Monday, October 10, 2011

Episode 27

                         JACKIE, STACY

"Wha..wha..what happen?  Oh my head is killing me," Jackie says while coming out of a strange stance.

You can hear her children crying in the distant muffled by a closed door and see the shock on Stacy and Tom's face.  The house lights flickered and the rooms got cold.  Suddenly they hear glass shattering on the first level of the house.  Tom looks at his wife with extreme concern, "Honey are you okay?  Do you remember anything?"

"I'm gonna check downstairs, Tom," Stacy said as she carefully raises herself off the hallway floor. 

"No, I don't remember anything.  The last thing I remember was getting the kids some cake.  Everything else is a blank.  Tom, I'm scared.  What happened to me?" Jackie said fearfully.

"Everything will be okay honey," Tom answered scared and trying to figure out what do they do from there?  He is concerned if the children would be safe and should he fear for his life.


Tom is visibly shaking but trying to hold it together for the sake of his children and his wife.  "Honey go to the bedroom and lay down, I'm going to check on the kids.  I'll be in there real soon, baby, real soon."

Tom helps Jackie to the bedroom, "I'll be right back, I'll be right back, okay?"

"Tom please hurry back," Jackie cries and wraps herself with a blanket to fight off the coldness in the house.

Tom hurries to the room where the children are, embrace them, looks at their faces, and ensure them that everything is okay and not to worry.  "I'm gonna take care of everything.  Mommie is okay now, she just was feeling a little weird, but she is okay."

"Mommie sounded like a grumpy old man, dad.  Is she a transvestite?" Jody said, their 5 year old son.

"No," Tom said looking at his son with shock.  "What do you know about that word?"

"Jerry Springer," Jody said simply.

"No! (Tom grabs Jody's head) No, she is not that, she is still your mom, she just not feeling well.  Stay put, I'm gonna check on your aunt Stacy."

Tom closes the bedroom door, walk downstairs and sees Stacy with a broom sweeping the glass off the floor.  "Stacy, how do you know that the window was shattered from the inside?" Tom asked.

"Because, most of the glass is outside.  I watch CSI," Stacy said almost proudly.

"So that means that someone was in the house?" Tom said.

"You think we should call the police?" Stacy asked.

"No, let me just check around the house."  Tom goes to the back where the patio door is broken and all you hear is crickets. 

"TOM! TOM!" Jackie screamed.

Tom stops and runs up the stairs followed by Stacy and burst into the bedroom.  He sees on the wall in bold red markings reading 'GET ITT BACK'.  Tom grabs Jackie. "Who did this?" She shrugs her shoulder, "Tom I don't know.  Stacy grabs Jackie's finger and notices blood.  "Jackie, you wrote that?" Stacy said almost whispering.

"No, I promise, I didn't write that.  I don't know…" Jackie cried.

"Honey we need to get you to a hospital, get her some bandages," Tom said.

Stacy grabs Tom and asks him to come to the hallway with her. "Tom I'm not sure if that is a good idea.  You know they may put her away.  Maybe we should wait and see if it happens again."

Tom grabs Stacy's shoulders, shaking them a little.  "Are you fucking crazy?  Something is wrong.  She had the strength of five bodybuilders.  What's gonna be next?  Somebody gets killed?  We have to call the police and take her to the hospital.  Maybe she needs to be away for awhile".  Tom sees his children out of his peripheral vision and let go of Stacys' shoulder to not scare them any further.

"Go pack up your toothbrushes and clean undies.  You are staying the night at gramps," Tom told the children.

Tom looks at Stacy, "Is this how you were brought up, thinking that the clouds will clear on their own?  I'm calling."

Tom picks up the phone and dials 9-1-1 but there is no dial tone.  He checks to see if the phone is plugged in but the cord is missing.  He walks downstairs to the kitchen phone, again no cord.  "Where are the cords to the phones?"  He hurries back up the stairs, sees the kids with their bags in hand standing in the hallway, pushes them back inside their room, walks in the room where Jackie is and sees Stacy comforting her.  He holds a phone up and looks at Stacy, "where are the cords?  Did you use them on your arms to pop a vein up to shot your dope?"

"Tom! Don't talk to her like that," Jackie said.

Tom walks over to Stacy and stands in her face, he is very angry, "I'll ask you again."

"Tom, I don't have any cords.  You are being crazy.  Get a hold of your self man," Stacy said surprised and angry.

"Tom, use your cell phone.  Who are you calling anyway?" Jackie asked.

"Honey (calming down) I'm sorry, but we have to get you some help," Tom said.

Tom picks up his cell phone and dials 9-1-1 and hears The Mary Tyler Moore theme song, 'you can turn the world on with your smile…' he throws the phone down and looks at his wife as if she was a complete stranger.  Suddenly they all was startled at the loud banging at the door.  The phone continues to play, 'you can take a nothing day and certainly make it feel worthwhile…'


                                      JON CAPT/LAUREN 

'DING' the elevator door open.

Jon Capt walks out of the elevator and seemly in a good mood.  He greets everyone that passes with 'good morning, hello, and how are you doing?' in a very genuine way.  Everyone looks at him, as he passes, with amazement on their faces because Jon Capt has been a real ass-hole for some many months.  Jon walks to his receptionist desk, Becky, and ask could she 'please' get him some coffee.

"Sure, Jon, I bring it in with your messages," Becky said.

Becky walks into Jon's office with a mug of black coffee and message slips.  She sits the coffee on his desk and hands him the message slips.

"Oh, the hospital called," Jon mentioned as he looked as his messages.

"Yes, Jon, I tried to contact you.  They said it was an emergency but they wouldn't tell me what it was about," Becky said.

"Well, I'm sure it's about Janet, the raving lunatic, acting crazy.  I told them to not call me about everything that she does that is unruly, that's what they are their for.  If I could handle her we would still be married.  That makes sense for me." Jon said and tore up the message.  He continues to read the other messages to himself.

"Can you call Lauren to my office?" Jon asked.

"I didn't see her today, sir, I don't think she came in."

"Well, did she at least call," Jon asked.

Becky shakes her head no.

"I'll call her to make sure everything is okay, thanks Becky, that would be all for now," Jon said with a smile.

Jon dials Lauren's house number.


Lauren looks at her phone and reads the caller ID.

"Oh my God! It's Jon, should I answer?" Lauren asked nervously.

"Go ahead, but be calm Lauren.  Hurry, that's the forth ring," Tracy said.

"Hey Jon, I'm sorry, I had a serious family emergency," Lauren said.

"It's okay, Lauren, but you have to call the office so we don't worry," Jon said pleasantly.

"Worry…", Lauren said under her breath surprised to even hear that Jon gave a damn.  "Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry.  I just got so caught up…"

"Well is everything okay, is there anything I can do?" Jon asked.

"NO!" she yelled, "I mean no, Jon, but thanks.  I'll be in first thing.  Is that okay?"

"Sure, Lauren, well I hope everything is okay."

"It is now, I just haven't had much sleep.  Okay Jon, thank you," Lauren abruptly hangs up the phone.

Tracy slaps Lauren on her hand, "why did you hang up like that?"

"I don't know, I got nervous." Lauren said nervously.

"Look, I'm sorry for hiding in your storage closet, but I had no place else to go and I know I am the last person that you want to see."

                          (Last Night)

Tracy leaves out the house gets inside the car and parks it inside the garage.  He gets outside the car and turns off the garage light and he notices a light shining through a partially open door.  Tracy walks carefully to the door with his pepper spray in hand, opens the door, and was shocked at what appears in his eyesight.  His jaw dropped and his mouth was wide open at the images of a bloody Janet sitting on the floor of the storage room half-naked with a baby with the umbilical cord still attached.

"Janet?" Tracy says.

"Help me.  Help me please.  I'm not crazy.  It's the drugs they give you that makes you crazy.  My baby is still alive.  Tracy will you please help me?" Janet cries.

"Yeah, (reluctantly) yeah, Janet.  I'll will help you." Tracy says sympathetically.

Tracy carefully helps Janet stand.  He runs to the car and grabs some paper towel that Lauren keeps in the car and wraps the baby.

        "Be careful, we have to cut this cord," Janet said while having a hard time walking into the house. Tracy puts Janet and the baby boy in her bed and tells her to sit tight.

Tracy runs to the bathroom and runs a tub of warm water.  He looks in the medicine cabinet for a first aid kit and a pair of scissors.  He cleans the scissors with rubbing alcohol and returned to the bedroom.  With a warm damp towel, Tracy cleans the baby and 'snip' off the cord.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay.  I think the baby is hungry," Janet says and puts her breast in the babies mouth and the little baby boy feed.

"Did I hear a baby crying?" Lauren said while barely walking to Tracy's room.  "WTF, OMG, LMAO!"

"WHAT!" Tracy said, "Lauren, this isn't facebook."

"Well, what the fuck?  Janet, what are you doing here?  Who's baby?  Oh my God, is that your baby?  I must be more drunk than I thought," Lauren said.

"Hi, Lauren.  I'm so sorry, I was really scared and this was the closest place.  I can't stay there anymore, ironically enough, it's making me crazy."

"Yeah bitch, well you are.  Heeeelllo! That's why yo ass was in there.  What did you do, escape?" Lauren said.


"Oh shit, really?"

Tracy continues to wipe blood from Janet.  Lauren looks in the direction of the bathroom, "Do I hear water?"

"Yeah, I almost forgot.  Janet come and sit in the tub and then we are gonna take you and the baby to get checked out," Tracy says.

"No, I can't go to no more hospitals.  They probably would know.  I think he is okay, he seems okay, doesn't he?" Janet pleaded and she grabs the scissors and stab Lauren in the eye, (it was a sudden flash that appeared in her head) and as the flash passed, she looked at Lauren and said, "Please help me."

Lauren felt sorry for Janet, "Okay, a few days.  Tracy, please clean her up.  My head is killing me.  Promise not to let me drink so much next time."

Tracy escorts Janet and the baby boy, still attached to her breast, to the bathroom.  After everyone was cleaned and the sheets was changed, Janet and her baby slept in Tracy's room.  Tracy slept on the living room couch. 

Lauren wakes up realizing that she is definitely missing work today and decided to make pancakes.  She notices baby milk and diapers on the living room floor, and suspects that Tracy must have gotten them last night.  Lauren popped 2 aspirin in her mouth to ease the headache.  She opens the refrigerator door to grab milk off the shelf and upon closing it her vision was interrupted by the sight of Janet.

"JANET! You scared me," Lauren said with her hand on her chest.

"Quiet, you are going to wake the baby.  Sorry for scaring you and I am also sorry for all that you had to put up with regarding me," Janet said and hold her arms out for a hug.

"Well, I accept your apology, but I don't think we are on hugging terms.  But I do want to know what is going on," Lauren said while offering Janet a seat at the table.

Janet started to explain herself the best she could with still cloudiness in her mind.  Tracy is standing in the doorway listening to Janet's explanation but it is not making any sense to him.  He understands that the drugs and the environment is not always the best in those hospitals, but what about all the time before is the thoughts that is running through his mind.  Suddenly the phone rings.  Everyone jumps as if they have committed a crime.  The caller ID reads 'Jon Capt'.

"Lauren answer it, he probably wants to know why you aren't at work," Tracy says.

The baby wakes up crying and Janet runs into the bedroom and closes the door until Lauren finishes the call.

Janet snatches the phone out of Lauren hand and hits her and knocks her out cold (the second mind flash she has had since leaving the hospital) She comes out of the flash and she is holding the baby and starts to breast feed.  She is frightened about the violent flashes and hope that they stop coming.  If not, she wonders 'what should she do to stop them?'


                           PERCY JR. / SHY / ITT

Percy sits in Shy's room on the end of the bed.  He is worried about his mom being missing.  He spoke with his aunt and she informed him that she went to see Sharalonda and they told her she was bailed out.  They didn't want to tell her who bailed her out.  Percy had been to his other relatives home to see if they have heard or saw his mom, but no one has. 

"They say it has been almost a week that she was released.  I have to call my dad to see if he has heard from her," Percy Jr. said. 

"Have she ever went missing before?" Shy asked.


"Weird…Why wouldn't the cops tell your aunt?" Itt asked.

"Good question, Itt.  I don't know.  But I wish I was going to New York to see my dad," Percy Jr. said.

"Call him, maybe he will get you a ticket.  You can tell him that your momma is missing," Itt said not wanting to leave Percy Jr. alone with Shy.

"Shy, you have a phone call!" Brandy yelled up the stairs.

Shy picks up the phone in his room, "Hello?"

"Hey, I was wondering when I will see you again," the caller said.

"I can't talk right now. (whispering in the phone) I thought I told you not to call here." Shy said trying not to look at Itt.

"Who is it?" Itt said.

Shy walks out of the room taking the phone with him into the hall.  "I'll call you later, okay?"

Itt walks to the hall and looks at Shy curiously.  "Shy are you gonna tell me what's going on?"

"No.  How about you mind your own fucking business?" Shy yelled.

"You are my fucking business.  I want to know who was on the fucking phone.  Is it someone you fucking?  I have the right to know that!"

"Really?  Do you really have the right to know?  Did I have the right to know about Christy or Michelle, oh and how about the girl around the corner that is now two months pregnant?" Shy said.

Percy Jr. had a shocked look on his face as he made his way down the stairs passing Brandy on the way up.  "What's with all the yelling?" Brandy asked and the phone rings again.

"Let me, I'll answer it," Itt snatched the phone from Shy.  "Who the fuck is this and what do you and Shy have going on?" Itt asked.

"Robert, and I gave him life.  Why are you answering my phone so hostile? Never mind, put Shy on the phone," Robert said aggravated.

Itt hands Shy the phone.  "Son, your mother woke up.  She's gonna be fine." Robert informs Shy with the good news.

To Be Continued….


  1. Yikes..this ep was creepy and darker than usual! I absolutely love that you added the link to the MaryTMoore show for effect!! I knew it was going to come in to play on the ep but never expected it to play out like that...I almost got goosebumps lol. The 5 year old with the Jerry/Transvestite question had me laughing and when Tom cut into Stacy like that I was like dayam! first I thought that it was like a exorcist type deal and now Im getting the vibe of a ghost type scenerio..hmmm. And that damn Janet! You surprised me with her being the one in the house..she is soooo crazy. Those flashbacks got me thinking she really bout to go on a rampage and that baby is gonna turn out like a Chucky doll! lol..oh my...the things you come up with! I knew Shy had something going on..Im thinking its the person in the car that brought him back his backpack huh?? Itt is acting out and wait...who is Christy and Michelle??? Questions..questions!! I thought this ep was creepycool. I feel like the storyline is really about to twist and turn and blow up! Great job once again, I enjoyed is close to the season afterall (Halloween)Love it! Alicia Bee

  2. This is a good episode!!! First of all I'm picturing Janet cutting across fields and running through lights holding her stomach justa woddling lol. Lauren is so crazy as a drunk her and all of the acronyms lol and Tracie is like you aint on facebook lol too funny. What a dramatic night for Tracie carrying Lauren out of the restaurant then finding a pregnant lady in the storage room, cutting the cord, bloody sheets yikes...can't imagine. I just thought about it Janet...Tracie in the same hjouse. Wasn't Janet having those Crazy bouts rocking and carryin on mummbling Tracie, Tracie, Tracie lol. Is she gonna flip out and like kill her while she's sleep, she's already day dreaming of hurting Lauren. Then the baby?! Is she gonna ditch him and leave him with Lauren to go after Jon? Some mess is gonna jump off at Lauren's and at some point depending on what she does Jon may think the baby is Tracies if Janet dosen't kill her. Will Jon feel betrayed by Lauren if he finds out she was harboring Janet and the baby? Will Lauren end up in jail? So many questions, so many options. Jackie and them. I love the Paranormal Activity angle very creepy. And the Mary Tyler theme song...chills soooo creepy. Has he left? Are they gonna put 2+2 together and figure out she is/was posessed by The Boss? Is he gonna drive her to go and find Itt? Poor Tom tryn to hold it together, but he is in over his head if The Boss stays around. What happens whenever or however he finds Itt? Lol the baby knows what a transvestite is via Jerry Springer....tooo funny. I don't know about Shy and Itt. If they should continue even being around each other. Lil Percy moma has been gone for a minute. Where is she? Is she okay? And where is he gonna go? Stay with Shy and them? I'm glasd Carla woke up but is she become them woman she has been dreaming about while in her coma? What is she going to become. People go through VERY BIG life changes when they wake up from comas. I she does change I hope that it is for the better, she is the only caring, nuturing person in the series and Robert is so kind and caring, I hope she is still good.
