a hurry.

"She is doing fairly well," the nurse answered as she assisted him with fresh scrubs.

"How is the baby?" Jon said looking the nurse sternly in the eyes.  The nurse turned away and started to walk towards the room.  Jon grabs her shoulder with a strong clutch.  "Don't walk away!  Is the baby alive?"  The nurse just looks at Jon with sadness in her eyes and watches him crumble to the floor.

"JON!!!!!" Janet cries out from the other room.


                             ROBERT, SHY

"What's going on in here?  It's burning up outside and yall in here with the door closed. (Robert sniffs the air) Who's been smoking?"  Robert questioned the two boys as they look nervously at each other for who will answer him.

"The wind just blew the door closed, and Itt was smoking.  But he was in the window doing it, dad," Shy said nervously and wondering what his dad next question would be.

"Itt, I told you no smoking in the house and that includes blowing it out the window," Robert said upset.

"Sorry, it won't happen again," Itt said aggravated.

"I talked to your aunt and I need to get back to the store.  Shy I'm gonna need you and Brandy to hold down the fort, Itt you are coming back with me.  You need to see your mom, she misses you and she is getting cleaned up.  She is staying with your aunt and uncle," Robert informed Itt and Shy.

"I don't wanna see her.  Why can't I just stay here?" Itt said with an attitude.

"Cause you are an adult and I have to see about my own children well being.  That's your family and you need to be with them.  Yes, you mom has made mistakes but she is getting the help she needs and you need to be there for her.  I know she misses you and she needs you (points his finger).  So, it's final.  If you don't wanna go back, then I don't know where you gonna go because you can't stay here.  We have our own set of problems, and not that I have to explain anything to you.  So just have your things ready by the end of the week," Robert said.


"Ain't no buts about it, it's final I said!"

Robert leaves out of the room and his cell phone rings.

"Hello," Robert answers.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(inaudible person on the other end of the phone)

Itt looks at Shy with disappointment in his eyes, "who was that guy in the car?"

Shy doesn't answer, he instead hears his father sigh.  "Dad, what's wrong?"

"I'm on my way!" Robert hangs the phone up and don't say a word and runs out of the house, gets in his car and drives, breaking every law known to man to make it to the hospital.



Lauren and Tracy lay on the floor face-to-face, hearts racing, and awkward.  "I'm so sorry," Tracy said as he maneuvered himself off Lauren.

"It's okay, it's my fault.  I take after my daddy, a cluts, Lord rest his soul" Lauren replied lifting her body off the cold kitchen tile.  They both laugh hysterically with each other as tears form in their eyes.

"I'm so happy to have a friend like you, Lauren," Tracy said with joy.

"Trace, it's all good.  I here for you when you need me and I'm sure you would do the same for me.  I hope motherfucka," Lauren said jokingly.

"Hey let's just go out and eat and we can clean this mess up later.  I can go for some Mexican," Tracy said.

"Your treat, bitch.  Let's go!" Lauren said.

"You have such a foul mouth," Tracy said shaking his head.

"So, what you gonna do spank me for being a bad girl."

"How about I wash that mouth out will Lava soap."

Tracy and Lauren arrive at a Mexican Restaurant.  Lauren stands near her chair as she is waiting for Tracy to pull her chair out.  Tracy instantly takes a seat.  "What's wrong?  Something in your chair?"  Tracy asked looking at Lauren with confusion.

Lauren snatches the back of her chair fast and hard and sits.  "No Tracy, nothings is wrong with my chair," Lauren says with a slight attitude.  She mumbles, "something wrong with you manners, though".

The waitress walks over to the table.  "Hello, I'm Rebecca.  I will be waiting on you this evening (she hand them menus and places one hand on her hip).  Can I get you guys something to drink?

"Just water for me, thanks," Tracy said.

"Tequila for me, thanks.  Just bring the bottle," Lauren said and looked at Tracy for judgment.

"You going in tonight, huh?"

"I just need to take the edge off," Lauren said matter of fact way.

"I reckon," Tracy said looking at his menu.

The two patrons ate their meal; well Lauren barely touched her meal. However, she almost finished the bottle of Tequila by herself.  Lauren had to be carried out by Tracy and another waiter to the car.  Lauren was mumbling all the way to the car, no one could understand anything she was saying.  This behavior made Tracy feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Tracy and Lauren make it home safe.  With the car still running parked in the driveway, Tracy runs to the passenger side of the car to help Lauren get inside the house and into her bed.  Tracy tells Lauren she will be back; he needs to park the car inside of the garage.  Tracy leaves out the house gets inside the car and parks it inside the garage.  He gets outside the car and turns off the garage light and he notices a light shining through a partially open door.  Tracy walks carefully to the door with his pepper spray in hand, opens the door, and was shocked at what appears in his eyesight.  His jaw dropped and his mouth was wide open at the images of…


                         THUNDER (PERCY)/LAYLA

"How's it going, Layla?" Percy asked from the back of the bakery.

"It's going good, just cashing out.  You wanna grab some coffee when we're done?" Layla asked.

"Sure, why not?" Percy replied.

Layla waits outside while Percy sets the alarm and locks up the bakery.  It's a chilly New York night so she stands there with her arms folded to generate heat from her own flesh.  "Boy, will you hurry up?" Layla yelled while jumping up and down to stay warm.

"It's New York; you should always have a jacket with you, especially at night.  You not in the south girl.  Im'a have to learn you something," Percy said with a raise eye brow.

"That's not proper English, big head," Layla joked.

"Here take my jacket; my muscles will keep me warm."

"Whatever, Hercules," Layla said as she slightly snatches the jacket from Percy.

Percy and Layla walk to the nearby coffee shop and take a seat in a booth.  "It's so good to see you after all these years, Percy", Layla said smiling the whole time.

"Yeah same here, It's been a hell of a ride.  We have so much to catch up on.  So what happen to the guy you was engage too?"

"Well it turns out I wasn't the only person he was engage too.  He also was sleeping with my aunt.  A real dog, I'll tell ya.  And check this Percy, I was at his house one day and I press play in his DVD player and guess what I see?"

"What? What did you see?" Percy asked anxiously.

"You (she points at Percy), I saw you in a video," Layla said looking into Percy eyes as if he has some explaining to do.

"Hmmm…yeah.  Well I did do some videos, but I'm not gay," Percy said proudly.

"I don't understand.  But I saw…" Layla said confused.

"Some people would call it gay for pay.  I was going through a lot of shit at the time.  I did do some straight videos too, I was offered to do gay, and the money was more tempting than you can imagine.  It help me a lot, I was able to start my own business and really get my life together.  I know there other ways to make money, I get it, but I saw the opportunity and I went for it.  I have no regrets.  Look at me now, sitting across from you and I have my own gym that is successful and partnered up with Robert with the bakery that is doing really well and I am able to take care of my son like I wish too," Percy explained.

"A son?" Layla asked and more interested in hearing his story.

"Yup, I have a son, Percy Jr. teenage boy.  I had when I was really out there, doing this and that.  His mother is nuts though, but that is the pass and I have moved forward," Percy said.

"Wow, you've been busy, huh? I have been in school for journalism, on and off.  I been engaged a couple of times, but soon as we get closer to the date something always go wrong.  Percy, I have been engaged to a couple of NBA players.  I don't know, my life has not been easy either and I guess I'm just still trying to find myself," Layla said looking down at the table.

"Well let's toast to 'out with the old and in with the new and in with the old friends too' (they laugh)" Percy said happily while clinging their coffee mugs together.

"We should hang out more, Percy (she stretch her leg under the table and touches his)," Layla said flirty.

"I'd like that, Layla," Percy said excitedly as they both took the moment and stared in each other's eyes.



Janet sits up in her bed, for about three minutes she sits completely still.  The sun shines through the shades that shadowed the bars on the outside.  She looks over at her roommate whom is sound asleep.  Janet takes her one of her hands, touches her privates, and touches her belly with the other.  Her face gets heated and suddenly she needs to throw-up.  After she soiled her sheets, she throws them on the floor.  She now sits on her bare mattress naked and drenched with sweat.  She seems confused and angry.  She looks up at the clock, and it reads 8 a.m. the alarm sounds through out the building to wake patients for breakfast and medicine.  Janet hears footsteps in the hall and all she can think of is escaping this prison. 

"Good morning Janet," the roommate whispers as she sits up on her bed.

Janet don't look at her, ignores her and only thinks of her plan. 

"Fuck you too, then.  Stuck up bitch," the roommate said angrily.

The dorm room door opens and Janet jumps up fast, charging

an attendant and runs out unto the general hall only to crash into a steal cart full of paper cups with pills.

"They killed my baby!  They killed my baby!" Janet screams.

Security grabs Janet trying their best to calm and hold her down.  All the patients are screaming and pointing and the noise is similar to one out of a horror film.

"You are gonna kill your own baby if you don't settle down," a nurse tells Janet.

"They already killed my baby last night," Janet cries.

"Honey you must have had a nightmare, you are still pregnant," the nurse says while looking at Janet's bloody thighs.  "Get her to the clinic, FAST!"

"What's wrong?  What's wrong?  Why is there blood?" Janet cries as she spot the warm blood traveling down her thighs.

"Janet, just get up here (taps on the gurney) we are gonna take you to the clinic to make you feel better," the nurse said calmly.

"I still have my baby?  You promise?" Janet says wide eye.

"As I know it, yes dear.  Just lie down, we gonna take good care of you."

As the nurses and attendants roll Janet on the gurney to the clinic she turns and roll off the gurney, runs like a cheetah, barefoot and naked, and manages to get to the front entry.  She pushes the entry door but it is locked, you can only be buzzed in or out.  She runs back to where the receptionist sits and reaches her hand through the opened and finds the buzzer.  The door opens and she runs like hell.

                             FRANCESCA (at age 15)

Francesca Tagliano gets a ride from her daddy everyday to school in a stretch limo.  She always had the best clothes and is super smart, however, it worked against her in this school.  Francesca was constantly picked on and never told her father because of fear that her bullies would be punished or killed. 

As soon as the limo would pull off the thrown basketballs would hit her in the head, girls would pull her long hair, she would be kicked and spitted on.  Robert, whom she had the biggest crush on, would play games with her head.  Robert told the entire school that she was good at giving head, among other raunchy things and she hated him every since.  There was a time when he was nice to her until he started to be teased and he decided to jump on the bandwagon.  The resentment grew so strong inside of her, but she would just sit in the back of the classroom and rip her clothes on purpose to draw attention away from her being rich.  One thing she did not lack on was that she was a great scholar, something her father prided her on.  She was bullied her whole high school years and it damaged her internally.

Her father, Vincent, was head of Mafiosi, this mafia is ruthless and was out to prove themselves.  Francesca always thought when she was old enough that she would collect each one of these bullies and make them suffer by her own hands.  Francesca took the ridicule daily and she keep a diary of each day and details of her abuse.  She keeps this diary well hidden in her home and no one knew about it.  She was looked by her father worker's as tough and of high esteem; this is so far from the truth about this teenage girl.  In her diary was a list of names and the first name is Sahralonda followed by Carla, Janet, Robert, Lisa, Tammy, and Roberta, she called them parts and they were her private parts.  She would collect them as boys collected baseball cards and she would show them how it feels to suffer.

To Be Continued...

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so why do I feel like Janet is gonna have a monkey? lol...I mean her baby daddy is some random rape dude and she is stewpid so that ewuals a monkey right? does Jon really think this is his baby? soo sad...Ok, so we left off at Lauren and Tracy bout to get cookin in the kitchen and you play us with nothin happened?? what?? Tracy couldn get it up?? What is goin on at Laurens? Seems like somebody is finishing where Tracy left off? Hmmmm...Layla and Percy sound in..ter..esting! Im glad the baby didnt die then again...that baby is gonna have an interesting upbringing! I figured Francesca was sorta messed up in her childhood cause no one can be that cold blooded without a history. Sorta reminds me of the movie "The Jerk" when dude had a list of people that had done him wrong and set out to cancel them out must say, Matirio, I can see the growth in your writing..not that I am an expert but I really see you from when you first started the series and now and it is awesome. The more you write the better you have become and it is evident. I enjoyed this ep and look forward to more. I esspecially enjoy when a writer can take me to a place and I can see the characters and actually be in the place where they are..from the hospital to the kitchen to the bedroom to the bakery and I think that that is exactly the type of writing that captures your readers. Kudos, hon! Now...tell me somethin...where yo boss at? I tole you the last time that I could smell him in the air! Anticipation...your greatest gift! A1 sweetie Pie....-Alicia Bee (I couldnt post on site)
