Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Episode 28


Inside the brightly lit room a petrified expression rest on her face. She couldn't do anything but lay there helpless hoping that someone would just walk into the room to save her.

A nurse walks in with the usual pills and water.  She wonders why the nurse have a surgical mask on, and thinks 'am I contagious?'  That couldn't be the case or the assailant in the room would also be masked, and she is clearly not.  She could see that face clear as a summer sky.  "How's your reunion?" The nurse asked Francesca.

"When can I roll her big ass out of here?" Francesca asked.

         "Well we have to keep a watch on her for a while, just to make sure she is okay."

"I paid you good money to let me know when I could obtain Ms. Piggy.  Why did you even bother to call if I couldn't retrieve her?"

"I'm sorry, I thought you would like an update.  I mean…just to know that she woke up," the nurse answered.

         "I will give you 12 hours and I would be back.  (She hears Roberts voice in the hall) Did somebody call her husband?" Francesca yelled.   

"Probably another nurse or the doctor," the nurse answered afraid to witness what Francesca would do.

Francesca hurries into the bathroom to hide.  The nurse shots Carla with a sedative so that she wouldn't be able to speak.

"How is she?" Robert ask the nurse while grabbing Carla's arm.  "Honey, can you hear me?"

         "She resting," the nurse said.

"When can she come home?" Robert asked.

"I just spoke with the doctor and we have to keep her here for another 36 hours for observation, but It's very promising," the nurse informs him (smiling).

"Well I'm sure you are doing all you can.  I need to used the rest room, would you excuse me?" Robert said.

The nurse steps in front of him, "NO! Please use the one in the lobby, I just called to have that one cleaned (she pinches her nose)."

Robert looks at her and wonders why she has the surgical mask on her face, "Sure no problem.  I have to leave now but I would be back tomorrow to talk with the doctor," he leaves the room and Francesca comes out of the bathroom.

"I'll be back tomorrow.  Make sure everything is in order," Francesca threatens the nurse.  Looks at Carla, "she lost weight, I see". 

"Yeah, she was on liquids," the nurse responded.

A doctor walks into the room, "how's our patient?  Oh, hello (he looked at Francesca with hungry eye's, stunned by her beauty) I'm Dr. Scott, are you a relative or friend?"

"Yes." Francesca said vaguely and of course without introducing herself, and she just leaves.

Doctor Scott looks at the masked nurse, squints his eyes, and puts his hand up to his mouth, gesturing that she must be mistaken to have the mask on.  The nurse looks at Carla to make sure she was still sedated and took the mask off, "Oh I forgot I had it on."

"Who was that lady?" Doctor Scott asked.

"I don't know, I just walked in before you did, doctor," the nurse lied.


A disappointed Francesca arrives at her mansion greeted by the staff to fulfill whatever need she has at that moment.  "I just want to be left alone.  I don't need a damn thing right now."

Francesca goes into her bedroom and closes the door.  She lights some rose scented candles, turns on her vintage record player and places Chris Isaak's Wicked Game album on the turntable .  It plays on repeat as she lays across her bed and starts to undress out of her Alexander McQueen gown.  She grabs her cigarette case out of her bag and lights a cigarette.  After only two puffs, she puts the cigarette out.  She is extremely frustrated and she needs a rapid relief.  She grabs a remote off a table and a large flat screen TV rises up out of a console.  She presses 'play'. 

"Welcome to the Othello Show!  We have two special guess today…" the sound blasts from the screen.  Francesca fast-forwards until she sees a close up on Robert, she presses 'pause'.

"Yes. Yes, big boy.  That's it.  Keep it going.  I know you made a mistake.  Yes.  Yes.  (moans continues) She can't do it like this, can she?  Oh Robert, my big teddy bear.  Yes, Oh yes, feed me those cakes, big daddy.  Know one knows loving like my big muffin," Francesca goes on and on, pleasing herself.

Francesca bedroom door abruptly opens.  She is surprised at what appears and is happy.  Robert slams the door behind him and strips off his Brook Brother suit.  "Oh Francesca, I couldn't wait to get meet up with you.  I'm so glad you found me," Robert goes over to Francesca's welcoming arms.


                          PERCY (THUNDER)

"…and know one has heard anything?" Percy asked.

"Nothing, dad.  Could you call the police station and find out who bailed her out?" Percy Jr. asked.

Percy sits on the edge of his bed.  He is tired from working so hard at the bakery and managing his club from long distant.  "Yeah, give me the number and I will get to the bottom of this."

Percy Jr. gives his dad the number and asks when he can come to New York.  "Son, this is just temporary and I don't have the room where I'm staying.  I will be back there once we are confident that the managers can handle it without us.  You know the bakery is still new and so are the people," Percy said.

Percy gets off the phone with his son and starts to pace in the small bedroom.  'I have enough stress as it is, I really don't need to deal with Londa.  DAMN!"

The phone rings and Percy looks at it and rolls his eyes.  He is afraid to hear any news at this point.  He realizes that there is no answering machine to answer the annoying ring so he gives in and answers.


"Hey Percy, it's me.  Carla came out of her coma," Robert said.

"Ah man, that's great.  How is she doing?"

"Well I have not spoken with her yet.  She will be release in about 3 days, they have to keep her for observation," Robert said sounding tired.

"So does that mean that you would be there for a little longer?" Percy asked.

"Yes, how is Layla?  Does she have the hang of things?" Robert asked.

"Yes, I have no complaints," Percy told Robert and told him about Sahralonda being missing.

"Well do you trust her enough to think that she can handle the store on her own for a little while?" Robert asked.

"I think so, Robert.  She seems solid," Percy said with confidence.

Percy calls Layla once he was done speaking with Robert. "So what do you think, Layla?"

"Of course, you go and take care of your business and I will handle everything from here," Layla anwered.

"I really enjoyed our time together," Percy said smiling.

"I have to go, Percy, I'm sorry," Layla said and immediately hung up the phone.

Percy looked at the phone confused.  "I hope I didn't make a mistake." He lays across the bed on his back and day dream about him and Layla, a possibility or not.


"We got them right where we need them.  Talk to you later Fran." Layla said smiling as she hangs up the phone.

To Be Continue…..


  1. What is Fran up to? Is she gonna do a face off with Carla? Was that a dream she was having about Robert actually coming in on her Othello porn? I can imagine her doing a John Travolta/Nicholas Cage move but I think my imagination is running wild because anything can happen in the mind of this ep was interesting and unfortunately shorter than the last. I still like the links. I love that song and its funny that Fran plays it. No one knows lovin like my big muffin?? Too funny! What is going on with Londa? Where is she? I know it has Fran all over it and this Layla hooka..I knew it was something too trusting about her! She is helping to bring down Percy and Londa and Carla and the bakery with Fran! What a wicked game we play indeed! I was hoping to hear more about the bi#@&'s I love to hate (Janet and Tracy) and Itt's response about the pregnancy! Can't help but wait :/ I could have used two more paragraphs on this one...I guess I'm a greedy reader..with my late reading self lol-Alicia Bee

  2. posted my comment this time!! Lol..I'm excited...
